Warcraft 1 And 2 Remastered Make Up A New Warcraft Battle Chest, Available Today

Warcraft 1 And 2 Remastered Make Up A New Warcraft Battle Chest, Available Today
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Blizzard’s classic RTS titles Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness are both getting the “remastered” treatment to celebrate the franchise’s 30th anniversary, and they’ll be available separately or together alongside Warcraft 3: Reforged today in a new Warcraft Battle Chest.

The news comes as part of Blizzard’s Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct, where the developer kicked things off by paying homage to the games that started the franchise and diving into what’s changed, and what’s stayed the same, in Warcraft 1 and 2 Remastered. While players will have the option of playing each game with their original visuals (something that can be toggled on and off in real time) the remastered versions also include new, hand-drawn visuals that help make each game’s units more sharp and defined while still retaining their classic feel.

Warcraft 1’s controls have been updated to support modern-RTS staples like right click to move, box unit selection, and a faster game speed. Both games have received various UI and UX adjustments as well, like unit health bars, tooltips, increased unit selection, and a mission select. Warcraft 2 will still support multiplayer and all legacy custom maps will be fully compatible with this new version of the game.

Warcraft 3: Reforged, the maligned remaster that released in 2020 to negative reviews and reportedly suffered from budget cuts and a rocky development, is also receiving a major 2.0 update today. The update improves the game’s environments and lighting, as well as overhauls its UI. It also adds hotkey customization and a revamped ladder system. Those who prefer playing Warcraft 3 with its original, non-remastered visuals will find the update adds high-rez versions for all the classic Warcraft 3 models as well, with players having the option of mixing and matching which assets, original or HD, they’d like to use.

Warcraft 1 and 2 Remastered each sport new hand-drawn visuals that can be toggled on or off.
Warcraft 1 and 2 Remastered each sport new hand-drawn visuals that can be toggled on or off.

Gamers who grew up playing classic Blizzard titles may remember seeing the large Warcraft and Warcraft 3 Battle Chests on store shelves that gather multiple games or expansions all together in one package. For the first time in a long time, a new Battle Chest is now available, one that includes the remastered versions of all three Warcraft RTS titles. The Battle Chest will be $40, while standalone versions of Warcraft: Remastered and Warcraft 2: Remastered will be $10 and $15 respectively.

For those who don’t need all the new bells and whistles included in the remasters, the original versions of Warcraft 1 and 2 are available together on GOG for $15.

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