Final Fantasy 14‘s Patch 7.1 is the first major content update since the release of the Dawntrail expansion. As is tradition with the game’s update cycle, odd-numbered patches introduce new 24-player Alliance Raids to the end-game, allowing players to challenge a series of bosses for a chance to obtain powerful equipment. While raids can seem intimidating, the difficulty of Alliance Raids are designed so that players of all skill levels are able to clear the raids even on their first attempts, making them an excellent option to easily obtain end-game gear.

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Jeuno: The First Walk is the first level 100 Alliance Raid released, and is part of the Echoes of Vana’diel series, referencing the game’s predecessor, Final Fantasy 11. Featuring a wide variety of enemies, locations, and items from the classic MMORPG, Jeuno faithfully recreates iconic scenes from the original game. Players that are able to successfully defeat the bosses of this raid will have the opportunity to earn Ark Angel’s armor, equipment that is among some of the most powerful equipment currently available in the game.
How To Unlock Jeuno: The First Walk Raid In FF14
The Jeuno Alliance Raid can be unlocked after completing the level 100 Main Scenario Quest “Dawntrail,” and speaking to the Hoobigo Messenger in Tuliyollal (X:13.0, Y:11.6) to begin the quest “An Otherworldly Encounter.” This will take players to Yak T’el, where players will assist an Elvaan adventurer with missing memories, before quickly being introduced to the first boss of the raid, Prishe, and unlocking the raid.
Prishe Of The Distant Chains – Raid Boss Overview
Prishe of the Distant Chains‘ primary gimmick is a charge-up mechanic first introduced in The Sil’Dihn Subterrane. Attacks like Knuckle Sandwich and Auroral Uppercut will display not one, but three telegraphs, each one larger or longer than the last. While casting these abilities, Prishe will shout “Wait for it…” up to three times in a row, charging up her attack each time she does. To successfully dodge these attacks, players will need to keep track of how many times Prishe charges up in order to determine the correct position to stand. These attacks can later be combined with additional area of effect attacks (AoEs) that must be dodged at the same time as Prishe charges, requiring players to multitask. Prishe’s major attacks include:
Attack Name |
Explanation |
Knuckle Sandwich |
Targets a location on the ground to slam, placing three concentric circles on the ground. The size of this attack is determined by the number of times Prishe says “Wait for it…” while casting. After Prishe slams the ground, the previously safe areas of the arena will detonate shortly after. |
Nullifying Dropkick |
A hard-hitting tank buster attack that splits damage between three targets hit. Tanks should handle this with defensive abilities such as Rampart. |
Banish Storm |
Places three staves on the ground with arrows pointing away from them. After a short duration, the staves will fire moderately sized AoEs that begin cascading in the direction of the arrows. |
Crystalline Thorns |
Marks large sections of the arena in red, creating lethal spikes on the ground when finished casting. This ability always precedes the following attack, Auroral Uppercut. |
Auroral Uppercut |
Knocks all players up and away from the center of the arena, with three curved lines extending from the player, indicating potential launch trajectories that will occur. Prishe will shout “Wait for it…” up to three times while charging up, indicating which trajectory will be selected. |
Banishga IV |
Numerous orbs cover the arena. The orbs will begin swelling up in a sequence, detonating in a moderately sized AoE shortly after. |

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Fafnir The Forgotten – Raid Boss Overview
Fafnir the Forgotten uses a variety of attacks that charge up specific parts of its body, requiring players to pay attention to the dragon itself to determine which parts of the arena will be safe to stand. In addition, Fafnir will periodically cast Hurricane Wing, transforming the fight into an intense dance to dodge rotating wind attacks, and summoning Darter minions to complicate the fight even further. Fafnir’s most notable attacks are:
Attack Name |
Explanation |
Offensive Posture |
Fafnir will prepare an attack by charging either its head, feet, or tail, selecting a different attack based on which body part is charged. |
Head Charged: Fafnir will breathe fire along the edge of the arena in a clockwise direction starting from where it is facing, leaving behind a persisting trail of fire. The ignited ground will extinguish itself after a short duration in the same order it was set alight. This attack will always be followed up with a tail-charged Offensive Posture. |
Feet Charged: Fafnir will slam the ground, dealing damage in a large AoE around itself. When preceded by a head-charged Offensive Posture, players must remember which side of the arena will extinguish first in order to escape the slam in time. |
Tail Charged: Fafnir will swipe the arena behind it in a 270 degree cone, leaving only the area directly in front of it safe. |
Baleful Breath |
A high-damage attack that splits damage across all targets hit. Hits multiple times in a row. |
Hurricane Wing |
Fafnir deals unavoidable damage to all players before landing on the edge of the arena shortly after. Numerous wind AoEs will begin rotating around the arena, including a large ring that will either shrink from the outside-in, or grow from the inside-out. |
Winged Terror |
Fafnir’s wings begin glowing purple, striking to the left and right of itself after a short duration. |
Absolute Terror |
Fafnir’s body begins glowing purple, shooting a laser directly in front of itself after a short duration. |
The Ark Angels – Raid Boss Overview
The Ark Angels include five bosses players will have to fight at once, each with their own distinct set of attacks and abilities. While each individual attack is fairly simple to dodge, keeping track of all five Ark Angels presents a unique challenge, and attacks can often be combined with each other to deadly effect. Major attacks in this fight include:
Attack Name |
Explanation |
The Decisive Battle |
An Ark Angel will tether to the player, applying an Epic Hero effect when finished casting. Players will only be able to damage the Ark Angel with the matching effect while it is active. |
Meikyo Shisui |
A variety of AoE patterns that occur in quick succession, including a checkerboard of ice attacks, a glowing orb players must face away from, a two-part flower attack, first detonating in a large AoE, then creating a small circular safespot players must stand inside, and a large crystal that shoots six cones of lightning around itself. |
Meteor |
Ark Angel TT begins a lengthy cast that must be interrupted to prevent raid-wide damage. |
Guillotine |
Ark Angel TT teleports to one side of the room before cleaving the arena in front of him several times in a row after a short duration. |
Utsusemi |
Ark Angel HM creates four clones that will tether to a player before chasing them after a short duration. |
Mijin Gakure |
Ark Angel HM begins casting Mijin Gakure while Ark Angel EV creates an Ark Shield to protect them. Players must defeat the Ark Shield and interrupt the Mijin Gakure cast before it finishes in order to avoid lethal damage. |
Rampage |
Ark Angel MR dashes around the arena, dealing damage in a linear AoE three times in quick succession before slamming the ground in a large AoE. |

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Shadow Lord – Raid Boss Overview
The final boss of the Alliance Raid, Shadow Lord, utilizes might and magic to assault players with a wide array of heavy-hitting attacks. Swapping between two phases and summoning clones to supplement his attacks, players will need to pay careful attention to both the boss and their surroundings to successfully handle the Shadow Lord’s lethal attacks, including the following:
Attack Name |
Explanation |
Giga Slash |
Sweeping swords appear around Shadow Lord during the cast time, telegraphing two sword slashes that will occur in quick succession once completed. The swords will always swipe to the left or right of him, then hit the opposite direction. |
Giga Slash: Nightfall |
Similar to Giga Slash, but introduces a third sword swipe that strikes either in front or behind Shadow Lord. |
Umbra Smash |
Shadow Lord smashes the ground in a straight line. The AoE created begins cascading outward from itself, spreading to the left and right of the area originally struck. |
Implosion |
Shadow Lord lifts two orbs in his hands that explode after a short duration. Before the cast finishes, one orb will grow in size, striking the entire half of the arena it is on instead. |
Chthonic Fury |
Shadow Lord transforms the arena, dealing raid-wide damage and switching between the two phases of the fight. |
Dark Nebula |
Line telegraphs appear on the floor, knocking players away in the directions indicated. Multiple telegraphs may appear in succession, requiring players to remember the order they appeared in. |
Dark Sigils |
Circular and square telegraphs appear around the arena with thorns appearing on either the inside or outside of them, indicating safe or unsafe areas. If a shape has thorns on the inside of it, players must stand outside the shape, and vice versa. |
Shadow Spawn |
Shadow Lord creates clones of himself that will cast either Giga Slash or Implosion, independent of the Shadow Lord himself. |
Binding Sigil |
Three sets of circular sigils appear on the ground in sequence, detonating in order at the end of the cast. Players will need to memorize the location and order of the sigils to dodge them successfully. |
Jeuno: The First Walk Raid Rewards
Bosses within Jeuno each drop pieces of the item level 720 Ark Angel armor set, the second-highest item level armor available in patch 7.1. Additionally, defeating the Shadow Lord grants players an Ordelle Coin, which can be traded to Uuah’shepya in Solution Nine (X:8.6, Y:13.5) in exchange for items to upgrade the Quetzali armor set from item level 720 to item level 730. Collectible rewards for completing Jeuno include the Nano Lord minion, a miniature version of the Shadow Lord, as well as orchestrion rolls for various music found throughout the Alliance Raid.
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