Resident Evil 9’s Rumored Open World Would Be Perfect for One RE Aspect

Resident Evil 9's Rumored Open World Would Be Perfect for One RE Aspect

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Key Takeaways

  • Resident Evil 9 is rumored to venture into open world territory, and potentially feature a stalker enemy.
  • Capcom has dabbled in the open world style in recent titles like Village and RE 4 remake.
  • Incorporating a stalker foe in an open world setting could revamp classic Resident Evil scares effectively.

Capcom has been keeping fans waiting for firm news about what it has planned for Resident Evil for some time now. Last year’s remake of Resident Evil 4 was a resounding success, expanding on and modernizing the groundbreaking original to create an experience that captured its essence while moving things forward. After the RE4 remake, there were expectations that the studio would quickly follow up and capitalize on this by revealing what it had in store for Resident Evil next.

Earlier this year, the studio did finally officially confirm that the long-assumed ninth mainline title is in the works, with RE: Village director Koshi Nakanishi taking charge of the project. Beyond that, however, it offered little else. Even before this, though, there were various rumors swirling about Resident Evil 9. One that has been consistently in this conversation is that RE 9 might be pivoting to an open world design. This would mark a first for the long-running series, but as Capcom has shown, it is willing to experiment with its formula. And if Resident Evil 9 does end up being the first fully open world entry, it comes with great potential to feature one of RE‘s most effectively nerve-racking elements in the form of an indomitable stalker foe.


Why Now is The Perfect Time For Resident Evil to Experiment With an Open-World

RE has adapted greatly over the years, and if recent reports are true, the moment might be at hand for it to head into open-world territory.

If Resident Evil 9 Goes Open World, It Opens the Door For a Pursuer Enemy to Naturally Follow

The Potential of Resident Evil 9 Possibly Being Open World

There are certainly some pros and cons to consider if Resident Evil 9 embraces an open world structure. As it would be a big break from the claustrophobic, linear style that Resident Evil helped invent and has been part of its identity over the course of decades, an open world title risks eroding some of that edge. On the other hand, Resident Evil Village and RE 4, (more so in the remake) were both as close as the series has come to dabbling with an open world approach.

Both titles hinted at how an open world could work while keeping much of what makes RE exciting and enjoyable intact. So long as Capcom is able to strike a balance between RE‘s integrating roots into an open world design, this could result in a whole new experience that pushes the series once again into the future, especially regarding a stalker enemy.

How Resident Evil 9 Could Incorporate Stalkers Into An Open World

Relentless pursuers are a staple of the series, and Resident Evil 9 having a stalker enemy in the vein of Nemesis or Mr. X would help bridge the gap between RE’s recognizable elements and its possible new direction. One of the criticisms of the RE 3 remake was that Nemesis encounters were more scripted than organic, which deflated some of the tension. Resident Evil 9 could address this by incorporating a stalker in ways that feel less stilted and constrained, and makes informed use of an open world design.

Some leaks already point to Resident Evil 9 having a stalker-like foe, and while it’s best to take these with a dose of skepticism, it does seem reasonable to assume one will appear in some form. If so, then a good reference point for working one in might be a title like Alien: Isolation, where the pursuer’s AI analyzes the player’s actions and location to menace them dynamically and unpredictably. This would keep tensions high and fans on their toes even in less traditionally cramped levels.

Perhaps with much larger areas, Resident Evil 9 could even have multiple pursuers, each that “rule” over a region, akin to the four villains in RE Village. It could then greatly expand on this, with them being able to appear anywhere within a given domain depending on players’ positions and decisions. Resident Evil 9 being open world may be a bold move, but it would also provide plenty of room to evolve the classic stalker enemy in a way that fits within a more freeform structure while maintaining the scares that the series is well-known for.

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