The Veilguard Fans Are Disappointed With “Lackluster” Romances

The Veilguard Fans Are Disappointed With "Lackluster" Romances

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Key Takeaways

  • Dragon Age: The Veilguard romances are disappointing to many fans, with many calling them “lackluster”.
  • A lot of the complaints seem to stem from how little it feels like characters are in relationships, as well as the lack of cute moments between Rooks and characters.
  • Others are also disappointed there’s very little drama within the party regarding relationships, such as Morrigan and Leliana’s beef in Origins.

Dragon Age can be pretty raunchy when it wants to be, which has given the series a reputation for interesting and intense romances with certain characters. Even before launch, BioWare itself leaned into this reputation by really promoting The Veilguard’s relationships, calling certain ones steamy and declaring the title the most romantic Dragon Age game yet. Fans were so excited that they even started picking out who they wanted to romance before release.

Now that the game is finally out, and the majority of Dragon Age fans have thrown themselves into the open arms of their romance of choice, a lot of them seem to be coming back disappointed with the whole experience. One such player is Reddit user Manonymous14, who recently expressed their disappointment with the game’s romances on the Dragon Age subreddit, attracting hundreds of other disappointed fans in the process.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Players Are Disappointed With “Lackluster” Romances

In this post, Manonymous14 complains about Neve’s romance in particular, and how it often felt like she and their Rook “weren’t even in a relationship”. They claim that the relationship’s overall “lack of romance” ended up disappointing them in the end, and felt like too much time between Neve and their Rook was spent doing the personal quest that anyone can complete, rather than in romance-specific scenes.

It’s not an uncommon opinion, as another Reddit user called Rozwielitkatka also came out of Dragon Age: The Veilguard disappointed with the Lucanis romance arc too, explaining that while they thought there were moments that were cut, there just wasn’t enough of them. They also explain that the don’t feel the “pull and passion” from The Veilguard’s romance options like they did in previous Dragon Age games.


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From the rest of the comments in this Reddit thread, it appears as though it’s a major complaint among fans, though Davrin and Emmerich’s romance arcs appear to be standouts. There’s also alot of disappointment with the lack of inner party drama when it comes to relationships too, with some unhappy that there are no Morrigan/Leliana beefs over the Rook when choosing to romance more than one character.

Then again, that also ties into other complaints about the game’s party members in general, as some fans recently vented about characters being too nice to each other and their Rook. It’s strange too, as BioWare has shown in the past that it’s usually one of the best studios out there for character relationships, but it seems like it may have slightly missed the mark this time.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Tag Page Cover Art

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the long-awaited fourth game in the fantasy RPG series from BioWare formerly known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. A direct sequel to Inquisition, it focuses on red lyrium and Solas, the aforementioned Dread Wolf. 

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