Secrets and sleuthing are nothing new in World of Warcraft. The celebration of the game’s 20th anniversary is marked by the Anniversary Celebration, a massive festival held by the Bronze Dragonflight at one of their strongholds; the Caverns of Time in the rolling dunes of Tanaris. Here, some suspicious things have been going on, and it’s up to adventurers with keen minds to get to the bottom of it all.

World Of Warcraft: The War Within – All 20th Anniversary Celebration Event Achievements Guide
It’s been a pretty fun couple of decades.
A trio of tuskarr sleuths (Maru, Enzo and their uncle Benatauk), have taken it upon themselves to help the organizers of the festival track down missing people and items, and uncover the Secrets of Azeroth that have been woven into this event. The second chapter of this questline (Guest Relations) involves helping Maru track down some toys that were stolen from her and her friends.
Part One Of Chapter Two
The first quest of chapter two of the Guest Relations questline begins with a request from Alyx, the lightforged draenei who serves as the Anniversary Celebration’s Volunteer Assistant Guest Relations Manager, standing at her post on the central pavilion of the festival grounds.
She will give you the quest Toy Trouble, which sends you past the Mount Mania corral to speak with Maru.
Maru will inform you about the recent thefts of her friends’ toys through the quest Operation Toy Rescue, which requires a skilled sleuth’s hands to recover them and bring the thief to justice. The first toy to be recovered is her friend Yennu’s ball.
Yennu is a resident of Iskaara in the Dragon Isles, and says they last saw it in the Waking Shores, by a “Dragon Camp”.
Using your Idol of Ohn’ahra toy at Dragonscale Basecamp in southern Waking Shores will help you find and uncover Yennu’s Snackbook.
Yennu’s Snackbook mentions stopping by a “hunter town” for some soup to eat, meaning that you need to travel to Maruukai in the Ohn’ahran Plains, the cultural home of the Maruuk Centaur clans.
There, using your Idol Ohn’ahra, you will find the dirt pile where Yennu’s ball was buried.
Upon recovering his ball, meet up with Yennu in Iskaara in the Azure Span. Upon giving him his ball back, he will inform you about another friend-in-need, who also has had their toy stolen. This next stage in the quest will differ based on your character’s faction allegiance.
Horde Version
For Horde characters, you will be sent to aid Yennu’s friend Nuts, a squirrel living in the Hall of Beasts in Zandalari troll capital of Dazar’alor on Zandalar. He has lost his plush toy, and there is a trail of fur leading to a tree nearby.
After following the trail of fur to where Nuts’ Plush Toy is buried, return it to him, and then you can return to the Anniversary Celebration and hand the quest-in to Maru.
You can use your Idol of Ohn’ahra to find the Plush Toy if you have trouble following the trail of fur.
Alliance Version
If your character is part of the Alliance, Yennu will send you to help his friend Kenshi, a cat living in Catty Cathy’s in the Upton Borough of Boralus, capital of Kul Tiras. Kenshi needs help finding his Ball of Yarn, located in a nearby hedge maze.
There will be a trail of fur leading to the Ball of Yarn, and once you find it and return it to Kenshi, you can venture back to Maru at the Caverns of Time to hand-in the quest.
If you’re having trouble finding the Ball of Yarn, use your Idol of Ohn’ahra.

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Part Two Of Chapter Two
The next quest in chapter two of the Guest Relations questline begins again at the Anniversary Celebration grounds’ central pavilion, where Alyx gives you the quest The Final Toy.
This sends you once more to Maru, found again with her family by the Mount Mania corral. She will ask you to help her deduce who the toy thief may be, with your biggest hunch being a dog.
With that information, she gives you the quest The Toy Thief, and sends you back to Dazar’alor or Boralus, depending on your character’s faction.
Horde Version
For Horde adventurers, you need to return to the Hall of Beasts in Dazar’alor, and speak with Nuts’ caretaker, Matan. Matan tells you to look around the tree where you found Nuts’ Plush Toy with your Idol of Ohn’ahra, where you will find a Bakar Sketch.
Alliance Version
For Alliance sleuths, Maru will tell you to meet and speak to Kenshi’s owner, Catherine Morgan, within Catty Cathy’s. Catherine will suggest you check around the hedge maze where you found the Ball of Yarn with your Idol of Ohn’ahra.
Doing so will lead you to an architect of Boralus, Urban Planner Volrath. He will give you a Bakar Sketch.
Once you have the Bakar Sketch, use the Spiritual Incense item to summon a projection of Maru and speak to her. She will tell you to go to the “centaur place”.
The Thief Unmasked
With the knowledge of the thief being a bakar, the canine companions of the Maruuk Centaur clans, Horde and Alliance sleuths alike must venture back to the Ohn’ahran Plains of the Dragon Isles. Here, seek out Hearthkeeper Berulan in the Clan Shikaar camp of Maruukai, who will then direct you Getseng, a centaur of Clan Aylaag who works with the bakar in the city.
Getseng will tell you to seek out a spot sacred to Ohn’ahra, the Wild God whose idol has been aiding you all this time, as a mischievous bakar has been seen sneaking off there as of late.
The sacred spot of the eagle goddess in question is the peak of the mountain behind Maruukai, called Ohn’ahra’s Roost. Here, her Idol can help you find a Chew Toy lying beside a pile of Teerakai Burial Bones.
With these Burial Bones bearing the name of Clan Teerai’s home, Teerakai, you must seek out the mischievous bakar there. Atop the kurgan in the center of the city, you will find a toy chest where you can place the Chew Toy, and a bush you can interact with to hide behind.
Upon doing both of these things, the mischievous Bakar Pup will spawn, take the chew toy, and run away.
Follow the Bakar Pup, as it runs away through the city. It will eventually lead you to a cave on the southern side of the settlement, where it keeps its stash of stolen toys.
The Bakar Pup will be content with its Chew Toy, so you will be able to rummage through its stash and recover Maru’s toy. Return to the Anniversary Celebration grounds to give it to Maru and hand-in the quest, thus completing chapter two of the Guest Relations questline.

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