Soon after you start playing Sengoku Dynasty, you’ll realize that there are simply too many resources for you to gather alone. The slow resource gathering is the main way for the game to incentivize you to build a village, which will slowly increase in population and make things a little more difficult to maintain.

Sengoku Dynasty: How To Start Your First Village
Establish your presence in the Nata Valley by starting small in Sengoku Dynasty.
However, the first challenge you’ll face on this path is finding people to join your village in the first place. Even when you find these people, you’ll have to find a suitable place for them to live and work for them to do.
How To Get More Villagers
There’s generally only one method to get more villagers inside your village – finding refugees all across the map. You can easily identify these with the refugee symbol on their head when you get close. When you first create a village, you’ll find some refugees coming to your bell tower at the start of each day.
However, this will stop after you get a couple of villagers, and you’ll have to go out looking. There are a few general areas where you can find refugees more commonly:
- Follow the road system.
- Search around the existing villages like Segi and Enjiro.
- Look near the shores.
- Search for a caged refugee inside minor enemy camps.
As you go around the map looking for refugees, make sure to keep an eye on the scale at the top of your screen. You’ll sometimes see question marks pop up here, which can turn into refugees and other structures as you get close. The best method to get more refugees is following all these question marks.
The small events involving random traders, refugees, and minor enemy camps reset with each season, giving you a reason to explore the same areas again.
How To Find A Home For New Villagers
If you head over to the dynasty tab in the main menu, you’ll notice the maximum population you can currently hold, which depends on your dynasty level and the number of villages you have. However, this doesn’t signify the amount of space left in your village since you’ll still have to create a space for each villager you get.
There’s only one requirement for this – a bed. Each villager needs their own bed, and you can make separate houses to make multiple beds in the same place or make production buildings, which usually come with a bed in it. It’s recommended to have some extra space at all times in your village.
This is because most of the refugees you’ll interact with will be wandering, and they’ll leave if you don’t give them a place fast enough.
As your population increases, you’ll also unlock more parameters that you’ll have to maintain. These include Meals, Heating, Beverages, Maintenance, Health, Security, Spiritual, and Luxury. The overall production-to-consumption ratio of these parameters decides if your village’s happiness will increase or decrease.
What To Do With New Villagers?
Of course, you wouldn’t want to have more villagers in your dynasty just for them to eat all your food and do nothing. Each villager can be assigned to one of the tasks created by the production buildings. They will then start producing one or more types of materials for you each day depending on where you place them.
When you get far enough into the game, you can also choose a romantic partner among these villagers and start your own family.

Sengoku Dynasty: Where To Find Clay
Clay is necessary for smelting ores and making charcoal in Sengoku Dynasty, among other things.
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