Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
has three sniper rifles available as of launch. The last one you’ll unlock is the LR 7.62, a monstrous weapon that can one-tap enemy operators from the torso and up. It’s one of the easier sniper rifles to use in this game, although it has some poor base stats you’ll need to address with the Gunsmith.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – Weapons Tier List
This tier list covers every usable weapon in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
Once you fix these issues, you’ll be blessed with one of Black Ops 6’s strongest weapons for multiplayer modes and Zombies. Today, we’ll be looking at two builds that push the LR 7.62 to its limits, showcasing a strong quickscope configuration for MP and a modified variant that’s perfect for Zombies.
Quickscope LR 7.62 Build
LR 7.62 Build | ||
Attachment | Pros And Cons | Advanced Stats |
Blandwell 7x Scope (Optic) |
Muzzle Brake (Muzzle) |
Ranger Handguard (Underbarrel) |
Extended Mag I (Magazine) |
Quickdraw Grip (Rear Grip) |
Heavy Stock (Stock) |
Target Laser (Laser) |
Rapid Fire (Fire Mod) |
Sniping in Black Ops 6 requires you to stack your weapon with as many attachments as possible. As such, you’ll need the Gunfighter Wildcard to have enough room to fix all the LR 7.62’s problems—its reticle sway, slow ADS speed, immense incoming flinch, and slow fire rate. At least the Wildcard gives you enough slots to do so.
The single most important attachment in this build is the Target Laser. This delays your aim idle sway from being instantaneous to a more reasonable 2.8s delay, making it possible to land quickscope or blackscope kills. If you try to quickscope without this laser, you’re going to have a miserable time.
Now that your sniper isn’t perpetually seasick, you can start to fix its other issues. The Quickdraw Grip gives you a massive 13% ADS speed bonus, cutting down your aim time to just over half a second. We then use the Heavy Stock to counter the flinch resistance penalty on the Quickdraw Grip. As for the gun’s slow rechambering speed, use Rapid Fire to greatly speed up the bolting animation.
Most of the gun’s issues are fixed at this point, so we can get to buffing its overall performance. Equip any optic to suit your preferred sniping distance. We prefer the Blandwell 7x Scope, although you can comfortably use a 3x optic up close. The Ranger Handguard helps boost your sprint speed, and Extended Mag I lets you get a few more kills between reloads. Finish the build with a Muzzle Brake to greatly reduce the gun’s recoil.
Loadout Recommendations
Perks | |
Specialty | Strategist |
Column One | Flak Jacket |
Column Two | Fast Hands |
Column Three | Guardian |
Equipment | |
Wildcard | Gunfighter |
Lethal | Preference |
Tactical | Stim |
Field Upgrade | Trophy System |
A sniper rifle isn’t going to cut it up close, so we highly recommend you run Fast Hands in your second perk column to instantly swap to your secondary weapon. We can’t use Perk Greed with this build, so we might as well go all-in on Strategist perks. Flak Jacket makes you highly resistant to enemy explosives, and Guardian gives you a Stim-like regeneration boost whenever you’re capturing or holding an objective, which is incredibly useful in Hardpoint and Domination.
Equipment should lean into the support playstyle these perks encourage. Trophy Systems are amazing for locking down objectives from enemy equipment, helping you build score for calling in Scorestreaks. Past that, we recommend Stims for fast healing and your favorite AoE lethal grenade.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough
Here is a step-by-step guide to the Terminus main easter egg in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
Zombies LR 7.62 Build
LR 7.62 Build | ||
Attachment | Pros And Cons | Advanced Stats |
Kepler Red Dot (Optic) |
Suppressor (Muzzle) |
Short Barrel (Barrel) |
Ranger Handguard (Underbarrel) |
Extended Mag I (Magazine) |
Quickdraw Grip (Rear Grip) |
Target Laser (Laser) |
Rapid Fire (Fire Mod) |
You’ll be using the LR 7.62 primarily as a bolt-action rocket launcher once you get it Pack-A-Punched, so your choice of attachments isn’t nearly as important in Zombies. We;re using the previous multiplayer build since it fixes most of the LR’s consistency issues, but we have tweaedk a few attachments to buff its ADS speed and overall handling.
The single biggest change is we drop the stock attachment for a Short Barrel, virtually removing ADS and firing penalties from jumping in the air. Since this weapon’s projectiles explode in a massive radius, firing in the rough direction of the zombies midair is surprisingly useful. We also recommend a red dot optic to greatly improve the weapon’s handling. Finally, swap the Muzzle Brake for a Suppressor, as this will greatly increase the odds of earning Salvage from slain zombies.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 – Best Jackal PDW Loadouts
The Jackal PDW is a great mid-range SMG, especially with these builds.
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