How To Change Difficulties In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

How To Change Difficulties In Dragon Quest 3 Remake
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Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D Remake has three difficulty settings for players to choose from. Random encounters will be a constant occurrence as you explore dungeons and travel across the overworld map, making combat by far the biggest part of the game.

While you originally choose the difficulty of the game when first starting up a new playthrough, you can change the difficulty at any time. The difficulty of the game not only affects monsters in battle but also the speed at which your party will level up and earn gold; here are the differences in difficulty and how to change the difficulty whenever you want.

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Every Difficulty Option In Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake

There are three difficulty settings in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake, Dracky Quest, Dragon Quest, and Draconian Quest, acting as an easy, normal, and hard option.

Difficulty Name


Dracky Quest

  • Easy
  • The party can never be wiped out in battle, no matter how much HP you lose.
  • The party deals more damage.
  • Some bosses will not regenerate health each turn.

Dragon Quest

  • Normal
  • The party and monsters all do normal damage based on their stats.
  • Some bosses do regenerate health each turn.

Draconian Quest

  • Hard
  • All bosses have more HP and some regenerate health each turn.
  • Enemies deal more damage.
  • The party hitting a weakness deals less damage.
  • The party earns less Gold and XP when winning a battle.

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How To Change Difficulties In Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake

If you’re not sure which difficulty is right for you, you can try each one out as you play by changing the difficulty anytime outside of combat. There is no penalty or changes to the gameplay when changing your difficulty, so do it as often as you’d like. It can be helpful to switch to a lower difficulty when trying to grind for XP and level up fast. To change the difficulty in-game:

  • Open the main menu
  • Go to Misc.
  • Go to System Settings third from the bottom.
  • Difficulty Settings can be found towards the middle, letting you tab over between each difficulty setting.

While a remake, this game pulls a lot of the combat mechanics from the original game that may take some getting used to for new fans. It’s recommended to start out at Dragon Quest to get a feel for the game’s systems while completing the first island and getting the Thief’s Key, which acts as the game’s tutorial area.

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