CoD Black Ops 6: All Calling Cards

Black Ops 6 Reveals Wild New Skins Coming to the Store

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There are a wealth of cosmetic items to unlock in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 enabling players to stand out from the crowd on the virtual battlefield. Whether it’s an Operator or a weapon camouflage, players can customize almost every aspect of their look.

Calling Cards have been a staple of Activision’s shooter series and have become a fan-favorite feature thanks to their unique designs. The majority of Calling Cards in Black Ops 6 are locked behind a variety of challenges, including Dark Ops. Here, find all Black Ops 6 Calling Cards along with their unlock requirements for multiplayer, the campaign, and Zombies.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Players Point Out Problem With Objective Mode Scoreboards

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players point out a glaring issue with the shooter’s scoreboard when it comes to objective modes.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Calling Cards List

call of duty black ops 6 bug three weapons

Below is a full list of Calling Cards that are available in all Black Ops 6 modes:




Campaign Master

Complete all Career Challenges in the Campaign


Kill an assassination target using a Throwing Knife in Blood Feud

Double Down

Defend the vault using pistols in High Rollers

No Smoking

Kill 10 enemies using Dragon’s Breath rounds in a single playthrough of Ground Control

Fatal Variety

Score a kill with 12 different weapons in Checkmate

Brutal Maneuvers

Perform 5 Finishing Moves on Elite Soldiers

Mortal Maestro

Complete all Imaginative Killer challenges

Insight Advancement

Find all 4 audio logs in Hunting Season

Retina Ready

Earn the Senator’s retinal scan three different ways in Most Wanted

Collect Calls

Answer all the phones in Emergence

Keen Eye

Use Sev’s Keen eye ability on the 3 desk guards in Under the Radar

Detail Devourer

Complete all dialogue trees in each visit to The Rook

Safe Cracker

Open all the safes

Sleuth Supreme

Complete all Thorough Investigator challenges

Phantom Presence

Sneak through the Black Site without being detected in Most Wanted

Endless Options

Destroy the Scud missiles without C4 in Hunting Season

Missing Persons

Stash 5 bodies inside lockers in Under the Radar


Complete the Time Trial in a single run in Separation Anxiety

Campaign Dark Ops 100%

Complete all 4 Dark Ops Campaign challenges


black ops 6 calling cards

These challenges require players to earn weapon camouflages in both multiplayer and Zombies modes:



Gold Collector

Earn Gold Collector camo for any weapon

Mystic Gold Collector

Earn Mystic Gold Collector camo for any weapon

Diamond Collector

Earn Diamond camo for any weapon

Opal Collector

Earn Opal camo for any weapon

Dark Spine Collector

Earn Dark Spine camo for any weapon

Afterlife Collector

Earn Afterlife camo for any weapon

Dark Matter Collector

Earn Dark Matter camo for any weapons

Nebula Collector

Unlock Nebula camo for any weapon

Dark Indeed

Earn Dark Matter camo on 33 weapons in multiplayer

Dark Journey

Earn Nebula camo on 33 weapons in Zombies

Mastery Badges


These Calling Cards require players to earn a number of Mastery Badges. These are milestones earned by completing specific tasks with various weapons in the arsenal:



Multiplayer Assault Rifle Mastery

Unlock 2 Mastery Badges for assault rifles

Multiplayer Submachine Gun Mastery

Unlock 6 Mastery Badges for SMGs

Multiplayer Marksman Rifle Mastery

Earn 4 Mastery Badges for marksman rifles

Multiplayer Shotguns Mastery

Unlock 2 Mastery Badges for shotguns

Multiplayer Light Machine Guns Mastery

Unlock 3 Mastery Badges for LMGs

Multiplayer Sniper Rifles Mastery

Earn 2 Mastery Badges for sniper rifles

Multiplayer Pistols Mastery

Unlock 4 Mastery Badges for pistols

Multiplayer Launchers Mastery

Unlock 2 Mastery Badges for launchers

Multiplayer Melee Mastery

Unlock 2 Mastery Badges for melee weapons

Multiplayer Tactical Mastery

Unlock 8 Mastery Badges for Tactical Equipment

Multiplayer Lethal Mastery

Unlock 9 Mastery Badges for Lethal Equipment

Multiplayer Field Upgrades Mastery

Unlock 11 Mastery Badges for Field Upgrades

Multiplayer Scorestreaks Mastery

Unlock 18 Mastery Badges for Scorestreaks

In addition to Black Ops 6 multiplayer, there are several Mastery Calling Cards available to earn in Zombies which can be found in the table below:



Zombies Assault Rifle Mastery

Unlock 7 Mastery Badges for assault rifles

Zombies Submachine Gun Mastery

Unlock 6 Mastery Badges for SMGs

Zombies Marksman Rifle Mastery

Earn 4 Mastery Badges for marksman rifles

Zombies Shotguns Mastery

Unlock 2 Mastery Badges for shotguns

Zombies Light Machine Guns Mastery

Unlock 3 Mastery Badges for LMGs

Zombies Sniper Rifles Mastery

Earn 3 Mastery Badges for sniper rifles

Zombies Pistols Mastery

Unlock 4 Mastery Badges for pistols

Zombies Launchers Mastery

Unlock 2 Mastery Badges for launchers

Zombies Melee Mastery

Unlock 2 Mastery Badges for melee weapons

Zombies Tactical Mastery

Unlock 8 Mastery Badges for Tactical Equipment

Zombies Lethal Mastery

Unlock 9 Mastery Badges for Lethal Equipment

Zombies Field Upgrades Mastery

Unlock 11 Mastery Badges for Field Upgrades

Zombies Scorestreaks Mastery

Unlock 18 Mastery Badges for Scorestreaks


Call of Duty reveals season 1 battle pass.

There are a couple of Calling Cards up for grabs for unlocking all of the reticles on offer for each Optic attachment available for players to use:



Multiplayer Optics Master

Unlock all reticles for 33 optics

Zombies Optics Master

Unlock all reticles for 33 optics

Multiplayer – Career & Boot Camp

call of duty black ops 6 dreadnought with no kills

There are hundreds of Calling Cards to earn by playing Black Ops 6 multiplayer. Each of them slots into their own category based on what players need to do in order to earn them. For clarity, we’ve added all of the challenges into their own table:



Multiplayer Career 100%

Complete all Career challenges

Action Hero

Score 10 kills while diving sideways or backward


Score 10 kills while sliding sideways or backward

Pocket Knife

Score 25 melee weapon kills

Stalking Prey

Score 25 kills while crouched or prone

Communications Major

Ping an enemy who is then killed shortly after 15 times

Guerrilla Warfare

Score 10 kills using enemy weapons picked up off the ground

Boot Camp Master

Complete all Boot Camp challenges

Multiplayer – Elite Operator



Top Dog

Win a match with the highest score 25 times


Finish in the Top 3 in matches with 8 or more players 50 times


Earn a Coast Cleared medal 10 times

Clean House

Kill every enemy at least once in the same life 5 times


Win a Team Deathmatch, Free for All, or Search and Destroy match with the most Eliminations and highest Elimination/Death ratio of all players

Movie Star

Feature in the Best Play 10 times

Elite Operator Master

Complete all Elite Operator challenges

Multiplayer – Grizzled Veteran

call of duty black ops 6 bug three weapons

The Grizzled Veteran Calling Cards require players to earn huge amounts of eliminations and headshots in the heat of battle:



Eliminations Collector

Score 10,000 Eliminations

Headshot Collector

Score 1,000 headshots


Win 250 matches


Score 500 Assault medals

Racked Up

Earn 1,000,000 score

Dialed In

Score 500 Scorestreak kills

Grizzled Veteran Master

Complete all Grizzled Veteran challenges

Multiplayer – Hardened



Multiplayer Battle Hardened 100%

Complete all Battle Hardened Challenges

Multiplayer – Killer

Killer Calling Cards require players to go on lengthy streaks in addition to earning eliminations in quick succession:



Double Killer

Score 50 Double Kill medals

Triple Killer

Score 25 Triple Kill medals

Fury Killer

Score a Fury Kill medal

Bloodthirsty Killer

Score 5 kills without dying 50 times

Merciless Killer

Score 10 kills without dying 10 times

Ruthless Killer

Score 15 kills without dying

Killer Master

Complete all Killer challenges

Multiplayer – Humiliation

This set of Calling Cards revolves around the more unusual ways Black Ops 6 players can be eliminated:



Behind Enemy Lines

Perform a Finishing Move while using the Sleeper Agent 10 times

Tick Tock Boom

Score 50 kills with a stuck Semtex

You Have My Attention

Score 25 Turned On medals

Captive Audience

Score a kill while using an enemy as a Body Shield 10 times

From The Grave

Score 25 Afterlife medals


Score 100 kills with the Combat Axe

Humiliation Master

Complete all Humiliation challenges

Multiplayer – Going HamCall of Duty: Black Ops 6 players don't need to use Prestige Tokens on Battle Pass weapons

The Going Ham category highlights those moments where players can completely turn the tide of a match thanks to their gameplay:



Four Piece Dinner

Score a Quad Feed medal

Hot Swap

Use 2 or more different weapons to score a Triple Kill or better 5 times

Bang For The Buck

Score 2 kills with a piece of Lethal Equipment 10 times

Redemption Arc

Kill an enemy while in Last Stand from the Morphine Injector, then get another kill shortly after 5 times


Score a Double Kill medal or better against attackers or defenders in objective game modes 20 times

Overwhelming Force

Score 5 Going Hard medals

Going Ham Master

Complete all Going Ham challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 1

Available for those who have decided to Prestige, there are several Calling Cards up for grabs. With the game cycle in its infancy and several players still working towards the coveted title of Prestige Master, some of the unlock requirements for specific Calling Cards haven’t been uncovered yet.

When they are, we’ll be sure to update the page with all the intel:



Multiplayer Prestige 100%

Complete all Prestige challenges

On Point

Kill an enemy who shot you first while, or shortly after, diving once

Squint Test

Earn a Moonshot medal

Flowing Low

Earn 4 Snaked medals

I Got First

Earn 10 First Blood medals


Earn an Action Shot medal


Earn 25 Wall Bang medals

Combat Scenarios Master

Complete all Combat Scenarios challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 2



Dead Eye

Earn 5 One Shot, One Kill medals

Up Close

Score 25 Point Blank medals with shotguns

Brute Force

Kill 10 enemies while defending an objective using an LMG with a Crossbar underbarrel and Belt Fed Magazine


Score 25 hipfire kills using an SMG equipped with No Stock and Rapid Fire attachments


Kill 5 enemies without reloading using an assault rifle with an Extended Magazine

Backup Plan

Score a kill with a primary weapon and a pistol in a single life 10 times

Versatility Master

Complete all Versatility challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 3




Score 10 Wipeout medals


Score 50 kills on enemies assaulting, arming, or defusing objectives


Score 25 Forward Position medals

Hot Lead

Destroy 5 Scorestreaks using a weapon equipped with FMJ


Score an Entrenched medal

Air Control

Destroy 15 airborne Scorestreaks

Anytime, Anywhere Master

Complete all Anytime, Anywhere challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 4

call of duty black ops 6 players trigger nuketown mannequin easter egg

Prestige 4 Calling Cards focus on players using extreme lethality to earn a range of medals and eliminations:



Triple Kaboom

Score a High Octane medal

Explosive Plays

Use Field Upgrades or Lethal Equipment to kill 25 enemies assaulting, defending, arming, or defusing an objective

Hot Dawg!

Score 4 kills with Molotovs of Thermo Grenades without dying


Score 10 Rigged medals

Knock Knock

Kill an enemy that is behind a wall or a surface using a Drill Charge 50 times


Score 5 Combinational medals

Extreme Lethality Master

Complete all Extreme Lethality challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 5



Steady Hand

Score 25 kills on enemies that have damaged you using weapons with a Lightweight Foregrip equipped

Wild Fire

Score 50 kills shortly after sprinting using the Gung-Ho Perk, any Laser, and Rapid Fire equipped


Score 50 hipfire kills while diving or sliding using the Dexterity Perk, any Laser, and Quickdraw Grip


Score 25 headshots using a weapon with a High Caliber barrel and Muzzle Brake equipped

Silent Hunter

Score 25 kills from behind using a Suppressor and the Ninja and Tracker Perks

Deep Focus

Score 50 kills while holding breath using a weapon equipped with a Compensator

Forged To Kill Master

Complete all Forged To Kill challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 6

These Calling Cards have a heavy focus on the Perks available in Black Ops 6 multiplayer. The challenges will involve some unusual combinations:



Speed Demon

With the Enforcer Combat Specialty active, keep the kill bonus active across 3 or more kills 25 times

Good Intel

Requirement unlocked when Prestige 6 is reached

Score Collector

With the Strategist Combat Specialty active, score 10 Scorestreaks in a single match 5 times

On The Go

Score 5 kills while moving without dying 5 times using the combination of Gung-Ho, Fast Hands, and Double Time

Field Work

Destroy 10 Scorestreaks, Equipment, or Field Upgrades using the combination of Ghost, Engineer, and Gearhead

Hunting Prey

Kill 25 enemies that you have pinged using the combination of Ninja, Tracker, and Vigilance

Perks Of The Job Master

Complete all Perks Of The Job challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 7

Black Ops 6 file sizes revealed.



Let’s Go

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 7

Flex Move

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 7

Deep Cover

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 7


Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 7

I’m Back

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 7


Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 7

Field Operations Master

Complete all Field Operations challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 8

Towards the final Prestige levels, details on how players can unlock the Calling Cards is unknown.




Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 8

Stunt Driver

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 8


Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 8

Ripped Up

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 8

Special Delivery

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 8

Devastating Force

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 8

Lay Waste Master

Complete all Lay Waste Challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 9



Armed & Ready

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 9

Maxed Out

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 9


Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 9

Dazed And Deleted

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 9

Really Dangerous

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 9

Area Control

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 9

Aces Are Wild Master

Complete all Aces Are Wild challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige 10



Perfectly Cooked

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 10

Full Kit

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 10


Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 10

Found Kills

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 10

Say Hello

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 10

To The Dome

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige 10

Above & Beyond Master

Complete all Above & Beyond challenges

Multiplayer – Prestige Master


Reaching Prestige Master in Black Ops 6 is the ultimate accomplishment. Unlocking these Calling Cards in multiplayer is expected to be a tricky task:



Hunt Them Down

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige Master

It’s A Trap

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige Master

Full Tilt

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige Master

Hard And Fast

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige Master

Silent Killer

Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige Master


Requirements unlocked by reaching Prestige Master

Perfectly Tuned Master

Complete all Perfectly Tuned challenges

Multiplayer – Dark Ops

Dark Ops challenges are shrouded in mystery. For completing them, players can get their hands on the most exclusive Calling Cards on offer in multiplayer:



Frenzy Killer

Score a Frenzy Kill medal

Mega Killer

Score a Mega Kill medal

Ultra Killer

Score an Ultra Kill medal

Chain Killer

Score a Kill Chain medal

Relentless Killer

Score a Relentless medal

Brutal Killer

Score a Brutal medal

Nuclear Killer

Score a Nuke

Nuked Out

Score a Nuke in Free for All without Scorestreaks

Very Nuclear

Score a Nuke with 25 different weapons

2 Birds 1 Stone

Score a Collateral medal

Accidentally On Purpose

Score a kill with an environmental hazard

Return To Sender

Score a kill by throwing back an enemy Frag Grenade

Circus Act

Score a Bankshot medal


Score 10 Triple Kill medals or better in Hardcore


Score 4 Ace medals

Hit Job

Perform 100 Finishing Moves


Score 100,000 Eliminations

Go Loooong!

Score a long-range Combat Axe kill, Semtex stick, or Drill Charge stick

Too Hardcore For Hardcore

Score 10 kills without dying once in Hardcore

Double Trouble

Kill both enemies in Gunfight with a single shot or explosion

Hard Breakup

Perform 7 Finishing Moves in a single match

Blunt Trauma

Kill an enemy with the direct impact damage of a Smoke Grenade

Multiplayer Dark Ops 100%

Complete all 15 Multiplayer Dark Ops challenges

Black Ops 6: How to Earn Scorestreaks Faster (Strategist Combat Specialty)

Optimize your build and play these specific game modes in Black Ops 6 multiplayer, and you will unlock Scorestreaks faster than anyone.

Zombies – Career & Fresh Meat

Just like multiplayer, there’s a huge collection of Calling Cards available by completing numerous tasks in

Black Ops 6
Zombies. We’ve separated them into their categories so players can see what’s required to unlock them:
Title Description
Zombies 100 Percenter Complete all Career, Battle Hardened, and Prestige challenges
Zombies Career 100% Complete all Career challenges
Carbonated Have 3 Perks active
Showtime Score 50 Eliminations with 3 armor plates equipped
Hide & Seek Score 50 Eliminations using weapons with a rarity of Rare or higher from the Mystery Box
Up-Gun Score 50 Eliminations using Pack-a-Punched weapons
Off The Shelf Score 50 Eliminations using Wall Buy weapons with a rarity of Rare or higher
Gladiator Reach round 10 in a Zombies match and exfil successfully
Fresh Meat Master Complete all Fresh Meat challenges

Zombies – Trophy Hunter

Title Description
Splash Damage Score 5 Zombie kills with a single shot from an explosive weapon 15 times
Plunderer Earn 50,000 Essence in a single match 20 times
Death Sentence Score 30 kills during the duration of one Insta-Kill Power-Up
Madness Score 100 Alchemist medals
Outrageous Start the Rampage Inducer in round 1 and reach round 15 without disabling it
Mastermind Kill 25 Zombies with a single use of a trap
Trophy Hunter Master Complete all Trophy Hunter challenges

Zombies – Quarantined

A crowd of several Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies
The Quarantined category involves scoring tens of thousands of eliminations to obtain the Calling Cards on offer:

Title Description
Death Toll Eliminate 10,000 Zombies
Skullcrusher Score 15,000 Critical Kills
Going Rounds Survive 500 rounds
Plague Eradicator Score 2,500 Zombie kills while Field Upgrades are active
Pact Weapon Score 50,000 Eliminations with Pack-a-Punched Level III weapons
Power Killer Score 10,000 Zombies Eliminations using Wonder Weapons
Quarantined Master Complete all Quarantined challenges

Zombies – Hardened

Title Description
Zombies Battle Hardened 100% Complete all Battle Hardened challenges

Zombies – Bestiary

Title Description
Spray & Pray Score 10 Antiparasictic medals
Hostile Takeover Use Vermin affected by Brain Rot to kill 10 Vermin
Punching Up Kill 5 Abominations while using Mutant Injection
Rip & Tear Kill 25 Armored Zombies after destroying their armor
Freedom! Kill an Amalgam after destroying 5 or more of its body parts 3 times
You Dropped This Use a Mangler Cannon to kill a Mangler 3 times
Bestiary Master Complete all Bestiary challenges

Zombies – Kitted Out

Unlocking these Calling Cards involves players getting familiar with all of the Ammo Mods and Field Upgrades available to fend off the undead:

Title Description
Slow Burn Kill 50 Special Zombies with an Energy Mine while Insta-Kill is active
Gumption Use 3 Legendary GobbleGums in a single match
Menticide Score 25 kills with a Brain Rotted Elite Zombie while using the Big Game Augment
Hot Swap Without using Elemental Pop, score kills with 4 different Ammo Mods in a single match
Haunted Collateral Kill 3 different Zombie types with a single use of Dark Flare
Event Horizon Score 100 melee kills on Zombies that are being pulled into the Kazimir Device
Kitted Out Master Complete all Kitted Out challenges

Zombies – Aether Investigator



Finders Keepers

Uncover 25 secret rewards


Reach the SAM Trial Mastery Target 25 times

Weaver’s Ranger Recon

Discover 3 Intel to learn more about Weaver

Grey’s Analysis

Discover 3 Intel to learn more about Grey

Aguinaldo’s Eyes Only

Discover 3 Intel to learn more about Aguinaldo

Carver’s Covert Action

Discover 3 Intel to learn more about Carver

Aether Investigator Master

Complete all Aether Investigator challenges

Zombies – Prestige & Trade Tools

Just like Black Ops 6 multiplayer, Zombies also has its own set of Prestige challenges packed with plenty of unique Calling Cards for players to unlock:



Zombies Prestige 100%

Complete all Prestige challenges

Bullet Ballet

Score 250 kills with Akimbo pistols while Speed Cola is active

Raining Death

Score 15 kills with an LMG without reloading 25 times

Flow State

Kill 50 Zombies in a row with melee weapons without taking damage

Titan Felling

Kill 10 Elite Zombies using shotguns

Endless Barrage

Score 20 Zombie kills rapidly with an assault rifle or an SMG 10 times


Score 1,000 Critical Kills with a sniper or marksman rifle

Trade Tools Master

Complete all Trade Tools challenges

Zombies – Quench Quest



Sugar High

Earn 8 Perks before round 10 starts

Deft Hand

Kill 100 Zombies shortly after reloading while Speed Cola is active


Earn 15 random Perk Power-Ups

Look Out Below

Kill 25 Zombies with explosions generated from PHD Flopper


Kill an Elite Zombie with punches wile Melee Macchiato is active


Score 25 Critical Kills in a row while Deadshot Daquiri is active

Quench Quest Master

Complete all Quench Quest challenges

Zombies – Destruction

Black Ops 6 Zombies glitch.

The Destruction Calling Card category unlocks when players reach Prestige 3. With many still working through the ranks, the requirements for these Calling Cards are currently unknown:



Stand Clear

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 3

Major Ordinance

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 3

Explosive Surprise

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 3


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 3

Thrill Addicted

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 3


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 3

Destruction Master

Complete all Destruction challenges

Zombies – Spellsinger



Amped Up

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 4

10 Billion Watts

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 4

Cluster Bomb

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 4

Pulling Aggro

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 4

Death’s Veil

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 4

Team Player

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 4

Spellsinger Master

Complete all Spellsinger challenges

Zombies – Dismemberment



Blast Zone

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 5

Perfectly Charred

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 5

Precision Cuts

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 5

Fire & Forget

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 5


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 5

Kill It With Fire

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 5

Dismemberment Master

Complete all Dismemberment challenges

Zombies – Expert Tactics



Perfect Harmony

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 6

Mad Science

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 6

Spacetime Tear

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 6

Shock & Awe

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 6


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 6

Stalking Prey

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 6

Expert Tactics Master

Complete all Expert Tactics challenges

Zombies – Local Guide

Holding a Ray Gun in Black Ops 6

Similar to other Zombies Prestige challenges, the requirements for these Calling Cards aren’t available to most players. We will update the page once we uncover them:



Old Faithful

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 7

Collect Them All

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 7

How Does This Work?

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 7

Fun Surprise

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 7

My Master Plan

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 7

Breaking & Entering

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 7

Local Guide Master

Complete all Local Guide challenges

Zombies – Sweet Tooth



Extinction Event

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 8

Easy Lobotomy

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 8


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 8

Full Power

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 8

Close Call

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 8

Value Town

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 8

Sweet Tooth Master

Complete all Sweet Tooth challenges

Zombies – Survivalist



Trials & Tribulation

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 9

Hunker Down

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 9

Safe & Sound

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 9

Going The Distance

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 9

Perk Zero

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 9

The Bell Tolls

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 9

Survivalist Master

Complete all Survivalist challenges

Zombies – Ele-Mental



Building An Army

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 10


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 10

Cold Dead Hands

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 10


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 10


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 10

Random Elements

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige 10

Ele-Mental Master

Complete all Ele–Mental challenges

Zombies – Upgraded & Ready

The Upgraded & Ready category is available to players who have reached Prestige Master:



Shadow Reaper

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige Master

Feet First

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige Master


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige Master


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige Master

Don’t Touch Me

Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige Master


Requirement unlocked after reaching Prestige Master

Upgraded & Ready Master

Complete all Upgraded & Ready challenges

Zombies – Dark Ops & Easter Eggs

call of duty black ops 6 liberty falls crying woman easter egg

Dark Ops challenges in Black Ops 6 Zombies only appear when players manage to complete the task hidden by the game. There are plenty of cool Calling Cards up for grabs for completing the objectives and completing the Main Quests for Terminus and Liberty Falls:



Reaper Of The Undead

Kill 1,000,000 Zombies

Armed To The Teeth

Equip 3 Pack-a-Punch Level III, Legendary weapons with Ammo Mods and 8 Perks active

Social Distancing

Reach round 20 without taking any damage


Score 300 points in the Liberty Falls Bowling Alley


Complete the Liberty Falls Main Quest in under 30 minutes on Standard mode

Yo Ho Ho

Earn 20,000 Essence without getting hit while the Cursed Relic is equipped on Terminus


Complete the Terminus Main Quest after round 50

Another Round?

Reach round 100

Good Enough

Reach round 20 with the starting loadout, without using Augments and Field Upgrades, and without buying Perks or Ammo Mods


Reach round 30 without getting downed

Harbinger of Doom

Kill 100 enemies with a single Scorestreak

Box Addict

Buy every weapon from the Mystery Box in a single match

Sticks n’ Stones

Reach round 25 solo using melee weapons, Combat Axes, and Melee Macchiato

Well That Was A Waste

Get downed within 10 seconds of using a Perkaholic GobbleGum

Gummed Up

Use 25 GobbleGums in a single match


Kill 2 Amalgams with a single shot


Kill 3 Zombies, 2 Special Zombies, and an Elite Zombie during 1 use of Aether Shroud with Void Sheath equipped

Light ’em Up

Kill 10 ignited Elite Zombies using the Big Game Augment for Napalm Burst in a single match

Zombies Dark Ops 100%

Complete all 15 Zombies Dark Ops challenges

Liberty Falls Quest Complete

Complete the Liberty Falls Main Quest

Liberty Falls Quest Complete (Early)

Complete the Liberty Falls Main Quest before Directed Mode is introduced

Terminus Quest Complete

Complete the Terminus Main Quest

Terminus Quest Complete (Early)

Complete the Terminus Main Quest before Directed Mode is introduced

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is bound to add even more Calling Cards throughout its cycle. For now, there are hundreds of players can earn by completing numerous tasks across multiplayer and Zombies.

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