How To Change Your Name And Look In Dragon Quest III Remake

How To Change Your Name And Look In Dragon Quest III Remake

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Character Creators can always be a tad finicky. Whether its the lightning or the framing, sometimes a choice you make does quite look as nice in practice as it does in theory. And the worst part of it all is when a game doesn’t give you the option to change it.


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In Dragon Quest 3 Remake, this fear is double-fold. Not only do you have to create the name and appearance for your own Hero, but you must do so for every companions you recruit as well. Not the kind of thing you want to make mistakes with. But can you rectify any such mistakes? let’s find out.

Is Your Name And Look Permanent?

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake the hero being prompted to answer truthfully by a waterfall.

The short answer to this is both yes and no. In the case of your own Hero, the name and look you choose is permanent. You cannot change your chosen name or true name again, and your appearance is already predefined with the choice you make at the beginning. In that sense, your Hero is immutable. They have a role to play that cannot be changed.

Your companions, on the other hand, are free real estate. Just about everything can be changed about them, from the colour of their hair to the sound of their voice. The only thing you can’t change is their gender, unfortunately.

It will be a decent chunk into the game until you can alter any of these, however, with the name and appearance-changing functions not unlocking until you reach Alltrades Abbey.

How To Change Your Appearance

Alltrades Abbey is found to the north-west of Baharata, the town the King of Portoga sends you to in a quest to acquire Black Pepper. Once you reach Baharata, you are free to continue onwards to the Alltrades Abbey, where a wide variety of functions open up to you.

One such function is the ability to change your appearance, which is thankfully almost as comprehensive as when you first make your companions. This is done with Healizah, who will let you change the following parts of a companion:

  • Their overall look.
  • Their hair colour.
  • Their voice type.

All of these transformations are completely free-of-charge and can be done infinitely, so change up your companions whenever the mood strikes.

Healizah can be found on the exterior of Alltrades Abbey, nestled in her own little corner by the right side of the building.

How To Change Your Name

Changing your name is functionally the same process as changing your appearance, and it is also accessed at the Alltrades Abbey. All you have to do is find the Servant of Appello, who is in a fenced corner to the left side of the building.

This is a simple process. You simply tell her who you want to change the name of, and the in-game keyboard pops up to let you type in any name that strikes your fancy. That’s it. Same as with Healizah, you can change your companions’ names as often as you like for completely free.

As before, this does not apply to your Hero, whose name and look much stay the same from the moment they are decided upon.


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