There are plenty of fast decks in Pokemon Pocket, but the purple star Starmie is one of the fastest. This killer Water-type Pokemon only needs to evolve once to reach its maximum potential. With only two mere energy, it can deal a continuous barrage of 90 damage with Hydro Splash that not even the strongest meta decks will be able to stop.

Pokemon Pocket: How To Build A Starmie And Articuno ex Deck
Here’s how to build a deck centered around the top-tier Starmie ex and Articuno ex cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
This evolution line, paired with amazing bench removal like Articuno ex or high-roller Supporters like Misty, can clean up any PVP match you encounter while collecting all of your favorite ‘mons. These cards will get you out of any pickle against the water star. HYAAAH!
Pikachu Ex
Water is weak to Lightning so the best option in this scenario is one of the best decks in the game, the mighty protagonist, Pikachu ex. Starmie being weak to Lightning means the Pokemon will receive 20 extra damage from Lightning-type attacks.
Even though Pikachu ex won’t be able to one-hit KO the deadly star, even with Giovanni’s help, no amount of potions will save them from the constant Circle Circuit attacks coming their way.
Lt. Surge
It’s Electric!
Surge might be a bit gimmicky, but it could save you in a pickle and even KO a pesky Starmie ex. With this supporter card, you’ll be able to give all of your energy from your benched Pokemon to your active Electabuzz, Electrode, or Raichu.
If your Pikachu is in trouble and dangerously close to being KO’d, you can retreat into a Raichu and unleash a mighty Thunderbolt to easily KO the opposing Starmie, all before they even get a chance to counterattack.
One-Hit-KO Almost Everything
Raichu is great against the menacing Starmie ex, but it is quite tricky to use. Raichu requires a lot of setup, and with the right timing on a Giovanni, a Starmie ex can one-hit-KO your lovely Pokemon. But with the right pilot and setup, Raichu can be Starmie’s worst nightmare.

Pokemon Pocket: How To Build A Pikachu And Zapdos ex Deck
Here’s how to build and play a Pikachu and Zapdos ex deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
You usually won’t want Raichu in the active spot until you are ready to fire off a Thunderbolt. Keep Raichu sitting on the bench until your Pikachu ex is in danger. This is the best time to use a Lt. Surge and blow up anyone in its sights.
Venusaur Ex
Tons Of HP
Starmie can two-shot just about anything in the game, except for the tanky Venusaur ex. This Pokemon has a whopping 190 HP, and with its Giant Bloom attack, it can heal 30 HP every turn, preventing the dread two to three-shot KO.
Backed up by excellent supporters like Misty and Sabrina, Venusaur ex can stall forever and make your opponent’s life a living nightmare. Maybe you won’t even get a “thanks!” afterward, but that’s okay because you’ll be able to defeat any Starmie that you encounter.
Mewtwo Ex
One Of The Best Decks
Meta decks beat meta decks. The same is the case with the all-powerful Mewtwo ex. Even though Starmie ex can start spewing 90 damage attacks as soon as their second turn if they go second, Mewtwo can easily rout them with the right Gardevoir setup.
Most Starmie ex will play Articuno ex as a secondary basic Pokemon, which could mean a bit of trouble, as its Blizzard attack will slowly chip away at your bench, preventing you from building your Gardevoir safely. Luckily Mewtwo ex can also one-shot the legendary bird.
Free Energy Generation
Even though Mewtwo ex is the star of the show in any Psychic deck, Gardevoir is the key player in all of it. You can squeeze a win or two just by slowly adding energy onto Mewtwo, but Gardevoir can speed up the process and allow you to get a one-hit KO in every turn.

Pokemon Pocket: How To Build A Mewtwo Ex And Gardevoir Deck
Stack Psychic energy while disrupting your opponent’s strategy with this dangerous Mewtwo ex deck.
With its Psy Shadow ability, Gardevoir can give your active Pokemon an extra energy once per turn. If you already have a Mewtwo with two attached energy, you can Psydrive every single turn that Gardevoir is alive, making most players concede on the spot.
Exeggutor Ex
Easy To Set Up
Exeggutor ex is quite similar to Starmie ex. It’s only a Stage 1 Pokemon, so it’s relatively easy to set up, and it can deal a solid amount of damage, albeit at the hands of Lady Luck. Exeggutor can deal up to 80 damage if you’re able to get heads on a coin flip.
Even though it can’t do as much damage as Starmie ex, it can start chipping away with a single energy. Hopefully, you practiced your coin flips for this exact situation, or your sentient palm tree will succumb to Starmie.
Wigglytuff Ex
Best Option For Colorless Decks
Starmie ex does need to do a bit of setup so that a stall tactic could work wonders against them. Sadly, most stall attacks revolve around coin flips, making them terribly inconsistent. Wigglytuff ex is one of the best stall Pokemon in the game.
Sleep is a great condition to apply, as your opponent’s Pokemon will not be able to act or retreat while in the condition. This will help you set up your other Pokemon to come in for the easy kill since they will be weakened through the constant Sleepy Song damage.
We Have Gardevoir At Home
Like Gardevoir, Magneton can generate a ton of energy advantage for your Pokemon at the cost of versatility. Magneton’s ability, Volt Charge, will only award the extra energy to itself rather than your active Pokemon.
Even though all of the energy is going to Magneton, it is not the end of the world. It still bears a decent attack with Spinning Attack, dealing 60 damage, but with the help of Lt. Surge, you will be able to hand all that free energy to a Raichu for an explosive turn.
Pick Your Battles
Being a Stage 2 Pokemon, Pidgeot can be a bit slower to set up, but if you don’t want to deal with Starmie ex at all, its Drive Off ability can come in handy. This ability is a mini Sabrina, built into the Kanto bird, allowing you to swap out your opponent’s active Pokemon with a benched one of their choosing.
It’s only damaging attack, Wing Attack, does 70 damage, but if the Starmie ex player hasn’t properly set up their bench with powerful ex Pokemon, the attack can easily take care of any straggler basic Pokemon sitting the battle out.
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