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In Planet Coaster 2 one stat is more important than just about anything else: Park Rating. Park Rating is a measure of your park’s overall success, and its value is derived from the Stars you’ve earned in four related stats: Attraction Prestige, Attraction Variety, Park Reputation, and Scenery Rating.

How To Make A Pool In Planet Coaster 2
A new feature in Planet Coaster 2, pools allow players to create water parks within their Theme Park, but you need to set them up correctly.
When you increase Scenery Rating, Planet Coaster 2 players will notice Guests becoming significantly more impressed with your park, your Rides will gain Prestige from being decorated well. But before considering how to increase Scenery Rating score, Planet Coaster 2 players should understand how this important stat is calculated.
What Is Scenery Rating In Planet Coaster 2?
The quality of scenery in your park.
Scenery Rating is a Park Rating metric that measures how much Scenery is visible in your park for Guests. As a Park Rating stat, increasing your Scenery Score will grant you Stars within the metric, contributing to your overall Park Rating.
Scenery Rating is calculated from the total Scenery Score of all Scenery objects that can be seen by Guests. Different Scenery Objects in Planet Coaster 2 have different Scenery Scores, and the more elaborate and expensive the Scenery Object is, the higher its individual Score tends to be.
You can check the Scenery Score for an individual piece of Scenery after placing it. Click the object, then click the hamburger menu tab to see the Scenery Score in the Details tab. For example, a small Aleppo pine tree is worth 150 Scenery Score.
The amount of Scenery Score you need to reach the next Scenery Rating star is highlighted on the top-right of the screen when you have Scenery Rating selected in your Park Rating menu.
You will not get any Scenery Rating from any Scenery that is hidden from normal view. For example, a decorative set of ruins behind a Guest Services area may not be visible to guests, and thus does nothing to increase your Scenery Rating.

How To Increase Profit In Planet Coaster 2
To increase your profits in Planet Coaster 2, players need to make some hard choices to keep their budgets trim.
Certain objects will actually decrease your Scenery Rating, and must be hidden from Guests. Generators, Staff Buildings, Water Filters, and other safety and Staff equipment tend to have negative Scenery Scores. Make sure to build a wall around these objects, or keep them out of sight via other methods like Terrain modification, to boost your Scenery Rating score.
How To Increase Scenery Rating In Planet Coaster 2
Adding more prestigious scenery and placing scenery items in locaitons visible to guests not only improves your Scenery Rating, but it also elevates the experience of visiting your park to a whole new level.
There are two approaches when it comes to how to increase your Scenery Rating score in Planet Coaster 2: the stylistic approach or the practical approach.
Increase Scenery Rating The Aesthetic Way…
The most obvious way to increase your Scenery Score is to simply decorate your park with as much Scenery as you can, and make it look good at the same time. Use the Create Custom option in the Scenery tab to get started making completely custom creations for your Park to increase their Scenery Rating piece by piece.You can add Scenery directly to a Ride and it will become part of that Ride, too, increasing its Prestige as well as your overall Scenery Score. In a Mythological area, for example, you can spice up rides with Pillars, Greek Statues, and other Mythology Theme items.But you can just as easily decorate Guest walking areas and non-Attractions, like Shops and Guest Services, to make them prettier and fit in with your local themes more naturally while also increasing Scenery Score.

8 Beginner Tips For Planet Coaster 2
Follow these Planet Coaster 2 beginner tips to learn the basics of this deceptively complex theme park simulator game.
…Or Go With The Practical, Quick-Fix Route
If you don’t want to go through the effort of making your park look nice with Scenery, there’s always the fast ‘n’ easy option. The game doesn’t actually care about how anything looks, it just calculates the total Scenery Score of all Scenery objects in the park.Choose a small, inexpensive object and duplicate it as much as physically possible next to as many Guest paths as you can – it might not look good, but if you have 100 ruined building fragments lining all Guest paths, it will contribute to your Scenery Score the same way that an elaborate, intricately designed Attraction scenery piece would.Your park won’t look the best, but on paper, it will tick all the boxes necessary to improve Scenery Rating.
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