Best Gameplay Mods For Red Dead Redemption 2 On PC

Best Gameplay Mods For Red Dead Redemption 2 On PC

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Key Takeaways

  • Mods like BloodLust, W.E.R.O., and Collyrium Redone enhance graphics, combat, and weather for Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC.
  • Silent Deadeye paired with Remove Screen Effects provides a smoother Deadeye experience, improving combat and hunting.
  • Unique mods like Dog Companion, Gun Tricks, and Companion System provide fun and realism, enhancing gameplay experiences.

Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 already walked away with over 150 Game of the Year awards upon its release and continues to be mentioned favorably as one of the greatest games of all time, even in comparison to the many AAA titles of the last half-decade. But even though Red Dead Redemption 2 is near perfect, there’s always room for improvement, and there’s never any harm in finding ways to enhance an already impeccable game for the benefit of fun and realism.

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Thanks to a dedicated community, the PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2 has received several mods over the years, some of which really accentuate the game’s best features while also adding in some elements that were overlooked by Rockstar during the developmental stages. Whether it’s modifying the gameplay mechanics, broadening the selection for character customization, or fine-tuning graphics that are already mind-blowing, these are some of the best gameplay mods for Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC.

10 BloodLust

Increases Blood Splatters And Blood Pools For Executions

WhyEm’s BloodLust mod enhances the visuals of the blood splatters when enemies are shot, stabbed, or otherwise brutally attacked. With BloodLust activated, players will see a lot more blood particles that adjust according to a sliding scale. For the maxed-out version, players can see heads being blown off, limbs being lost, and a lot of blood to accompany such gruesome deaths.

There are more blood pools, execution blood is increased, and all body parts have bigger bleed-out bonuses. BloodLust adds some variety to Red Dead Redemption 2‘s combat by introducing more graphic kill animations, especially when coupled with other mods.

9 W.E.R.O. Western Euphoria

Adds More Realistic Ragdoll Physics To NPCs

One such mod that pairs well with BloodLust is W.E.R.O. — Western Euphoria Ragdoll Overhaul —, which gives all the NPCs a wider variety of ragdoll physics. This means that headshots will render specific animations, as will shooting specific body parts, such as feet, arms, and torsos. For example, if Arthur shoots out an NPC’s kneecap, they will stumble in accordance with the placement of their injury for a more realistic response to being shot.

The W.E.R.O. mod aims to recreate some of the Red Dead Redemption physics that so many players adore. Paired with WhyEm’s BloodLust, the W.E.R.O. mod makes it hard to revert to vanilla combat mechanics.

8 Silent Deadeye / Remove Screen Effects

Makes Switching Into Deadeye Mode Smoother And Less Jarring

These mods are technically a two-for-one deal, as they work much better together than separately. By pairing Silent Deadeye with Remove Screen Effects, switching to Deadeye mode is smoother than ever. Especially since the transition is erased entirely, Deadeye appears more seamless without the jarring vignette and darkened edges of the screen.

Without the sound and screen effects, entering Deadeye is a lot less jolting and makes combat and hunting easier. Both Silent Deadeye and Remove Screen Effects can be used individually, but they’re arguably more effective as a pairing.

7 Collyrium Redone (Visual and Weather Overhaul)

Introduces More Realistic Weather Patterns And Tweaks Brightness

Collyrium Redone, also known as a Visual Weather Overhaul, changes the weather system for Red Dead Redemption 2 and improves upon the graphics in different biomes. This mod tweaks the game’s daytime and nighttime brightness to give it a more sleek look, all while introducing more realistic qualities of certain weather patterns, such as denser fog, more sun rays, and realistic wind speeds for harsher climates.

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Red Dead Redemption 2‘s graphics were already near flawless as standard, but Collyrium Redone just makes the experience even more immersive.

6 Dog Companion

Allows Arthur To Recruit A Dog For Hunting Animals

This simple mod from Shtivi allows Arthur to befriend any dog and have to follow it around as a constant companion. Arthur’s dog will assist with tracking and hunting animals, as well as protect Arthur from any hostile NPCs. Additionally, he can instruct the dog to attack NPCs on command.

After installing the mod, it’s as simple as walking up to a dog and choosing the ‘Bonding’ option, which allows them to be tamed like wolves in Minecraft — just without wasting any bones. Arthur can tell the dog to sit and wait or call it from afar for backup in a combat scenario. Not only does this mod give dog lovers some extra incentive to explore in Red Dead Redemption 2, but it’s fun to give Arthur a furry friend.

5 Gun Tricks

Brings Red Dead Online’s Gun Tricks To Single-Player Mode

Red Dead Online already allows players to use gun tricks, which are unlocked based on their progress as a bounty hunter, but gun tricks are missing from the main game, and Arthur cannot perform them without a mod installed. With Gun Tricks, Arthur can retrieve a gun from his holster and begin spinning it around his index finger.

A menu will appear in the lower-right corner of the screen that allows Arthur to alternate styles of gun spinning, namely Alternating Flips, Spin Up, Figure Eight Toss, and Shoulder Toss. He can also dual-wield and spin two guns at once. It’s not necessarily a life-changing mod, and doesn’t alter gameplay significantly; it’s just more amusing to have, but that’s a good enough reason in itself.

4 Rampage Trainer

Rampage Trainers are in-game menus that allow players to manually alter elements of the gameplay, environment, and even permit actions such as teleporting across the map. Red Dead Redemption 2‘s Rampage Trainer provides players with options to alter the weather, spawn entities, change the time of day, and even add millions of dollars to Arthur’s in-game wallet, which can be used to purchase amenities, supplies, or be donated to camp to contribute to Dutch’s delusions.

The Rampage Trainer also opens up windows of opportunity for other mods, as the omnipotent ability to alter Red Dead Redemption 2‘s settings can further enhance other in-game modifications.

3 WhyEm’s DLC

Includes A Wider Variety Of Clothing And Hairstyles For Arthur

The character customization options in Red Dead Redemption 2 are already fairly substantial, but WhyEm’s DLC gives players a huge amount of freedom and creativity to customize Arthur’s clothing, hairstyle, and horse accessories. WhyEm’s DLC includes eyepatches, custom saddles, and even culture-specific hairdos like the Mexican Ponytail. It’s even possible to give Arthur’s horse a mustache.

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As per the mod’s requirements, clothes can only be purchased from Trappers as opposed to designated clothing stores like the one in Saint Denis, but WhyEm’s DLC allows players to express themselves through Arthur’s avatar in a wider variety of ways.

2 Basic Needs

Makes The Game More Challenging By Focusing On Hunger And Thirst

For an added layer of realism to Red Dead Redemption 2, the Basic Needs mod takes the survival aspect of the game to a whole other level. Besides Arthur’s health, stamina, and Deadeye meter, Basic Needs adds specific cores for hunger, thirst, sleep, and even urination.

Basic Needs adds a water canteen to Arthur’s inventory that needs to be refilled and utilized to stave off his thirst. Arthur’s performance in combat and overall speed is also impacted by a weight system that takes into account any heavy clothing and weaponry he might have to slow him down. Basic Needs is a good mod for players who have done it all and demand an extra challenge to Arthur’s exploration.

1 Companion System

Allows Arthur To Recruit Any Gang Member To Accompany Him On Missions

Some of Red Dead Redemption 2‘s most interesting missions are often the optional side quests accepted at camp, such as fishing with Javier or robing coaches with Lenny. The Companion System mod allows Arthur to recruit any of the gang members to accompany him during his many escapades. By walking up to a member of the Van der Linde gang, Arthur can command them to join him, and they will follow him to complete tasks and engage enemies.

This mod also works during missions, so someone like John can tag along to help Arthur gun down his foes. This mod builds a bigger attachment to the game’s amazing cast of characters and gives players the option to spend quality time with them individually.

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October 26, 2018

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