Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s Zombies mode has brought back some fan-favorite mechanics, notably Gobblegums. These powerful consumables have been given a facelift and brought forward in the latest CoD installment, giving players a ton of control over their loadout and overall difficulty experience.

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In this guide, we go over how Gobblegums work in Black Ops 6, where you can find them, and give our recommendations for the best Gobblegums to keep an eye out for. Favorites like Perkaholic and Phoenix Up make a return, but before you can start using these gums every game, you’ll first need to earn them.
Updated November 14, 2024, by Charles Burgar: Now that the community has collected more data on Gobblegum drops, we now have a rough idea of the drop rates of each rarity type and how Gobblegum acquisition works in BO6 Zombies. We’ve updated this guide with new information on Gobblegums, including drop rates, reward frequency, and a breakdown of what every Gobblegum does.
What Are Gobblegums?
Gobblegums are one-time-use consumables that you can use in Zombies, granting powerful buffs for your current run. While on any Zombies map, you’ll come across Gobblegum confectionery machines that can be interacted with for free each round or every 300 seconds, whichever happens first. This will pull a random Gobblegum from your current Gobblegum Loadout.
Once you chew on a Gobblegum, you’ll be able to activate its effects whenever you see fit. Any Gobblegums that are timed will start their timer the second you activate them. You can cycle between three Gobblegums at a time. Your loadout can hold up to five Gobblegums.
Gobblegum Effects
Since these items are one-time consumables, they are incredibly strong and can downright trivialize Zombies. They can do anything from spawn power-ups to give you every single perk in the game for free. Typically, the rarer the Gobblegum, the stronger it is.
Gobblegums come in five rarities:
- Rare: Provides basic gameplay upgrades and common power-ups.
- Epic: Spawns uncommon power-ups and modifies game mechanics.
- Legendary: Strong economy-bending perks that let you Pack-A-Punch weapons for free or get free perks.
- Ultra: Arguably overpowered. These Gobblegums trivialize the game when used correctly.
- Whimsical: Visual modifiers that don’t affect gameplay or mechanics.

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Gobblegum Loadouts
Before you start a Zombies game, you’ll be given the option to modify your starting loadout. The most important part of your Create-A-Class loadout is your Gobblegum Loadout. This collection of five pre-selected Gobblegums can spawn in confectionery stations around the map. By curating a loadout that suits your playstyle, you can greatly influence the early and mid-game of Zombies.
Beyond the rarity system, you’ll also notice that each Gobblegum has a number next to it. This number denotes how many copies of that Gobblegum you own. Chewing on a Gobblegum awarded from a confectionery stand will consume a copy. If you don’t have any copies of your chosen Gobblegum and it gets pulled from the confectionery stand, you won’t get anything. Try to rotate your loadouts to ensure you have stocked Gobblegums for each game.
Acquiring New Gobblegums
New Gobblegums are acquired by leveling up and completing rounds in Zombies. Leveling your account will unlock new Gobblegums for use, giving you a copy of that Gobblegum when you first unlock it. Past that, you’ll need to complete rounds of BO6 Zombies. Each wave has a chance of giving you a random pool of Gobblegums. This seems to be based on playtime, not on your current round.
Gobblegums may also be purchased from the in-game store for CoD Points, although we aren’t sure what the exact asking price is—the store isn’t populated for launch.
How Gobblegum Drops Work
Based on limited testing, it appears that you receive a random assortment of Gobblegums for every 20-30 minutes of Zombies you play. Once you hit this time threshold, the next round will award a Gobblegum pack that drops 1-3 Gobblegums. What you get is random, although drops seem weighted; higher-rarity Gobblegums have a lower drop chance.
According to YouTuber Doughnuts’ findings, it appears that Gobblegum drops have the following weightings:
- Rare: 45% chance.
- Epic: 33% chance.
- Legendary: 17% chance.
- Ultra: 5% chance.
There is no way you can influence these rates. Staying for longer rounds, completing the map’s main easter egg, and completing camo challenges have zero influence on drop rates. There is a community theory that your current account level determines what types of Gobblegums can drop, but there is zero evidence to support this as of writing. If the Zombies community discovers any details about this, we’ll update this section with more accurate information.
For now, all we can definitively say is you get Gobblegums from playing Zombies. That’s it. You’ll get a drop for every 20-30 minutes you play. Playtime doesn’t have to be consecutive either; you can play multiple five-minute games and receive a Gobblegum bundle during your fifth or sixth match. Prestige rewards sometimes include Gobblegum packs as well, although these bundles seem to work the same as the reward caches you get from Zombies matches.
Whimsical Gobblegums
Thankfully, getting Whimsical Gobblegums is more straightforward. You get one Whimsical Gobblegum for successfully extracting in a Zombies match. Which Gobblegum you get is random. Standard Gobblegum reward sources do not award Whimsical Gobblegums.
Every Gobblegum
The Best Gobblegums
- Shields Up (Rare): Refills your armor and makes it twice as strong for three minutes.
- Exit Strategy (Epic): Allows you to immediately spawn an Exfil, useful if you’re playing a co-op match.
- Phoenix Up (Legendary): Revies all downed players, keeping their perks.
- Wall/Crate Power (Legendary): The next wall/box weapon you pull will be T1 Pack-A-Punched.
- Perkaholic (Ultra): Gain every perk.
- Wonderbar! (Ultra): Your next mystery box pull will be a Wonder Weapon.

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