There hasn’t been a set like Release Special Booster 2.0 in a while. Bandai made the decision to have worldwide releases of the Digimon Card Game starting at BT20. To speed up the process, BT18 and BT19 were combined in the West as Release Special Booster 2.0.

Digimon Card Game: 10 Best Cards From EX7 Digimon Liberator
Make the most of this Shoto-centric set.
By doing this, the amount of cards found in the set almost doubled, meaning there are far more cool and shiny cards to collect. As a bonus for Western players, Bandai included even more chase cards, and even the first signed card, Guilmon. If you’re looking to collect the Digimon Card Game, then this is the set for you.
Lucemon: Chaos Mode (Alternate Art) – $43.89
Finally A Good Card
Ever since its debut in the Digimon Frontier anime, Lucemon has always been an extremely popular Digimon. The Demon Lord hasn’t had a proper deck for a while, but with all of the Lucemon support in the Release Special Booster 2.0, the fallen angel can now turn the tides of battle.
Lucemon: Chaos Mode comes in many different forms, but this BT18 version outshines the rest. Its dynamic pose, coupled with an amazing Tamer deletion effect will have all your fellow Tamers shocked in awe when they see this card.
LordKnightmon (X Antibody) (Alternate Art) – $56.77
What A Stunning Card
Everyone expected LordKnightmon to be the boogeyman, or boogeymon, of this format, and while they were right, the deck gets an extra performance buff just by simply having an incredible alternate art at their disposal.
This LordKnightmon card is one of the most stunning out of them all in the set. Even through the myriad textured and chase cards, LordKnightmon stands out above them all. Luckily, the card is not as expensive compared to how gorgeous the art is, making it quite affordable if you really want it for your binder.
Dynasmon ACE (Textured) – $85.00
Maybe A Bit Underwhelming
The Release Special Booster 2.0 has a ton of chase cards in this black and white scheme, and Dynasmos ACE is the first one among them to be featured in this list. The card is nothing special, competitively speaking, but its pull rates are quite low, making obtaining one a pretty incredible feat.

Digimon Card Game: 10 Most Valuable Cards From EX7 Digimon Liberator
EX7 Digimon Liberator has some beautiful cards, so let’s look at their value.
The Royal Knight Digimon is one of the least popular in the bunch, but that’s not to say that you probably will have a grin from ear to ear as you rip into your pack, and see this shining beauty out of the corner of the opened plastic.
Guilmon (Signed) – $147.72
Kenji Watanabe’s Signature Is Priceless
Aside from textured cards, Bandai decided to include an English-exclusive, signed card, featuring the protagonist Digimon from the fan-favorite, Digimon Tamers, Guilmon. The card is signed by none other than the iconic Kenji Watanabe, the character designer for the Digimon franchise.
The card also features new art by Watanabe himself and his proud signature right above the head of the red dragon boy. Interestingly enough, this card is not as valuable as the others on the list, but it is one of those pieces that collectors will definitely pay for.
LordKnightmon ACE (Textured) – $170.93
A Little Late To The Party
Just like its counterpart, Dynasmon, LordKnightmon is often overlooked in the company of other popular Royal Knights like Gallantmon and UlforceVeedramon. This time, LordKnightmon comes with an incredible deck that can be argued to be the best deck in the format.
Sadly, since Bandai decided to combine both BT18 and BT19 into Release Special Booster 2.0, Western players didn’t receive the gap between sets that Japanese players got, making the ACE version of the Royal Knight not as good as the X Antibody one.
ShadowSeraphimon ACE (Textured) – $226.01
Excellent Staple Cards Will Always Be Pricey
ShadowSeraphimon seems like an odd choice to have in the set as a chase textured card, but competitively speaking, the card is excellent, warranting its high-rarity slot. Just like its regular counterpart, ShadowSeraphimon ACE is a great staple card that can be splashed in just about any yellow or black deck where you have an open level six slot.
The card is quite pricey, and it might not see that much play upon its release, but give it a couple of sets and this card will make an appearance. Might as well buy it now before it goes up in price.
Susanoomon ACE (Textured) – $250.00
The Perfect Hybrid Digimon
Digimon Frontier came out the door with tons of negative reviews. Guess people didn’t like that the kids were the Digimon. The series wasn’t all that bad, and it introduced some incredible Digimon designs that are still beloved to this date. Even through all that hate, Frontier slowly won over fans, especially after showing an amazing final Digivolution in Susanoomon.
This card is by far one of the best-looking textured chase cards in the set. It still keeps the black and white color scheme, but Susanoomon’s overwhelming presence felt throughout the card makes it all that more impressive.
Lucemon: Satan Mode (Textured) – $272.81
Gold Foil Always Rocks
Being a combined set, Release Special Booster 2.0 includes four different Secret Rare cards. They all received textured art versions of themselves. Lucemon: Satan Mode is one of the four. They all follow a similar texture as the rest, but the Secret Rares a way more striking than the other chase cards.
Satan Mode was highly anticipated and seeing it now, in all its gold-foiled glory, is extremely satisfying to all Lucemon fans. This card is quite pricey, but there sure are die-hard Lucemon fans out there, willing to drop that cash.
Gallantmon: Crimson Mode (Textured) – $284.32
Ow, My Eyes!
It’s no surprise that Gallantmon received a chase card of this magnitude in the set. Celebrating the combination of the Japanese and Western meta, you would expect Bandai to release a Greymon card of sorts, but since Watanabe was able to sign a Guilmon card, why not also release his final form, Gallantmon: Crimson Mode in a striking red and gold foiled card?
The card is similar to the chase cards of previous sets, but the color combination is almost painful to look at. Use that physical eyestrain to defeat your opponents with this card and your mighty wallet.
ZeedMilleniummon (Textured) – $311.00
The Colors Are Just *Chef’s Kiss*
The big bad ZeedMilleniummon is the most expensive card in the set. This textured card is downright gorgeous, with ZeedMilleniummon almost exploding right out of the cardboard itself. The card is not particularly good in competitive settings, but fans love ZeedMilleniummon as a villain, making this highly desirable.
Compared to other chase and promo cards, this one is relatively more affordable, but you’ll have to bolster up your trades, or even your bank account, if you can’t pull it from your boxes.

Digimon Card Game: The 10 Best Cards In BT-17 Secret Crisis
Hybrid Digimon are back in the Digimon TCG’s Secret Crisis.
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