Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on PS5 Pro: upgrading Insomniac’s masterpiece

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on PS5 Pro: upgrading Insomniac's masterpiece

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SimpleSlave245d ago

You’re most def in the minority. Yeah. Aside from some boneheaded decisions, like having a mask on Willem Dafoe or shoehorning Venom in the Third one, those movies are far more enjoyable and honest than the new Marvel’s Spider-Man movies.

As for Tobey and Kristen, they both help ground the characters and make them more relatable and human than the new Disneyfied versions. It’s no secret as to why the best parts of the Disney Spider-Man movies are the ones with the characters from the original Trilogy; Dafoe, Tobey and Molina.

The original trilogy is indeed not perfect, but they still have heart and feel like the people behind them actually cared about the property whereas the new version feels like brain numbing been-there-done-that by the numbers Disney affair.

But to each their own.

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