So we’re finally here, the final puzzle in The Rise of the Golden Idol. After five whole chapters of struggling against logic and reality, you’ve made it to the thrilling climax that reveals all about the mysteries woven through the game’s delicate narrative. This takes the form of a very large uber-scenario.

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The best puzzle games can hook even the most resilient players, and these puzzlers on Steam are some of the best ones available.
This is ostensibly five mini-scenarios crammed into one, with highly variable levels of difficulty. They all follow the events that the past few chapters have been leading up to, and they are nothing if not exciting. If you need that one final push over the finish line, though, we’re here for you with hints and answers.
All OPIG Solutions
The first panel to solve deals with the OPIG Corporation and their plan. This will require in-depth knowledge of the I.D.O.L.’s effects and the events of Chapter 5.
- Examine the three time periods you’re granted access to.
- Important things to note are what Tim Spender is up to, the plans in Marie Westlake’s possession, and the lens being used in the I.D.O.L.
- A lot of this panel can be filled out with guesswork based on what you’ve seen in previous scenarios, especially in Beach Trip.
- You saw numerous rejected proposals for the I.D.O.L. on the Chapter 5 scenario selection screen. What sort of thing would be approved? Whose proposal is missing from that collection?
All I.D.O.L. Solutions
Upon completing the first panel, you’ll be granted access to a scene that took place much earlier, on October 3, and get another panel to fill out.
- While it isn’t immediately obvious, there is a conversation happening on October 3 that suggests an alliance against a certain person. What implications does this have for December 16?
- As you can tell by the panel itself, it seems that three separate people used the I.D.O.L. on December 16, leading to new and different memories being inserted into the machine.
- Take note of the crystal’s colour over the three time periods.
- The man in the security van in the middle time slot is throwing up. Who else is throwing up? What implication does that have?
- Take a very close look at the I.D.O.L. itself in the final time slot. Many things have changed here.
- Also, examine the van during its journey – don’t get distracted by the man’s vomit.
- To give you a blatant clue, as we struggled with this setup, let it be known that the middle word in each row is ‘memories’ – so the sentence will always read ‘[adjective] memories of the [subject]’.
- Whose plan is this? Does this help you figure out who the first person would be?
All Curse Solutions
The new time period, November 8, has an interesting scene to examine.
- Take note of the newspaper. Looks like Tesa didn’t take getting fired too well.
- The symbol for this time is a wolf. How relevant is that to the people here?
- Someone is sitting within the firing zone of the I.D.O.L. – is it about to be used on them? Has it been used already?
- You should recognise the man on the ground from a previous scenario. He has Elijah’s diary, but is he Elijah, or Luke Brown, or neither?
- Is the man dead? Or is he simply elsewhere?
- You’ll recognise Bruce Myson, seemingly taped to the chair here, as the man who used the I.D.O.L. in the van on December 16. For what reason would he need to use it? Note the crystal’s colour at this point in time.
All Broadcast Solutions
We now see the fate of that fated broadcast, which didn’t really go to plan. All of this panel deals with the peil game and the broadcast.
- The first sentence you need to fill in ends with ‘on the roof’. Examine the roof, and you’ll find that there are only a few words that could fit here.
- Eugene has a letter that smells of lavender. There are multiple people with that scent on them – who is the most likely culprit?
- Eugene might be dim, but he’s not entirely stupid. He must realise that something bad is going on with his plan – does this explain his current predicament with the video wire?
- You should recognise one of the people in the broadcast room by the figure alone, making what’s going on here a bit clearer.
- The I.D.O.L. is obviously not meant to be where it currently is. What’s happened to it?
- Jack Nowak is in the bathroom and seems to be calling himself Icarus in the mirror. Where else have you seen that name before?
- Jack seems quite dazed – we know this to be a symptom of something.
- Check on the stadium, and you’ll be able to see if the spectators managed to get hit with the I.D.O.L.’s power.
All Hunter Solutions
The final panel is possibly the hardest, and brings you back to a familiar location.
- If you are memorable, you’ll recognise this overpass. As a result, you’ll know what has happened here.
- This is the moment you’ll need to figure out who Hunter Wolf is. You’ve had more than enough clues at this point, though.
- Jack Nowak has been rather consistent in expressing how he thinks the I.D.O.L. should have been used. Think about his options for making this happen and remember that he wanted to use all of the lenses together.
- Though it’s a tempting conclusion, remember that Jack Nowak is not the most impressive person that Jack Nowak knows. ‘Himself’ is not used in this panel.
- What is the sacrifice being made? There’s already a yellow ribbon strapped to the bridge.
- What is the unfortunate result of the previous panel?

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