In Dragon Quest 3 Remake, you can make all your companions yourself, choose their Jobs, what look like, and even what they sound like. You get quite a good amount of customisation, and even get the freedom to change most of it again later, too.

Monster Wrangling Breathes New Life Into Dragon Quest 3
Dragon Quest 3 is already a fantastic game, but how much does the new class and associated side quest affect things in the remake?
That said, nothing beyond their weapons actually physically appear on them in battle, making the armour you equip only stats and effects. That’s great, but it would be better if it was actuallly visible. Ah, but there are some exceptions to the rule. One such piece of armour is the Cat Suit, and it is simply magnificent.
What’s So Special About The Cat Suit?
What makes the Cat Suit so important that it warrants its own article, you ask? Well that’s quite simple – it turns you into a cat. A massive orange tabby cat with a little bell on the collar, to be precise. This changes how you look both in overworld exploration and during battle. It’s amazing and adorable.
The Cat Suit will also remain visible in plenty of cutscenes, so be prepared for sorrowful scenes with you donning a furry suit.
If the looks aren’t enough to sell you on it, it also offers incredible defence for how early in the game you can get your first one. As soon as you get your own ship from the King of Portoga, you can set sail and find this only a few minutes journey away.
Where To Find The Cat Suit
There are multiple copies of the Cat Suit you can acquire in the game, though the majority of them found quite a bit later in the game. Here’s the locations for all of them, in order of earliest to latest you can acquire them:
- The small island to the north-east of Aliahan. It will also have a Cower Ring and Iron Claws.
- Another can be won from the Rank Five Monster Battle Tourney. This is the first one available to you in Manoza, and you must have beaten the previous four to challenge it.
- A third can be found within Manoza cave itself, which is the cave surrounded by toxic pools to the south-east of Manoza City.
Manoza is found in the southern section of the easternmost continent. To get here first requires having the Ultimate Key, so it’s quite a bit into the game before you can reach here.
Just about every Job can wear the Cat Suit too, meaning everyone can take the fight to the vile Baramos while dressed as an adorable kitty cat. Sadly, it does not give a boost to claw weapons.

Dragon Quest 3 Remaster Preview: Prepare To Be Insulted
Wonder how being a raging narcissist will help me on my quest…
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