We all like to think we have a winning personality, one that makes us irresistible to the people we want to attract. Your personality determines a lot of your life, how you move through it, and so on. Well funnily enough, the exact same is true of Dragon Quest 3!

Monster Wrangling Breathes New Life Into Dragon Quest 3
Dragon Quest 3 is already a fantastic game, but how much does the new class and associated side quest affect things in the remake?
In Dragon Quest 3 Remake, every character has a Personality of their own that determines a lot about them in conjunction with Job. You don’t always have a direct hand in how these Personalities form though, and you might be wondering to what extent they actually affect the game. Well let’s find out.
What Do Personalities Do?
In Dragon Quest 3 Remake, Personalities form the core of every character and how they grow. Personalities, on top of being a way of making characters feeling slightly more unique, changes your stat growth. Every Job has its own stat growth, while each Personality alters stat growth as well.
This means that, ideally, you want to match the Personality to the Job. For your companions, their Personality is randomly decided once you’ve finished creating them. As such, you have to just hope that their Personality fits the Job they’re assigned.
However, this does allow you to make some truly diverse characters. A Mage with high Resilience from a Personality like Tough Cookie will still get decent Wisdom growth from being a Mage, but will then have much higher defence to actually survive a few hits.
The Personality a character gets can either be used to quickly raise their stats all in one direction, or to diversify them to make them more viable in multiple scenarios.
Can You Change Your Personality?
For your companions, their Personality is decided the moment they are created. For your own Hero, their Personality is determined by the Personality Quiz you take at the very beginning of the game, as well as by the actions you take while in the form of a monster. Try to answer honestly and act naturally to get a Personality befitting yourself.
But what if you don’t like the Personality the games assigns you, for either yourself or your companions? Well thankfully, you’re in luck! Though the options are frequently limited, you can change the Personality of everyone in your party, your own Hero included.
There are two primary ways of going about this. The first is books. Reading certain books, which are almost exclusively found in bookshelves across the world, will alter your Personality permanently. You cannot go back on this except by reading a book with the same Personality as you had before. Books are in limited supply as well, so only change your Personality permanently if you’re confident in your choice.
The second method is much less permanent, though has a few extra caveats. Every character can equip two accessories in a Main and Sub slot. Certain accessories also change your Personality, but only when equipped in the Main slot. If equipped in the Sub slot, they only offer stat values. This lets you change your Personality with less commitment, though means you have to forsake more powerful accessories.
This does not apply to Cursed accessories, and they will trigger in both slots. These can be removed at a Church.
Every Personality And What Stats They Affect
There are a total of 46 different Personalities present in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. Plenty of them are similar to each other, having similar or outright identical effects. Some of this is just for a little bit of character differentiation, and some of it is more minute than you might expect.
Here’s every Personality you can find in the game and which stats they affect.
That’s quite a few Personalities to choose from! The vast majority of them have accessories and books to change into them too, so even the Wimpiest character can become a real Tough Cookie with dedication.

Dragon Quest 3 Remaster Preview: Prepare To Be Insulted
Wonder how being a raging narcissist will help me on my quest…
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