LoL Top lane Tier List – The Best top laners for Patch 14.22

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Find out which are the best champions to climb the ranked ladder in this patch with our LoL top lane tier list.

lol top lane tier list

Image Credit: Riot Games

Top Lane Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 14.22

Top lane has been invigorated in the past two years. After being considered an island for various seasons, top lane has gained increasing importance and the new map changes make it even more difficult to punish these solo laners.

If you’re not sure what you should be playing in the top lane though, don’t worry: here are the five best champions of the Patch 14.22 top lane tier list.

Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:

These Are The Best Top Laners for Patch 14.22

5. Tahm Kench – the cheesy pick

Tahm Kench’s new AP build has gained quite a lot of popularity. Not only does the champion scale extremely well thanks to his passive but Riftmaker increases his damage and grants him extra sustain with the Omnivamp, making him an unkillable front liner.

He’s getting nerfed in the next patch, so make sure to make the most out of the pick right now while playing ranked.

4. Aurora – a solid pick

Even though she is technically a mid laner, Aurora is working out better as a top laner. Not only thanks to her ranged nature which allows her to get an advantage during the laning phase but she’s also incredibly strong during all-ins thanks to her ultimate. In a meta where magic damage can be lacking, she can make up for it in any team composition.

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Image Credit: Riot Games

3. Mordekaiser – the lane counter

If you’re playing against tank or melee top laners, then Mordekaiser is going to be a great answer to those picks. Aside from having a lot of sustain and consistent damage output, he brings incredible value during the teamfights thanks to his ultimate. In a meta where there are several carries, removing one at the start of fight will give a big advantage to your team.

2. Aatrox – a staple

If you’re looking for a champion who can be strong at most stages of the game while handling potential counter matchups, then Aatrox is the right choice. Thanks to his sustain and trading patterns, he can navigate through the laning phase quite safely and bring value during skirmishes and teamfights.

While he’s not your typical lane stomper, he doesn’t really have to hard-win lanes to be relevant later on. Learning his basic mechanics and playing with the minion waves should be more than sufficient to find success on Aatrox.

1. Darius – the low elo stomper

There are quite a few melee top laners in the meta and whenever those champions are relevant, Darius’ importance spikes up. He can bully out most of them with his damage and gain substantial leads in the laning phase. While he may not be your late-game carry, you can utilize him to create strong pressure on the top side.

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