All Answers For Steelside Warehouse In The Rise Of The Golden Idol

All Answers For Steelside Warehouse In The Rise Of The Golden Idol

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We’re fast approaching the end of the game as we tackle Steelside Warehouse, a place we haven’t seen mentioned since the very first chapter of The Rise of the Golden Idol. This scenario features a few referential throwbacks to plot threads long forgotten, and will pique your interest more than you’re expecting.



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After learning what we did in the previous scenario, all bets are off, and you’ll likely have some creeping suspicions as to how this is all going to end. Before we get there, though, we have to solve some mysteries at the docks and on a yacht.

All Word Locations

The deck of the boat in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

There are 57 words to find in this mammoth scenario, split across four different screens: the docks, the warehouse, the boat, and the deck.



The Dock

The men around the fire


The boat on the right

Wrecked, Ship,

The red container

Red, Container, Harry, William, Luke, Hunter, Wolf, Phil, Orion, Elijah, Funny,

The brown container

Brown, Container, Scrawny, Marvin, Hunter, Wolf, Luke, Dirty, William, Memories

The Warehouse

The left door

Euphoria, Sunnies, Cutter, Steelside, Warehouse, Elijah, Sinclair, Body, Wolf

The right door

Scrawny, Marvin, Luke, Brown, Harry, Stone, Dirty, William, Orion, Sky, Funny, Phil, Elijah, Trouble, Assistant, Experimented, I.D.O.L., Take, Give, Some, All

The boat

The front of the boat

Sea, Breeze

Inside the window

Avoid, Trouble, Live, Broadcast

The deck

The people

Brock, Hatz, Tucker, Fairchild, Cordelia, Olivia, Sterling, Musical, Skills, Gabriel, Prescott, Girard, Arabella

The hat on the ground


The contraption at the back

Caused, Sabotaged, Synthesizer

All Dwelling Solutions

The boat at the docks in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

This is the first panel in the bar on-screen and also the easiest to work out.

  • There is a note in one of the containers that states outright what makes a dwelling good, with four different qualities to be assessed.
  • There are two beds from the same container to sort. Which one fits more of the criteria for quality? Think about the beds’ positions.
  • Having a dwelling on the water, like the boat, sounds compelling thanks to how secure it is, but how important is security in the grand scheme of things?

All Timeline Solutions

The homeless men in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

This is a tricky one and requires lots of reading.

  • While you’re handed the full names of the homeless men, you’ll need to think critically about the evidence available to you.
  • Homeless is underlined. As far as the game is concerned, this means that people who currently reside inside the warehouse are not to be included here.
  • Currently or used to” is also part of the stipulation. This means that dead people count.
  • There are two records of the things that have happened over the last two years, use these to figure out when people arrived, who has been here a long time, and who is so new they don’t show up.
  • For reference, this scenario takes place in September, 1977. This will give you context for the evidence from 1976.
  • Working this panel out in tandem with the Residents panel will help you, as you can find notes about who gets what residences based on their length of stay at the docks.

All Residents Solutions

The men around a fire in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

This panel has you working out who lives in the dwellings you sorted in the first panel.

  • The biggest clue here is contained within the Timeline panel; working it out simultaneously with this one is a good idea.
  • While the dead person is currently in the warehouse, his body is warm – he counts and should be allocated a room in this panel.
  • The people who have been here the longest get the better rooms, don’t forget that.
  • Don’t read too much into the different ways the men’s portraits have been stuck to the corkboard in the warehouse. They are not indicative of newness.

All Game Solutions

The rich party in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

Moving on to the deck, this panel has you working out what game the people there are playing.

  • This has you figuring out who each person is pretending to be, which is rather easy to work out based on the cards they hold – you just need to work out surnames and who they refer to.
  • People holding business cards or similar will be holding their own business cards.
  • The dialogue will give you lots of clues, especially when referring to ‘their person’s’ businesses.
  • An invitation to this party is from a wife speaking about her husband. Who are the only ones wearing wedding rings here?
  • Hatz Brothers‘ does not mean there are two people named Hatz here.

All Summer Solutions

The camera in the warehouse in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

The first story concerns the events that happened in the summer.

  • This will require a deep understanding of what happened within the homeless community on the docks. Referring to their diaries and the details in the warehouse is tantamount.
  • The diary within the warehouse has some odd thoughts expressed within it. It mentions a ‘new life’ – does that ring a bell.? Another diary speaks of ”new’ Luke’.
  • Think about the I.D.O.L., which we now know can be used remotely, and how it could have been used.
  • For example, how was the troublemaker bandit taken care of by Hunter Wolf? Who is Hunter Wolf?
  • Cast your mind back to the previous case: when Oriel was given a new personality, the game forced you to use the new personality’s name instead.

All Autumn Solutions

The Sea Breeze in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

As it is Autumn during the time of the scenario, we’re dealing with the current events right now.

  • This story deals with what’s happening on the boat right now. The letter you can find within will hint at much of the situation here.
  • The homeless men speak of someone ‘ascending’ – who might this be? And what can this be referring to? How did the man in the warehouse die, and who is he?
  • Remeber that when someone has their personality replaced, you must use the new personality’s name rather than the body’s old name.
  • The camera above the guests on the boat has an interesting video to show you. Work out what happens in the video, and then keep an eye on who carries out this act.
  • The people on the boat are obviously rich. Hunter Wolf seemed to dislike this class of people. Keep this in mind when examining motives and plans. Will everyone be honest?


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