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Your main goal may be to help refugees and give them a home in Sengoku Dynasty, but you’ll need to put a lot of work in other fields to achieve it. One of your most important tasks is gathering various resources, which already starts as soon as you hit your first tree and get the sticks and logs from it.

Sengoku Dynasty: How To Make Bronze
Learn how to build a smelter and craft bronze ingots in Sengoku Dynasty.
Soon after that, you’ll have to start looking for Copper, which serves as the most basic and the most sought-after metal in the game at the same time. Here’s how you can easily stack up on it without going out of your way.
How To Find Copper In Sengoku Dynasty
When you first create your character and enter the world of Sengoku Dynasty, you’ll find yourself in the Sosogi Region with the Enjiro Rebels Region as your neighbor. These are both the regions you’d want to visit whenever you’re looking for some copper. When you’re in these, look for small nodes on the ground with green metal coming out of them.
You’ll find these more commonly inland since the area near the water mostly has stone nodes.
Once you find one or more of these nodes, you can simply hit them with any pickaxe a few times. In the beginning, you’ll only get copper once every few hits when you break the rock. However, you can upgrade the Efficient Miner trait in the Legend section further down the line to get a lot more.
As you progress in the game, you can also make a Mining Post building in your village, which allows you to assign a villager to the Miner’s Workbench. If your village is in one of the two regions mentioned above, you’ll be able to directly gather it daily using the villager. The amount of copper you get depends on the type of pickaxe you give to the villager.
What Is Copper Used For?
As mentioned above, Copper is the starting metal of Sengoku Dynasty, which means you’ll not only use it for various building needs, but also to craft your weapons and tools. You need the copper-tier tools to progress in the game, and this metal doesn’t lose its value even when you progress to the next tier.
This is because you’ll need a lot of tools for your villagers as you grow your population and assign more tasks. Copper serves as one of the best sources for these tools since they’re cheap to craft and last quite a while. You can also use it to make Copper Arrows and use them when you’re not fighting a horde of enemies.

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