There are an endless amount of resources that you can find in Brighter Shores, with each area of the map bringing you something different in relation to the unique professions available there. In Hopeforest, you’ll be able to gather logs and branches with the Woodcutter profession.

Brighter Shores: Complete Guide To Cooking
There are 500 levels to the Chef profession in Brighter Shores; here, you can learn all there is to know about rising through the ranks.
Need to get your hands on some Hickory Branches? In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to do just that. This will cover the profession requirements that you need to complete before gathering, as well as where you can find these branches in Hopeforest.
Brighter Shores is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.
Where To Find Hickory Trees
Hickory Branches come from Hickory trees, which can be found in a few locations. We’ve listed the five locations below where you can find this tree; all five maps connect to each other, so you can run through all of them quickly.
- North Central Path
- Secluded Junction
- Luscious Glade
- Secluded Path
- Secluded Dead End
These areas surround the Dryad Glade, where you will venture to early into the main quest for Hopeforest.
You can gather any quality of Hickory Branches at these locations, but in order to get anything better than the coarse version, you’ll need to level up your Woodcutter profession.
How To Gather Branches
When you see your first Hickory tree, you can click on it and choose the ‘Discover’ option. Doing so will display the materials that you can get from it on the map. In the case of the Hickory tree, you can get Hickory logs at level six and Hickory Branches at level 20.
You’ll also notice a blue circle next to the Hickory Branches; this means that you can only gather it passively. In order to gather it passively, you’ll need to put one Knowledge point into it when you Woodcutter level is 20 or higher.
In addition to investing in a Knowledge point, you’ll need the following materials.
Item |
Where To Buy |
Price |
Tree Loppers |
Morauce (Timberwell Green) |
72 Silver |
Basket |
Vencent the Shopkeeper (Timberwell Supplies) |
20 Copper (you can buy 10 for 200 Copper and 100 for 2 Silver) |
With Loppers and some baskets in hand, it’s time to head to a Hickory tree! By clicking on the tree, you can select the ‘Lop’ option. This will put you in passive mode; from here, you can log out or minimize the game. You won’t actually be able to do anything else in the game when you are passively lopping.
We suggest gathering Hickory Branches over the night; before logging out for the day, head to a Hickory tree and start the passive activity. You’ll get about one basket of branches per hour. Keep in mind that you’ll need to have enough baskets in your inventory in order to continue gathering branches.
Thankfully, baskets are fairly cheap; you can buy 100 of them for just two silver.
You’ll also gain passive Woodcutter experience when lopping as a passive activity.
How To Buy Hickory Branches
If you have the silver to spend and don’t want to passively gather the branches, you can also buy them. This can be done from Gwen’s Lumber, which is a building off the left side of Timberwelll Green (Morauce stands in front of the entrance).
In order to buy from Gwen, you’ll need to be level 20 in the Carpenter profession!
Here, Gwen will sell you one basket of branches starting at four silver and 200 copper. If you want to buy higher-level branches, it costs anywhere from 11 to 86 silver.

Brighter Shores: How To Get Silver
Looking for more silver in Brighter Shores? Here, you can learn the best ways to make some money while playing this MMORPG.
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