Yo ho, yo ho, a Lorcana life for me! Azurite Sea is here, and it’s bringing a ship full of scallywags and buccaneers to the game. From Treasure Planet to Peter Pan, there’s a lot of pirate love in this set. A Seaworthy Crew is an Aggro Location deck that mixes self-damage and damage removal effects to create strategic advantages on the board and keep your opponents guessing.

The 5 Coolest Decks At Disney Lorcana DLC Seattle
Some clever players brought the spice to Disney Lorcana Challenge Seattle.
Through Strength manipulation, it also aims to stop opponents from challenging some of its weaker pirates while flooding the board with powerful card draw and recursion. If you’re looking for ways to improve the new Amber/Ruby starter deck, look no further.
Which Deck Is Best For You?
This guide features three upgrade paths for this starter deck.
- The ‘Good’ version features only a small increase in the number of rare cards so that you can get started making tweaks right away without needing to buy any expensive cards.
- ‘Better’ is a more streamlined version that will include all the rares you need and some Super Rares for added power.
- The ‘Best’ version is made of cards from all six Lorcana sets, including legendaries.
This guide aims to improve the deck’s consistency and performance without sacrificing its core themes.
Good – Budget Emerald/Sapphire Deck
Disney Lorcana’s Shimmering Skies Amber/Ruby Budget Deck Upgrade |
Doc, Leader of the Seven Dwarfs (x4) |
Fix-it Felix, Jr., Delighted Sightseer (x4) |
Fix-it Felix, Jr., Niceland Steward |
Gopher, Ship’s Carpenter (x2) |
I Won’t Give In (x4) |
Jasmine, Rebellious Princess (x2) |
Jim Hawkins, Honorable Pirate (x1) |
Kakamora, Boarding Party (x2) |
Michael Darling, Playful Swordsman (x2) |
Mickey Mouse, Courageous Sailor (x3) |
Moana, Kakamora Leader (x3) |
Owl, Pirate Lookout (x2) |
Pooh Pirate Ship (x1) |
Rapunzel’s Tower, Secluded Prison (x2) |
Skull Rock, Isolated Fortress (x4) |
Taffyta Muttonfudge, Sour Speedster (x4) |
The Islands I Pulled From The Sea (x2) |
Tinker Bell, Generous Fairy (x3) |
Vanellope von Schweetz, Gutsy Go-Getter (x4) |
Wendy Darling, Courageous Captain (x2) |
Winnie the Pooh, Hunny Pirate (x1) |
The simplest and most cost-effective upgrade looks to add consistency and strengthen the core themes. While it sheds much of the self-damaging and Strength manipulation strategies, it leans into strong Pirate synergies and Location support.
While a lot of the more generic cards have been trimmed from the basic version of the starter deck, some new additions help this version achieve its main win conditions.
A few of Fix-it Felix’s friends join the deck to help it get more value from its locations. Taffyta Muttonfudge, Sour Speedster offers some instant lore gain when you move her to a location, which pairs perfectly with this deck’s low-cost locations, extending your range and giving you an additional way to close out games quickly.
Vanellope von Schweetz, Gutsy Go-Getter, helps solve this deck’s biggest problem: card draw. Getting Vanellope on a location can help you rebuild your hand quickly. She’s great in multiples, and with a little support from Fix-It Felix, Jr., Niceland Steward, you can stop your opponents from removing your locations.
Rapunzel’s Tower, Secluded Prison, is a great location for Vanellope to set up camp. Many of this deck’s low Willpower characters can benefit from this location’s ability, and it’s a great place to shepherd your team with Moana, Kakmora Leader.
Gaston, Despicable Dealer is a potential replacement for Doc that can get you to your seven-cost characters sooner, but because it is not inkable it may be more difficult to fit it in.
Speaking of Moana, she and Jim Hawkins, Honorable Pirate, are powerful cards with game-changing effects, but they can be difficult to play because of their lore cost. By adding Doc, Leader of the Seven Dwarfs, it becomes much easier to get these seven-cost characters in play.
Finally, Tinker Bell, Generous Fairy is a valuable addition to a deck like this that relies on a lot of card synergies. She can help you find your Floodborn characters and shift targets when you need them, and thanks to her high Willpower, she is difficult to remove – especially if she finds her way to Rapunzel’s Tower.
How To Play The Budget Amber/Ruby Deck
There are quite a few interesting playlines in this deck. Thanks to the cost reduction abilities on Doc and Winnie the Pooh, Hunny Pirate, you will find a lot of opportunities to play your characters and move them to a location on the same turn where they will earn additional benefits.
Skull Rock is the ideal Location for your Pirate characters because it allows them to trade up into stronger characters while generating extra lore at the start of your turn, while Hundred Acre Island is a great place to move characters you expect to get banished on the following turn.
These locations make decision-making more difficult for your opponent and can lead to them making mistakes and misplays.
I Won’t Give In is a highly value song thanks to its ability to add a specific card to your hand when you need it most. It’s best used to retrieve a Moana, Self-Taught Sailor when you have Moana, Kakamora Leader in hand, allowing you to set up for a big shift the following turn or even the same turn if you have the ink for it.
It’s also a great way to replay Fix-It Felix, Jr. – Delight Sightseer, which draws you a card, effectively turning I Won’t Give In into Amber’s version of Friends on the Other Side.
This is a go-wide deck that excels at playing lots of characters that are difficult for the opponent to remove quickly. It mixes low-cost questers with Locations to push the lore total from two fronts, creating a chaotic board state that is difficult for opponents to manage.
While it’s susceptible to burning out like any Aggro deck, tools like Vanellope von Schweetz, Tinker Bell, Fix-It Felix, I Won’t Give In, Pooh’s Pirate Ship, and Jim Hawkins help this deck keep the pressure on by feeding you extra cards when you start to run out.
Better – Mid-Cost Amber/Ruby Deck
Disney Lorcana’s Shimmering Skies Amber/Ruby Mid-Cost Deck Upgrade |
Doc, Leader of the Seven Dwarfs (x4) |
Fix-it Felix, Delighted Sightseer (x3) |
Fix-it Felix, Niceland Steward (x3) |
I Won’t Give In (x2) |
Jim Hawkins, Honorable Pirate (x2) |
Michael Darling, Playful Swordsman (x2) |
Mickey Mouse, Courageous Sailor (x4) |
Mickey Mouse, Pirate Captain (x3) |
Minnie Mouse, Pirate Lookout (x2) |
Moana, Kakamora Leader (x3) |
Piglet, Pooh Pirate Captain (x4) |
Rapunzel’s Tower (x2) |
Skull Rock, Isolated Fortress (x4) |
Sugar Rush Speedway, Finish Line (x4) |
Sugar Rush Speedway, Starting Line (x4) |
Taffyta Muttonfudge, Sour Speedster (x3) |
Vanellope von Schweetz, Gutsy Go-Getter (x4) |
Wendy Darling, Courageous Captain (x3) |
The mid-cost version of the deck gets even more aggressive early game with the addition of Piglet, Pooh Pirate Captain, an Aggro staple and Pirate, which makes him perfect for this deck. With some additional copies of Wendy Darling, Courageous Captain, this version is capable of having some explosive starts.
This version also increases the value of Mickey Mouse, Courageous Sailor, significantly by making him a shift target for Mickey Mouse, Pirate Captain, another fantastic new Pirate card in this set. Mickey Mouse, Pirate Captain turns something simple, such as a Moana, Self-Taught Sailor, into a banish-anything-for-free powerhouse. Mickey gives this deck a great way to get more value out of all of its low-cost Pirates.
This ink color combo can also take advantage of the new Sugar Rush Speedway combo. Sugar Rush Speed Way, Start Line allows you to move characters for free to Sugar Rush Speedway, Finish Line, then banish the location to gain three lore and draw three cards.
This color combo used to rely on Rapunzel, Gifted With Healing to draw cards, but this new combo offers a more consistent way to refill your hand without needing to rely on damaged characters.
Once Sugar Rush Speedway (or any of this deck’s 14 Locations) gets banished, Minnie Mouse, Pirate Lookout will let you bring it back into your hand. If your opponent can’t remove Minnie Mouse, you can repeat the Sugar Rush Speedway combo every single turn.
How To Play The Better Amber/Ruby Deck
This deck provides a lot of early-game pressure with the combination of Piglet, Pooh Pirate Captain, and Wendy Darling, Courageous Captain. Both two-cost cards satisfy Moana, Self-Taught Sailor requirement, allowing you to control the board early if necessary and set up for big lore-gaining turns soon after.
Just as with the previous version of this deck, the goal is to go wide with characters and locations and overwhelm the opponent with more threats than they’re able to remove. Doc, Leader of the Seven Dwarfs, can you help you get your fix and seven-cost characters in play faster, or leave you extra lore to plan characters on curve and move them to your Locations.
Sugar Rush Speedway, Starting Line gives this deck an easy way to activate Taffyta Muttonfudge and Mickey Mouse, Courageous Sailor’s abilities, which both add a lot of pressure to the board.
This deck runs very few four-cost cards, but this is intentional. Most of the three-cost cards need to be a location to get value, so for most turns, it is better to play a three-cost and spend one to move them to Skull Rock or Rapunzel’s Tower on turn four rather than play a four-cost card on curve.
Taffyta Muttonfudge is acceptable to play on turn four as long as you have a Sugar Rush Speedway, Starting Line in play to move her to.
The Sugar Rush Speedway combo, with the recursion that Minnie Mouse, Pirate Lookout offers, allows this deck to draw tons of cards and gain lore every turn without ever needing to quest. Additionally, Moana, Kakomora Leader, gives this deck another way to earn a lot of lore all at once. Setting up a wide board in preparation for Moana, then questing out, is one of the best ways to maximize your lore gain.
Best – Top-Tier Emerald/Sapphire Deck
Disney Lorcana’s Shimmering Skies Amber/Ruby Best Deck Upgrade |
Fix-it Felix, Jr., Delighted Sighter (x4) |
Fix-it Felix, Jr., Niceland Steward (x2) |
I Won’t Give In (x2) |
Jim Hawkins, Space Traveler (x2) |
Michael Darling, Playful Swordsman (x3) |
Mickey Mouse, Coureageous Sailor (x4) |
Mickey Mouse, Pirate Captain (x3) |
Moana, Kakamora Leader (x3) |
Moana, Self-Taught Sailor (x3) |
Piglet, Pooh Pirate Captain (x4) |
Rapunzel’s Tower, Secluded Prison (x3) |
Skull Rock, Isolated Fortress (x4) |
Sugar Rush Speedway, Finish Line (x4) |
Sugar Rush Speedway, Starting Line (x4) |
Taffytan Muttonfudge, Sour Speedster (x3) |
Tuk Tuk, Lively Partner (x2) |
Vanellope von Schweetz, Gutsy Go-Getter (x3) |
Wendy Darling, Courageous Captain (x4) |
The best, most refined version of this starter deck trades the 7-cost Jim Hawkins for a legendary Jim Hawkins, Space Traveler. This Jim provides an alternate way to move a character to the Sugar Rush Speedway, Finish Line without having to pay its exorbitant move cost.
Rather than playing the Speedway for free when you play Jim, you want to put the Speedway into play after Jim is on the board and at a location. This will allow you to move Jim to the Speedway for free, gaining three lore and drawing three cards.
To increase Location utility even more, this deck uses Tuk Tuk, Lively Partner, as yet another way to move characters from a Location to Sugar Rush Speedway, Finish Line for free.
With these two character you don’t need Sugar Rush Speedway, Starting Line in play at all, any location will do. These additions help ensure you’ll always get instant value out of every Sugar Rush Speedway, Finish Line you find.
How to Play The Best Amber/Ruby Deck
With so much consistent card draw, this deck can build a substantial inkwell while playing out low-cost, high-lore value characters every turn. There are a multitude of strong playlines to consider here.
A turn one Moana, Self-Taught Sailor, can be followed by Skull Rock, Isolated Fortress, on turn two. Then, on turn three, you can play Fix-It Felix, Jr., Delighted Sightseer to draw one card, then move Moana to Skull Rock.
This increases Moana’s Strength to four, which means she trades with a Sisu, Emboldened Warrior. If you play a Pirate on turn three instead of Fix-It Felix, you can have Moana challenge a Daisy Duck, Donald’s Date.
The goal of this deck is to play out your hand quickly and refill it with the Sugar Rush Speedway combo. If you aren’t able to take control of the board early, a Floodborn shift into Moana, Kakamora Leader, or Mickey Mouse, Pirate Captain, can help you shift the tempo back in your favor.
By making smart use of the stat bonuses offered by Rapunzel’s Tower and Skull Rock, you can trade low-cost characters with more expensive characters while you continue to build a wider and wider board.

Disney Lorcana: How To Upgrade The Emerald/Sapphire Starter Deck From Azurite Sea
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