The Necropolis Halls is where players recruit the Fade expert Emmrich Volkarin during the Where the Dead Must Go Story Quest in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Players will find the Senior Necromancer in the Grand Necropolis, where he will ask them to help investigate the disturbance in the Shrouded Halls.
After completing the Quest in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, players can explore every nook and cranny in the area. In doing so, Rook might stumble upon the Necropolis Halls Purple Torches min-game in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How To Solve The Bell Puzzle In The Necropolis
Solving the Necropolis Bell puzzle will unlock The Memorial Gardens’ sealed door in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
Purple Torch Locations In Dragon Age: The Veilguard
To locate all the Purple Torches in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, players must first go to the Path of Sighs in the Necropolis Halls. To reach it, fast travel to the eastern Teleportation Beacon in Necropolis, then:
- Walk toward the Stone Song.
- Use Harding’s skill to move it or Solas’ Lyrium Dagger.
- Climb the rock.
- Turn right.
- Walk toward the open grave with the lingering Wisp and two Purple Torches above it.
Upon interacting with the grave, players discover that the Wisp has been relocating the skeleton’s bones. To gain the Wisp’s trust and use it to unlock the sealed door in the Path of Sighs, bring five bones back to the grave within a 1-minute and 45-second time limit.
Most of the bones are located beyond the eastern door, which is heavily guarded by enemies. To avoid interruptions during the collection process, players should defeat these lurking enemies before interacting with the grave.
Purple Torch Location #1
The Wisp will point out the first Purple Torch location in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. To locate it, follow the Wisp around after the timer starts, or players can simply turn around from the grave’s location and walk toward the statue behind them.
Purple Torch Location #2
To locate the second Purple Torch in the Path of Sighs, players need to:
- Go behind the left door.
- Turn left.
- Go behind the broken left pillar.
- Walk toward the piled wooden crates.
- Break them.
- Investigate the bone.
Purple Torch Location #3
From the previous location in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, players should:
- Climb the stairs to the upper level.
- Go to the right corner.
- Climb the platform beyond the railing.
- Move past the cracked wall.
- Investigate the bone inside.
- Collect the Public Warning Memento.
Purple Torch Location #4
Exit the cracked wall, then go to the room’s left corner to locate the fourth Purple Torch in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Investigate the bone between the scattered books to extinguish the Torch.
Purple Torch Location #5
Turn around and walk toward the stacked breakable jars. Behind them, players will find the fifth Purple Torch with the last bone from the corpse.
Upon collecting all the scattered bones, go back to the grave’s location and investigate it to restore the damaged skeleton and obtain the Wisp.
Next, go back inside the previous room and walk toward the door on the right. Going near it, the Wisp will automatically merge with the mechanism and open the door. Once the door is unlocked, go behind it to collect the Memento Mori Memento and two Treasure chests in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
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