Silksong May Be a Wake-Up Call for Better or Worse

Silksong May Be a Wake-Up Call for Better or Worse

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With nearly 2,100 days since its official announcement, Hollow Knight: Silksong remains one of the most eagerly anticipated titles in gaming. While sources claim that Silksong isn’t in development hell, the half-decade wait may suggest a different story. Still, the ongoing excitement around the sequel speaks to the cultural impact and allure of the original Hollow Knight, as fans await updates.

The latest news from Team Cherry on Silksong came on February 14, 2024, through the Hollow Knight Discord server. Matthew Griffin, the marketing and publishing lead, shared, “Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. In case you were wondering, we are still hard at work on the game.” This brief message, along with some playtester comments in June, offered fairly recent confirmation that the Metroidvania is continuing its development. Still, the prolonged timeline serves as a wake-up call for game developers, for better or for worse.


The Fall of Hollow Knight’s Capital – Bite-Size Lore

At the Heart of Hollownest lie a city drenched in an eternal rain. The City of Tears is a representation of the fall of Hollownest to infection.

Silksong Faces Intense Pressure from Player Expectations

Team Cherry May Be Rethinking Plans for Expanding the Hollow Knight Franchise After Silksong

Although Team Cherry never indicated so, some players have expressed hopes that a potential third installment could explore the story of a past character from Hollow Knight‘s lore. Or, on the other hand, a new game could introduce an entirely new protagonist and region. Still, this might be a premature line of thinking, especially when considering that Silksong hasn’t received a new gameplay trailer since the Xbox Games Showcase in 2022.

Furthermore, it’s also important to remember that Team Cherry, consisting of just three people, has dedicated considerable time and resources to Silksong to create a quality game. Given this, the player base’s patience is understandable. As the pressure continues to mount for Silksong, fans should remain empathetic, recognizing that what initially began as a second playable character for the original Hollow Knight has transformed into something far more expansive.

If Team Cherry was considering a third installment for their hugely successful indie franchise, the challenges surrounding Silksong may lead them to reconsider. As of now, a Silksong DLC has not been confirmed, and it may never materialize. It’s also possible that additional content is already being worked on or planned as a surprise, but for now, that remains a mystery.

A new release date for
has not been announced yet.

Silksong May Serve As An Example For Future Indie Developers


It seems unlikely that Team Cherry would dedicate so much time and effort to Silksong’s development unless they believe in its potential for huge success or feel deeply passionate about the project. Both of these factors might be true, but Silksong could also serve as a key example for the gaming industry, highlighting the risks and rewards of long, highly anticipated development cycles. Games like Elden Ring have faced similar challenges, with an extensive development timeline, multiple delays, and tight-lipped developers. Despite these obstacles, Elden Ring ultimately succeeded, in part because it was supported by a large development team and significant funding.

In contrast, Team Cherry’s small team and limited budget could mean that Silksong has access to fewer resources, which makes the ongoing development timeline even more challenging. As an indie project, the lessons learned throughout Silksong’s development timeline could serve as valuable insights for other smaller studios. For example, it could further elaborate on the challenges of managing fan expectations while working on a beloved indie franchise, alongside the delicate balance between creativity, resources, and internal development deadlines. This journey could set an important precedent for how smaller developers navigate rising expectations and lengthy development cycles.

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