Best Zerg Upgrades In StarCraft 2

Best Zerg Upgrades In StarCraft 2

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Key Takeaways

  • Speed is key for any Zerg units.
  • If you use ranged units, focus on upgrades that help with kiting.
  • All these upgrades are on top of basic attack and defense upgrades which should always be researched.

The Zerg have a wide range of upgrades in StarCraft 2 that range from increasing the stats of individual units to giving the entire army a unique ability to use in and out of combat. While just about every Zerg unit is already deadly, these upgrades are crucial for giving you the upper hand to beat your opponent.

While there are base armor, melee, and ranged upgrades for ground and flying units, those will be left off the following list as they should always be considered as the foundations for the later upgrades on this list.

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8 Chitinous Plating

Make Tanky Ultralisks Even Tankier

An Ultralisk Fighting An Immortal

  • 150 Minerals & 150 Vespene Gas
  • Ultralisks

While it may not be immediately clear, this boost in armor for Ultralisks doubles their current armor. While already being one of the tankiest units in the game, this upgrade makes it even more so, and the perfect damage sponge to protect your weaker bugs while they get in close to deal damage.

If you are using Ultralisks, this upgrade is a must, though it’s so low on the list due to how late in the game Ultralisks are used and when this upgrade can be purchased. Right when an Ultralisk Cavern is built, this upgrade should be started immediately.

7 Muscular Augments

Make Powerful Ranged Units Even Faster

Hydralisks Kiting Protoss Units

  • 100 Minerals & 100 Vespene Gas
  • Hydralisks

Speed is a key factor for the Zerg, and Muscular Augments give all Hydralisks a boost no matter the situation. Hydralisks have a decent range on their attacks, and this speed boost can help them kite enemies better with proper micromanagement.

Hydralisks do have a range boost, but this speed boost is your better option right off the bat. Some maps can also get very large, even in a one-on-one, and your units getting to where you need them faster will help give you yet another edge over your opponent.

6 Adrenal Glands

Make The Fastest Units Attack Even Faster

Zerglings Destorying A Worker Line

  • 200 Minerals & 200 Vespene Gas
  • Zerglings

Adrenal Glands is a late-game upgrade for Zerglings, that helps build off of any other damage upgrades you’ve already gotten for them. Zerglings are the best unit in the Zerg swarm and should be used throughout a game no matter the length.

This upgrade makes them much more deadly and can help make any hit-and-run tactics even more effective. If you’re making a full swarm with dozens of Zerglings, they will quickly cut through the infantry of any army with this upgrade.

5 Pneumatized Carapace

Get Your Overlords Out Of Trouble Faster

An Overlord Moving Fast

  • 100 Mineral & 100 Vespene Gas
  • Overlords & Overseers

Overlords move incredibly slowly at the beginning of the game and are the source of your maximum Control points. Even a basic marine can easily shoot them down as they can’t escape, but this upgrade greatly increases their movement speed to help them outrun most basic enemies.

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This upgrade also improves the speed of Overseers, which are crucial for providing Recon and gathering intel in dangerous situations. This upgrade is useful for both offensive and defensive situations, all while protecting your most important element for building an army.

4 Tunneling Claws

Move Your Roaches Undetected

Roaches Using Tunneling Claws

  • 100 Minerals & 100 Vespene Gas
  • Roaches

Roaches can be a bit more of a specialized unit that is easy to skip over on your way to a liar to make something more advanced. While you will first need the Burrow upgrade, Tunneling Claws lets Roaches move while underground, where they can only be seen or attacked by something with Recon.

Early into a game, Tunneling Claws can easily get multiple Roaches deep into enemy territory and have them pop up to attack, before jumping back into the ground and repositioning. Roaches moving underground also restore Hit Points much faster, making this useful when you need to quickly escape a losing situation.

3 Burrow

Hide & Heal Your Army Unseen

Multiple Zerg Units Burrowed In The Ground

  • 100 Mineral & 100 Vespene Gas
  • All non-flying units

Burrow can be used by any unit on the ground, letting them jump underground where they can’t be seen other than when noted with Recon. This is great for setting traps on your enemy, while also healing units faster than when above ground.

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Burrow can also be used to force your enemy to target specific units while protecting your weaker ones or saving one from death at the last second. Burrowing Banelings can also set up traps for your opponent to walk on and suddenly lose entire squads in just seconds.

2 Centrifugal Hooks

Get Your Explosive Units Right Into Danger

Banelings With Centrifugal Hooks Destorying Probes

  • 100 Minerals & 100 Vespene Gas
  • Banelings

Banelings are one of the deadliest units in the Zerg Swarm if they get close enough. The main issue with Banelings is their slow speed, but Centrifugal Hooks help speed them up greatly. While you’ll still need to protect your Banelings, this upgrade helps them get to a target faster and quickly break down your enemy’s ranks to make room for other units in your Swarm.

Smart opponents will also wall in their bases to keep swarms of Zerglings from running past, and a few well-placed Banelings can destroy Bunkers or Pylons easily to let in the rest of your swarm, with this upgrade making that happen even faster.

Make Zerglings The Fastest Threat

Zerglings Swarming A Protoss Warrior

  • 100 Minerals & 100 Vespene Gas
  • Zerglings

Metabolic Boost is a necessity to use Zerglings, as they are otherwise practically useless. This should be the first upgrade you purchase in every game, as it gives your Zerglings the highest movement speed in the game.

Early on, no other unit in any faction will be able to come close to their speed, and you can overtake and destroy any scouts. Smart opponents will try to kite you swarm with ranged attacks, but Zerglings with this speed boost can quickly run behind enemies to box them in as the rest of your swarm charges in.

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