All Yes, Cat Caretaker Memories In Love And Deepspace

All Yes, Cat Caretaker Memories In Love And Deepspace

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Love And Deepspace has seen several single-character Wish Pools open since the last four-character pool, Wander In Wonder, and we’ve all been eagerly awaiting the next multi-character pool. Well, the wait is over! Yes, Cat Caretaker is November’s four-character pool featuring the guys as, you guessed it, Cat Butlers.


Love And Deepspace: All Event Types And How To Complete Them

Your go-to guide for every event type in Love And Deepspace.

Yes, Cat Caretaker coincides with the Meow’s Time event, and the four memories tie into each of the love interests’ event story stages. All four of the guys have been temporarily transformed into cat hybrids after being a little too annoying to the cats in the Kitty Cards café, and it’s your job to help them turn back with good old-fashioned hard work.

Yes, Cat Caretaker runs from 5:00 November 12 to 4:59 November 30, 2024. After the event ends, you won’t be able to collect any of the limited-time five-star memories featured in the pool.

All Event Memories

Yes, Cat Caretaker is a limited-time four-character Wish Pool event that runs for 18 days. During the event, you can pull four five-star, cat-themed memories from the Wish Pool. Each of the four main love interests has one memory in the pool for you to collect.

Since the event memories are all five-star memories, they’re all worth collecting for more than just the story aspect. Five-star memories are the most powerful of all the memory types and come with special combat bonuses.

The following table breaks down the base stats for each of the event memories:





Base Battle Stats



Floof Attack



  • HP 2640
  • ATK 120
  • DEF 60
  • CRIT DMG 0%
  • CRIT Rate 2.6%

When HP is above 8,000, every 400 HP more boosts your weakness DMG by 0.2%.


Fluffy Treatment



  • HP 2640
  • ATK 120
  • DEF 60
  • CRIT DMG 0%
  • CRIT Rate 2.6%

When HP is above 8,000, every 400 HP more boosts your weakness DMG by 0.2%.


Tailwag Moment



  • HP 2400
  • ATK 120
  • DEF 66
  • CRIT DMG 0%
  • CRIT Rate 2.6%

When DEF is above 200, every 10 DEF more boosts your weakness DMG by 0.2%.


Goodcat Code



  • HP 2400
  • ATK 120
  • DEF 66
  • CRIT DMG 0%
  • CRIT Rate 2.6%

When DEF is above 200, every 10 DEF more boosts your weakness DMG by 0.2%.

If you’re indifferent to the story element of the memories, or you just like all of them and want to improve your combat teams, the best memories for boosting health are Xavier’s and Zayne’s, while the best memories for improving your defense are Rafayel’s and Sylus’s.

You can also pull all non-event related five-star memories in the permanent pool from Yes, Cat Caretaker. However, you’ll have greater odds of pulling the event memories than permanent memories.

Furthermore, you can select three event memories for a 75 percent boost to pull probability. You can change these at any time.

However, if you’ve designated a memory for the Pity Pull system, you must have it as one of your three choices, or else you’ll lose your Wish Point.

The Wish Pool also features a Pull Reward system that offers prizes for completing a certain number of pulls and a Pity Pull system that gives you a guaranteed event memory of your choice after you’ve pulled a non-chosen memory.

And, as with Xspace Echo, the permanent pool, you are guaranteed a five-star memory within every 65 or so pulls you complete. This reward threshold resets after pulling a five-star memory of any kind.

You will also receive 2000 Giant Yarn Balls (the event currency in Meow’s Time) to be spent in the event shop for the first time you pull each of the event memories.

All Pull Rewards

Love And Deepspace: An image of the pull rewards for Yes, Cat Caretaker.

As you complete pulls in Yes, Cat Caretaker, you will hit a milestone every 25 pulls and earn a reward, up to 225 pulls.

The following table breaks down each of the pull rewards you can earn per level:

If you’re looking for more Deepspace Wishes to use to pull memories from the Wish Pool, check your mailbox for twenty free Wishes from the devs! You can also buy ten Deespace Wish: Limited from the Meow’s Time event shop.

Pity Pull System, Explained

Love And Deepspace: An image of Sylus's memory as the selected Pity Pull reward.

Alongside the Pull Rewards system, you have access to a Pity Pull system that will reward your overall patience when pulling from the Wish Pool.

In a Pity Pull, you can select one memory out of the four event memories to choose as a Pity reward. If you make a pull and collect a five-star memory (from the event-specific memories or the permanent pool) that is not your chosen memory, you will earn a Wish Point.

This Wish Point will be spent when you make your next five-star pull and will guarantee that the next five-star memory you pull is the event memory you chose for the Pity Pull.

If you’re looking to fully rank your memory, we recommend keeping the same memory in the Pity Pull for the duration of the event. That way, you’re more likely to earn duplicate copies and increase the power of your memory.

If you want to collect all four memories, spread out your choices so that after pulling one memory, you raise the chances of earning the others. You can do this by resetting your three chosen memories or by changing your Pity Pull memory choice.

Memory Growth Bonuses

Memory Growth Bonuses are additional rewards offered for completing memory improvement milestones like ranking and leveling.

As you pull duplicate copies of the event memories and level them up with Ascension Crystals and Bottles of Wishes, you can earn limited-time event outfit recolors and memory upgrade materials.

The following table breaks down all possible Memory Growth Bonuses for Yes, Cat Caretaker:

These Memory Growth Rewards don’t return the investment of resources put into leveling up your memories. For that reason, we only recommend striving to fully level these rewards if you have pulled multiples of a memory.

Base rank memories can be powerful when fully leveled and Awakened, but they aren’t as useful as fully ranked and leveled permanent pool memories. Event Wish Pools can’t guarantee multiple pulls of the event memory, so level your memories wisely.

All Event-Limited Character Outfits

Each of the love interests has two collectible outfits in this event. Both outfits include interactable cat ears and tails. You can earn these outfits either by opening Paw Crates (earned from the Pull Reward list) or by pulling duplicates of the event memories.

The outfits you earn as Memory Growth Rewards are recolors of the outfits earned in Paw Crates and seen in the event memories.


Paw Crate Outfit

Outfit Recolor (Memory Growth Reward)


Cat-Fur Butler

Cat-Fur Nuzzle (Blue recolor)


Cat-Eared Butler

Cat-Eared Bliss (Light blue recolor)


Cat-Tailed Butler

Cat-Tailed Embrace (Dark blue recolor)


Cat-Code Butler

Cat-Code Domain (White recolor)

Associated Events

Love And Deepspace: An image of the events running concurrently to Yes, Cat Caretaker.

A few events run during the event period of Yes, Cat Caretaker. Some events, like Island Secrets, only run for the first six days of Yes, Cat Caretaker, and will end before the event period is over.

Island Secrets runs from November 08 to November 18. The event offers a five-star Rafayel memory for completing daily investigation stages.

Meow’s Time, a full multi-activity event that directly connects to the storylines of the Yes, Cat Caretaker memories, runs during the same event window as Yes, Cat Caretaker.

Meow’s Time offers a fun cooking mini-game, event story stages, and café management tasks.

Two passive events are also running concurrent to Yes, Cat Caretaker.

The new Seasonal Promise opened the same day as Yes, Cat Caretaker and showcases two four-star memories: Sylus: Searing Touch and Rafayel: Scarlet Invitation.

Finally, from November 04 to November 24, you can earn an additional Kitty Counter Token when playing Kitty Cards. You can exchange your Kitty Counter Tokens for new Meowco badges from the limited-time Beverage Series.


Love And Deepspace: How To Awaken Memories

Sometimes, you just really need that extra combat boost.

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