Slitterhead has many ways for you to personalize your favorite characters, enabling you to upgrade their Skills to fine-tune their gameplay. You can also obtain new Outfits and Masks for them, allowing you to customize them even further to your liking, making these bonus items worth seeking out if you want to spice up their fit a bit.

Slitterhead: All Hyoki Memory Fragment Locations
Looking for memory fragments in Slitterhead?
Even if you’re not looking to play as all the Rarities in the game, seeking out these optional items will be an excellent way to challenge yourself and add more replayability to your journey if you’re enjoying the horrific sights and sounds present in Slitterhead.
All Lurking Parasite RE (2nd Loop) Masks
Lurking Parasite RE (2nd Loop) is the first mission that allows us to obtain a Mask in Slitterhead. To get it, when the mission starts, use Blood Jump to reach the rooftop where the dumpster is, the one you must search to move the mission along. Before searching the dumpster, walk past it and drop down onto the other rooftop just beneath it.
Continue moving downward until you reach a fence, then look to the left to find another rooftop with a Shrine on the far end of it. Jump over to the rooftop, interact with the Shrine, and summon the Shrine Guardian “Rat” Slitterhead into the arena.
Defeat the Shrine Guardian “Rat” Slitterhead to receive the Genbu Opera Mask for Julee, making it the first of many to be added to her Wardrobe tab in the main menu.
All Sleepless Zone RE (2nd Loop) Masks
Next is the Sleepless Zone RE (2nd Loop) mission, which is arguably the most challenging one. Progress through the mission as normal until you reach the elevator and take it up to the next floor. As soon as you exit the elevator, head left instead of right and follow the hallway to the boiler room.
A Shrine will be on the far right end of the boiler room. Interact with it to summon the Shrine Guardian “Ox” Slitterhead. You can head right first, fight the Slitterheads, and have your Rarities spawn first to make this encounter substantially easier. Still, it will be a tough battle, so be prepared.
Taking down the pesky Shrine Guardian “Ox” Slitterhead will reward you with the Beige Face Mask for Anita. A well-deserved item for putting her through that chaos!
All Missing Girl RE (2nd Loop) Masks
Missing Girl RE (2nd Loop) is next in line and is a substantially easier one to obtain than the previous ones. For this Mask, play through the mission as normal until you possess Anita for the first time and battle the Blacktip Mantidfly Slitterhead for the first time.
Once here, focus on the backside of the Slitterhead. Specifically, the dangling body that is barely attached to the large mass that is the Slitterhead. Hitting it enough times will cause it to fly off of the Slitterhead, so only focus on that part of the beast until that happens.
Constantly jump to civilians and Rarities behind the Slitterhead to get free shots in, which will occasionally stagger it, allowing you to unleash several attacks on the dangling body.
Removing the body from the Blacktip Mantidfly Slitterhead will unlock the Black Face Mask for Anita, giving her yet another Mask to throw on whenever she pleases!
All Ghost Family RE RE (3rd Loop) Masks
Ghost Family RE RE (3rd Loop) is a very similar situation, having you progress through the mission until you reach the part with two Slitterheads. You only have to destroy the body on one of them to obtain the Mask, so focus on one and only attack the dangling body.
With the body destroyed on one of the Slitterheads, you will obtain the Sieryu Opera Mask for Julee, giving her even more options to choose from than before!
All Over Limit Masks
Ready for a more involved one? Well, Over Limit is ready to offer one for you whether you like it or not. Progress through the mission until you’re tasked to ‘Follow Lisa’s presence,’ then make your way toward the main street. From here, head up the main stairs as if you were going toward the pathway to the club, then head left and follow this walkway.
You will eventually reach a staircase that leads toward the overpass. Take these steps down and look to the right to see a dog. Possess the dog and run underneath the pile of junk in front of it, then follow the pathway out into an open alleyway to find the Shrine leaning up against a wall.
Possess a human in the area, interact with the Shrine, and then follow the waypoint until you find the Shrine Guardian “Horse” Slitterhead. This encounter is sort of tricky at first, but once your Rarities spawn in, it’s substantially more manageable.
Eliminating the Shrine Guardian “Horse” Slitterhead will grant Alex the White Helmet, which pairs nicely with his Lab Coat costume!
All Black Payback REV (Mirror) Masks
Black Payback REV (Mirror) is another Shrine-based Mask that can be found by heading into the overpass near the west end of the main street. As soon as you climb the stairs into the overpass, turn to your right to find the Shrine leaning up against the wall directly beside the steps.
Interact with the Shrine to summon the Shrine Guardian “Rooster,” which is just a group of lesser Slitterheads and a couple of normal ones. This encounter is rough, especially since it is such a narrow arena. Do not take this one lightly, and bring your best Rarities to the battle!
Surviving the hoards of the Shrine Guardian “Rooster” Slitterheads will unlock the Guy Fawkes Mask for Blake. An interesting addition to his Wardrobe, to say the least.
All Ghost Family REV (Mirror) Masks
Ghost Family REV (Mirror) is the following mission and is another simple-ish one to find. Progress through the mission as you typically would until you have to ‘Pursue Alex and the daughter.’ The game will want you to head up the road to the right but head left instead, then take another sharp left up an alleyway.
The Shrine will be on your right, leaning up against a garage door. Interact with it to summon the Shrine Guardian “Pig” Slitterhead. Be warned, this encounter is pretty tough, as it has a lot of heavy-hitting attacks. Once your second Rarity shows up, it’s not as bad. Just constantly heal, use your Skills, and switch between Rarities constantly to come out on top.
Overcoming the Shrine Guardian “Pig” Slitterhead will give Julee the Suzaku Opera Mask, adding more to her already packed Wardrobe.
All Bind Break Masks
Finally, we have the Bind Break mission, which is a simple one. Thankfully. Play through the mission as normal until you reach the Weedy Stingfish Slitterhead, then focus on the dangling body that’s hanging from its backside. You know the drill from the earlier Masks and even some of the Outfits.
Don’t let up, and only target the dangling body, using Skills and heavy attacks to eventually stagger the Slitterhead. Once it’s stunned, you can unleash even more attacks on the body until it ultimately pops off. Finish the mission as usual to receive your reward.
Hacking the dangling body off the Weedy Stingfish Slitterhead will give Alex the Blue Helmet, which is one of the nicer-looking ones in his collection!
There is one more Mask to be had in Bind Breaks, but we have yet to discover how to get it. We will update this guide with the exact method of obtaining it once we get it!

Slitterhead: All Rarity Locations
Slitterhead has eight unique Rarities to find, here’s how to unlock them all.
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