Best Weapon Mods To Download In GTA 5

Best Weapon Mods To Download In GTA 5
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One of the things that has caused Grand Theft Auto 5 to have such incredible longevity and life cycle is how prominent its mod community is. The game, on its own, offers a seemingly endless amount of content for players to go through, and the mods make that even larger. These mods can give players the chance to play as the most outrageous of characters, drive the most iconic vehicles from pop culture, and so much more. This includes weapon mods, which allow players to change their weaponry and how they operate. And there are a lot of these.

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There are so many mods for the game now that it can be overwhelming to try and find the ones that might interest a person. It’s an insane undertaking to try and sift through every single one. However, there are some real gems in the mix that players need to experiment with. Luckily, this guide is here to distill that huge amount of weapon mods and offer up the best of the best for players to download with ease.

Realistic Gun Sounds

GTA 5 - Realistic Guns Sounds Mod

Make Los Santos Like The Real World

  • fixes the weird audio of weaponry in the game
  • helps bring more immerstion to firefights

Despite having a heavy focus on simulating a satirical life in an American city, the game doesn’t exactly boast the most realistic of sound effects, especially when it comes to weapons. Sometimes, the audio for these weapons can just feel underwhelming and lame, which can sometimes undermine the impact of a gunfight.

This mod fixes that by changing the audio for weapons by giving them a much more realistic sound. It borrows this sound from games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Insurgency Sandstorm. These titles are known for their realistic audio so it makes sense why the modders would borrow from them for this change.

Max Payne 3 Glock

GTA 5 - May Payne 3 Glock

Pay Tribute To Another Rockstar Classic

  • Simple mod that references another fantastic series
  • It’s just fun to have a nod to Max Payne in the game

Some of the best mods are the simplest ones, which is exactly why this mod is on the list. It brings the glock from Max Payne 3 into Grand Theft Auto 5. It replaces the standard M9-esque pistol that is available in the game.

Now, people are probably wondering what the point of bringing this gun into the world of GTA is, which is fair, but it’s just a fun, little reference. Sometimes, players just need to enjoy those smaller things that can bring them joy.

Alternative Weapons

GTA 5 - Alternative Weapons

Make Things A Little Sillier

  • Offers a plethora of fun weapons for players to use
  • Brings a goofier edge, which is always welcome

Some players are going to look for mods that will bring about more realism to the gameplay, but sometimes, it’s a lot more fun to bring the goofs into it. This mod does exactly that, offering a wide range of different weapons that players can use to have some more fun and humor in Los Santos.

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The weapons that are included in this mod are:

  • Rambo Knife
  • Katana
  • Defiler from Dead Rising
  • Toilet Brush
  • Guitar
  • Saxophone
  • Captain America’s Shield

Drive-By Mod

GTA 5 - Drive-By Mod

Even More Vehicular Firepower

  • Adds more depth to driving combat
  • Fun to have access to more weapons behind the wheel

With how prevalent vehicle combat is in the game, it’s weird how little options there are for weapons that can be used behind the wheels. It’s essentially relegated to pistols and grenades that can be accessed by players to dish out some pain on the roads.

However, using this mod will give players access to more weapons while driving in their car. It allows players to use shotguns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, and even a minigun while also controlling the car. Is it very realistic? No, it absolutely is not but that doesn’t mean it should be enjoyed.


GTA 5 - Chainsaw

A Little Horror Never Hurt Anyone

  • Allows a chainsaw to be used as a weapon
  • Simple, but fun, way to carve through the opposition

Yes, Halloween has just past, but that doesn’t mean that players can’t still have some horror-themed fun in the game. With the magic of mods, they can bring some of the most iconic weapons from across horror to the game and become the killers they always dreamed about.

While this mod is not explicitly designed after the one carried by Leatherface, a chainsaw is still a popular weapon in horror world. Plus, running around Los Santos with a chainsaw is just an awesome thing to see. It’s not going to overpower the biggest guns in the game by any means, but in close-quarters encounters, it can certainly be a viable – albeit gruesome – method of dealing with enemies. What’s not to like about that?

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