Dragon Ball DAIMA is Fast Losing Steam

Dragon Ball DAIMA is Fast Losing Steam
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The following contains spoilers for Dragon Ball DAIMA episode 5, “Panzy” available to stream on Crunchyroll and Netflix.

Key Takeaways

  • Goku gets involved in a territorial dispute on a new planet with the introduction of a potential new ally, Panzy.
  • The story progresses slowly with repeated information and no major developments, hinting at future appearances of Z Fighters.
  • Although not boring, the show is struggling to deliver substantial content, leaving viewers frustrated with the lack of progress.

When Dragon Ball DAIMA first started, the series was fun and intriguing. With a great concept, fun villain, and new destinations to go to, it appeared the show had everything going for it to be the version of Dragon Ball GT we should have gotten the first time around. As things continue with very little substance happening, is the show actually leaving a memorable mark on the Dragon Ball franchise, or are the creators just stalling and wasting our time?

On the previous episode of Dragon Ball DAIMA our heroes were trying to figure out what to do now that their space capsule had been stolen. Buying a new ship was going to be too expensive. Still, it was discovered that a far more economical travel method would be to be flung across the planet on giant space launchers that look like cotton swabs (ah, Toriyama’s sense of humor never fails to disappoint).

Dragon Ball DAIMA: The Demon Realm Dragon Balls, Explained

The original set of Dragon Balls.

A New Face in a New Conflict

Dragon Ball DAIMA
Copyright Toei Animation

Where Goku and his friend’s landed is not a welcoming place. They found themselves in the middle of a territorial dispute between two of the tribes on the planet, and while Glorio insists they stay out of it, Goku decides to get involved in the conflict. This leads them to meet someone new: a young green girl who looks like she would fit in at home in Toriyama’s other manga Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. Does that mean we will see other characters from the Jaco universe in the future? And will we get a stand-alone anime based on the Jaco manga as well? That much isn’t clear, but it is clear that having a similar-looking character is no mere coincidence.

Dragon Ball DAIMA: The Demon Realm Equivalent of the Senzu

The Demon Realm is filled with strange and interesting things, including its own version of the magic bean grown on Korin’s Tower.

A New Member Joins the Party

Dragon Ball DAIMA
Copyright Toei Animation

It seems that Goku’s strength is already making waves around the planet, as the young girl (whose name is eventually revealed to be Panzy…don’t read too much into that) recognizes him as “the spiky-haired kid” who has been causing trouble in the area. She volunteers to join them on their journey. However, no one in the party is keen on her joining the team. However, not only does she know the way to the castle they need to get to, she’s going to join them whether they want her to or not.

Bedtime Stories are VERY Important

While our heroes continue to attempt to find a plane, King Gomah continues to care for baby Dende. Unlike most villains, he seems to be taking the job rather seriously, even chewing out the nurse for not reading him bedtime stories with enough enthusiasm (he WILL be the reason new Dragon Balls are created after all, so only the best will do). Oh, we also find out that King Gomah and Glorio are part of a species called the Glinds, so…guess we’ll find out more about them in the future.

The Story Kind of, Sort of, Maybe Continues…

Dragon Ball DAIMA One-Star Dragon Ball Tamagami

What is not being discussed now (but will be in the recap) is that the second half of the episode introduces more new characters by repeating information we already know. Yes, we know that the Dragon Balls on this planet are being guarded by warriors so that they can’t be used. Yes, we know Goku is strong, we don’t need a training sequence to show us that (though in all fairness, the training sequence IS really cool, and Goku finally turns into a Super Saiyan during this scene…albeit briefly).

On the positive side, there are HINTS that more of the Z Fighters will be coming along soon. It’s just taking FOREVER for anything of real substance to happen! The only reason this isn’t getting more of a negative review is because at least the show isn’t boring. But let’s be honest: it’s getting there. There are enough funny moments to make things not too bad, but it’s not like the show is a laugh-a-minute affair either. It’s all been really, really…fine. Yeah, fine’s the right word.

There is still hope to be had as new characters are still being introduced, and our heroes are finally in a position to do something substantial. How much longer will it take though? Vegeta, Piccalo, and Bulma still haven’t arrived yet. We are now a third into this rumored 20-episode series, and you would think the creators would be using their time more wisely than this. It’s frustrating because, while the show isn’t bad per se, it’s currently far from good. Hopefully, next week will see some improvement.

Dragon Ball Daima temp TV logo poster

Dragon Ball DAIMA

Dragon Ball Daima is the latest anime in Akira Toriyama’s legendary franchise. After being transformed into a child, Goku must travel to a new world to try and turn things around. 

How Dragon Ball and Ranma ½ Forced a Major Change on Netflix

Dragon Ball and Ranma ½ pushed Netflix to rethink its anime strategy, leading to big changes in content offerings and release approaches.

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