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Sailing the seas with your own ships is one of the most freeing experiences in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. It is at this point the whole world quite literally opens up to you, with you able to sail yourself across the vast straits of the ocean.

Monster Wrangling Breathes New Life Into Dragon Quest 3
Dragon Quest 3 is already a fantastic game, but how much does the new class and associated side quest affect things in the remake?
One of the areas you may frequently hear tell of in your adventures is some cove of pirates, bloodthirsty scoundrels who are ready to set upon you and plunder your riches. That sounds like a fine place to discover for yourself, but where exactly is it in this vast world?
Where Is The Pirate’s Den?
As one might except with Pirates, the location they find themselves in would be one only sea-faring folk could reach, and that applies to you as well. Before you can find your way to this den of ne’er-do-wells, you need a ship of your own from the King of Portoga.
While at the helm of your own ship though, the Pirate’s Den is not that much of a struggle to find. Starting from Portoga, sail due west and a little bit south to reach the massive continent that is shaped conspicuously like South America.
The Pirate’s Den will be the small settlement resting on the coast at the point where the land curves inwards. It’s the only settlement you can reach here, so it’s hard to miss. Lay down your anchor and get to exploring for treasure!
Where To Find The Red Orb
While there are plenty of treasures to find inside the Pirate’s Den, the most precious of all is hiding in plain sight outside – the Red Orb. You might notice a rather eye-catching statue of a pirate wielding a cutlass off to the right of the main building.
There’s also an ominous red glow below it. Well, you can actually push this statue out of the way by walking into it, revealing a secret passage underneath, Climb on down to find the Red Orb sitting in a treasure chest. There’s also a Skull Ring and Phantom Mask in the other two chests.
Exploring The Pirate’s Den
During The Day
Now it’s finally time to greet our pirate friends. A man outside will tell you to avoid going inside for fear of this menacing pirates. If you go during the day, the den is empty entirely. Take this as your chance to look around without any threats.
There’s nothing too complex going on in here, so let’s run through each of the items you can find in short order.
- There’s an Imp monster to rescue in the captain’s quarters to the upper left.
- A pair of Leg Warmers in the drawers on the opposite side of the Imp.
- A Mini Medal can be found in the middle barrel in the room filled with barrels and pots.
- A Dummy accessory can be found in the sack hanging on the wall in the bedrooms on the lower right.
You can also head downstairs through the stairs to find a man imprisoned. He will inform you that the pirates return at night to count their loot if you really want to avoid them.
There is nothing else to this man. Even if you access his cell with the Ultimate Key, he won’t react any different or try to run.
During The Night
As promised, the pirates return at night. Except in a shocking turn of events, they’re actually quite the jovial bunch. In fact, they’re quite proud of you and your task in saving the world. How nice of them. They even let you rob them blind with permission, so get to looting.
Except there’s nothing really new to discover here. The pirates have plenty of helpful hints to offer you though, such as a ghost ship that can be summoned with a special bone from a man in a snowy area up north, or the secret island of Lozamii somewhere to the south-west. Interesting tiding, by all means.
If you want to get some helpful information from the Captain, you have to be a little sexist and say it’s odd that a woman is leading a gang of pirates. Even if you are a woman yourself, bizarrely.
If you head up into one of the rooms on the upper right, you will see a woman in a green dress, the only other woman here aside from the Captain. Well she just so happens to be a monster, a Lump Mage to be precise. You will need Ra’s Mirror from Manoza to reveal her true form though, so come back for her later if you don’t have it right now.
That’s all there is to the Pirate’s Den, a decidedly kinder locale than just about everyone made it out to be. Almost makes you want to become a pirate yourself.

Dragon Quest 3 Remaster Preview: Prepare To Be Insulted
Wonder how being a raging narcissist will help me on my quest…
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