All Answers For Beach Trip In The Rise Of The Golden Idol

All Answers For Beach Trip In The Rise Of The Golden Idol
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By this point in The Rise of the Golden Idol, you really shouldn’t be surprised that the first scenario of a chapter has you doing something totally different from what you might expect. Beach Trip has you witnessing exactly that: a trip to the beach with some familiar faces along for the ride.


10 Best Video Game Beaches

From Super Mario 3D World’s Sunshine Seaside to Grand Theft Auto 5’s Del Perro Beach, video games are full of wonderful beaches.

At least it turns out to be a work trip, which introduces us to the I.D.O.L., named at the end of the previous chapter. Naturally, it’s your task to figure out what’s going on here and what this might mean for the overarching narrative.

All Word Locations

The ambulance on the beach in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

There are 41 words to find in this scenario, split between the beach and the inside of the medic van.




Models on the left


Man in the t-shirt

Sandra, Genius, Jack

Woman in a vest

O-Range, Commercial, Lab Staff, King, Nowak, I.D.O.L.


Marmot, Added, O-Range, Marie, Westlake

Bags on the ground

Models, Adrian,

Medic Van

Standing man

Destroyed, Dead

Sitting man


Sitting woman

Provided, Eugene, Marmot




Overdose, Poisoning, Allergy, Sunnies, Euphoria, Crystal, Portal, Energetic, Happy, Numb, Trippy

Post-It note

Ridley, Cano, Ellis, Simpson, Medics

All Photo Solutions

The model pictures in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

The first and likely easiest challenge here is to figure out which models are present at this photoshoot.

  • This will require cross-referencing the photos of the models with the big book of models found in the brown briefcase.
  • Note that the models are not in the same order in the top photo as they are in the bottom.
  • The things you need to look at are:
    • The hair length.
    • Eye colour.
    • Eye shape.
    • Nose shape.

All Name Solutions

The medic bags in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

The people we have to name here are rather easy to figure out.

  • A few people are returning from previous chapters; you should recognise them easily by now.
  • The models’ faces are all obscured, but jewellery can help you identify them.
  • The cameraman can be identified by dialogue and a list of the people needed for the shoot. He’s often referred to in the context of his job.
  • Reading carefully will let you know who the woman inside the van is, and her role is obvious, too.
  • The ambulance duty list lets you know that there’s a medic and a paramedic. These roles seem to be associated with symbols – this will help you figure out who’s who.

All Bag Solutions

The photoshoot in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

This panel has you working out who owns which bag on the beach.

  • For the most part, you can be sure that a person wearing a particular shade of lipstick will have that lipstick in their bag.
  • Be wary of the two red lipsticks.
  • The brown briefcase lists which models are smokers and which are non-smokers. This might help you figure out the red lipstick problem.
  • As for the brown briefcase itself, it contains things that are heavily associated with one person’s role and dialogue.

All Event Solutions

Inside the ambulance in The Rise of the Golden Idol.

The events here are not as catastrophic as earlier cases, but there are still some underhanded things to figure out.

  • The reason for all of these characters being here should be obvious from a quick investigation.
  • Someone did something that affected one of the models. What did they do, and why did they do it?
  • You can figure out the model’s health complaint by cross-referencing her symptoms with a handy chart. This can point you in the direction of the cause and therefore, the instigator.
  • The activities here don’t match up with what you’d normally expect of scientists, but it’s what has happened. Which of the familiar faces seems the most likely to be responsible?
  • The model in the ambulance is complaining of a fuzzy memory. Why?
  • There are two different shades of O-Range. The models are drinking the darker drinks. Why are they darker?
  • What role does the I.D.O.L. play here?


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