Best Gloves In Baldur’s Gate 3 (& How To Get Them)

Best Gloves In Baldur's Gate 3 (& How To Get Them)

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Key Takeaways

  • Baldur’s Gate 3
    received rave reviews for its story, graphics, customization, and choices. The variety of gear, especially the gloves, adds depth to the game.
  • The Abyss Beckoners are rare and useful for players who summon companion beings.
  • The Hr’a’cknir Bracers and the Hellrider’s Pride offer unique abilities and advantages that can greatly impact gameplay.

Baldur’s Gate 3 received rave reviews both from journalists and gamers alike since launch, and the trend has continued into the present day almost a year later. The story, graphics, customization options, and storyline choices a BG3 player has are spectacular, and players keep coming back for more than a year after the game’s original launch.

One of the other things that make Baldur’s Gate 3 stand out is the variety of gear it offers, which leads to a wide variety of stylish and useful gloves that can be used for several creative builds. Players love character customization, and there’s an impressive variety of ways to look great in BG3 while augmenting the main character’s best abilities.

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Updated November 10, 2024, by Kristy Ambrose: Patches and updates are ongoing for Baldur’s Gate 3, even if the days of adding major content and extra storylines have come and gone. There’s a small chance that ongoing patches will include even more and better gear, which would mean the addition of a wide variety of gloves, bracers, and gauntlets. Gloves in the land of Faerun can range from cloth, which is worn by casters and Monks, to Light and Medium Armor, which is used by Rogues, and finally to Heavy Armor, which is the most durable option and worn by classes like Fighters and Paladins.

16 Abyss Beckoners

Found In The Zhentarim Hideout

Abyss Beckoners in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Very Rare
  • Demonspirit Aura: protects summoned creatures from psychic damage

The Abyss Beckoners is one the rarest pieces of equipment, let alone gloves, in Baldur’s Gate 3, even though it tends to work against players anywhere from half the time to all the time. As such, it is not going to be worth it for most builds, but for anyone who summons animals, ghouls, or other companion beings, it might be a great addition to one’s wardrobe.

While the idea of having invulnerable summoned creatures is extremely interesting, the player has to understand that it tends to backfire. Summoned creatures go mad every turn by failing their wisdom saving throws, so one should ensure that a high Wisdom score, like a Cleric or Druid, is using these gloves.

15 Gauntlet of the Tyrant

Looted From Gortash’s Body In Wyrm’s Rock Fortress


  • Very Rare
  • Passives: High Spellcasting, Enervating Suffusion
  • Cast Command once per long rest

This could be the only gear in the game that’s classified as “gloves” even though it’s really just a single gauntlet. It grants several handy abilities related to getting opponents to submit before they’re defeated, hence the name. The ability to cast the Command spell is an obvious reference to authority. Anyone can use it to force an enemy to flee, drop their weapon, or stand in place, among other things.

High Spellcasting might sound like it’s only for certain classes, but this actually gives a character a bonus to their spell save DC, which is great for any class. Enervating Suffusion gives the player’s unarmed attacks an additional 1d4 damage, so it’s ideal for a Monk but also useful for when a melee character is disarmed in combat. The only major drawback with this bit of gear is that it’s not available until the player has a chance to kill Gortash, which happens fairly late in the game.

14 Thunderpalm Strikers

Purchase From Bumpnagel The Gnome in Angleiron’s Cellar

Barcus Wroot merchant in Baldur's Gate 3.

  • Rare
  • Booming Blows: +1d4 Thunder damage to unarmed attacks; can cast Thunderwave once per long rest.

These gloves are mainly designed for Monks, given that the main bonus only applies if the character is unarmed. This can come in handy for Fighters and Barbarians who find themselves disarmed in melee combat. The Thunderpalm Strikers are available for purchase from a gnome vendor named Bumpnagel, so it’s not necessary to kill a boss or loot a difficult location to find it.

Bumpnagel’s location depends on how the Gnome storyline progressed from Act 2. If the main character helped the Gnomes escape Moonrise Towers, Bumpnagel can be found again in a hidden location called Angleiron’s Cellar, where the Gnomes are currently hiding. This can be accessed through a trapdoor in the Rivington General Store or through a cave on the beach.

13 Hr’a’cknir Bracers

Drops From The Gith Warrior Ch’r’ai Tska’an

The Shadow-Cursed Village in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Very Rare
  • +1 Strength
  • Cast Telekinesis once per long rest

Just when players thought Act 2 was all wrapped up and that passing through that gate and into the big city was going to be easy, there’s an ambush waiting by the western exit from Reithwin Town. It’s not a boss fight, but it’s still a tough battle, especially if everyone in the party fails a Perception check and nobody sees it coming.

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There are some tough Gith fighters to face here, and one named Ch’r’ai Tska’an will drop the Very Rare Hr’a’cknir Bracers if players defeat her. Unlike so many other gears in this class, the power the gloves grant to cast the Telekinesis cantrip and get a +1 Strength bonus extends to every race that puts them on, not just Gith.

12 Gloves Of Belligerent Skies

Found In An Elegant Chest In The Inquisitor’s Chamber Of Crèche Y’llek

Gloves of Belligerent Skies in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Uncommon
  • Grants Thunderous Conversion

These gloves are simple cloth, so any class can use them, which is good news for those building magic users who specialize in Thunder, Lightning, or Radiant damage. That can include Monks, Wizards, Sorcerers, and Clerics.

Thunderous Conversion is the special feature that makes the Gloves of Belligerent Skies among the best in the game. After the wearer uses any spell or ability that deals Thunder, Lightning, or Radiant damage, they inflict Reverberation on the target. This condition gives them a -1 penalty to their Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity saving throws, and if it happens five turns in a row, the target takes 1d4 Thunder damage.

11 Gloves Of Heroism

Found In The Reithwin Tollhouse Basement

Lay on Hands spell in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Uncommon
  • Medium armor
  • Grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
  • +1 Strength
  • Grants the Warding Hands ability

This pair of Uncommon gloves grants the wearer a combination of resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage when they’re dealt with by physical attacks. It doesn’t help with spells or magical weapons, however, so it’s not as useful at higher levels.


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Warding Hands gives the wearer the Heroism condition when they use their Channel Oath spells. The Gloves of Heroism are highly situational and only ideal for a Paladin, but noble knights who want them can pick them up in the Tollhouse basement.

10 Hellrider’s Pride

Quest Reward For “Save The Refugees” Or Taken Them From Zevlor’s Corpse

Aradin trying to convince Zevlor to open the gates in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Uncommon
  • Medium armor
  • Strength +1
  • Grants the Helm’s Protection passive

These offer the same benefits of resistance against physical weapons as other Medium armor pieces, but that does limit them to certain classes. In this case, it’s themed for Paladins, but Fighters or certain Cleric subclasses can use them, too.

Helm’s Protection is a passive ability that only activates when the wearer heals a target, making Hellrider’s Pridebetter for healing builds. Aside from restoring hit points, it also gives the target resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

9 Herbalist’s Gloves

Sold By Derryth Bonecloak

Baldur's Gate 3 Herbalist’s Gloves

  • Uncommon
  • Grants the Cleansing Touch ability

The Herbalist’s Glovesmight not seem useful at first, but anyone who has played any D&D-related game will know that getting poisoned is unpleasant. The Poison condition often lasts several turns and can slow a character down or put them to sleep, and a simple heal won’t cleanse it.

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Often, players don’t think about bringing antidote vials into combat, or maybe they just won’t bring enough. These gloves solve this very annoying problem. Granted, the wearer must heal the poisoned creature to cure them, but that seems like a small trade-off. These gloves can be found in the Underdark, where they are sold by Derryth Bonecloak.

8 Gloves Of The Growling Underdog

Found In The Horde Behind Ragzlin’s Throne

Gloves of the Growling Underdog in-game item description in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Uncommon
  • Grants Advantage on melee attack rolls when the wearer is facing two or more enemies.

These gloves are ideal for melee fighters, especially tanks, regardless of class. They are of an Uncommon quality, are found in the chest behind Razglin’s throne room, and can easily have a huge impact on how the wearer approaches battles.

The Gloves of the Growling Underdoggive an Advantage on melee attack rolls when surrounded by two or more enemies. That’s useful to a character with a DPS or defender build who is trying to deflect attention from their casters and healers.

7 Gloves Of Power

Drops From Za’krug The Goblin

Gloves Of Power in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Uncommon
  • +1 Sleight of Hand
  • If the wearer has the Absolute’s brand, inflict a 1d4 penalty to attack and save rolls.

By themselves, the Gloves Of Powermight not be that useful as they only grant +1 to Sleight Of Hand. Not too long ago, during Baldur’s Gate 3‘s early access, these gloves even applied a penalty to the wearer if they did not have the Absolute’s Brand.

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That was changed for the full release, however, and developers decided that having the mark would just give the wearer the ability to inflict a 1d4 penalty to attack and save rolls on their enemies. They can be found if players kill Za’krug, a goblin who’s part of the attack at the entrance to the Druid Grove.

6 Raven Gloves

A Reward For “Punish The Wicked”

He Who Was in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Rare
  • Summon Quothe the Raven once per short rest

Some players miss this little corner of the Shadow-Cursed Lands entirely and miss this side quest and the related NPC completely. He Who Was might be some kind of necromancer since talking to the dead seems to be his thing, and he and his albino raven have a task to complete.

Players are going to Reithwin Town eventually and will have to confront Thisobald Thorm while they’re there, so it’s easy to poke around under the floorboards of the Waning Moon brewery and get the ledger that He Who Was has requested. Players can then return it to him, and allow him to dispense justice without killing him in the process. The reward for doing so is the Raven Gloves, which give the wearer the ability to summon a raven familiar that can fly, attack, and blind enemies.

5 Bracers Of Defence

Found In The Necromancer’s Cellar

Bracers Of Defense in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Rare
  • Become the Bulwark: +2 to AC

The Bracers of Defenceare probably one of the best pieces of equipment for a monk or a Barbarian class in Baldur’s Gate 3. Yes, players could also throw on some useful jewelry, but these bracers are perfect when it comes to making the Monk and Barbarian more resistant to damage.

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The +2 to AC is nothing to scoff at, especially when considering that the two aforementioned classes tend not to wear armor or carry shields with them. This is the exact limitation that the gloves have. They are located at the Blighted Village in the Necromancer’s Cellar.

4 Helldusk Gloves

Drops From Haarlep In The House Of Hope

The in-game description of the Helldusk Gloves and a close-up of Haarlep in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Very Rare
  • Cast Rays of Fire once per short rest
  • Passive abilities: Infernal Acuity and Infernal Touch

Haarlep, the infamous incubus that inhabits the House of Hope and makes their living as Raphael’s personal pleasure slave, drops the Helldusk Glovesif players resist his charms and opt to kill him instead of making a deal to get into the Boudoir safe. The safe contains the code to “unlock” the Orphic Hammer, and it’s possible to take the key from his corpse instead of trading a visage of the protagonist’s body for it.

Aside from being able to cast Rays of Fire, an ability that refreshes every Short Rest, characters also gain access to Infernal Acuity, which gives the player a +1 bonus to spell attack and spell save rolls, and Infernal Touch, giving weapon attacks 1d6 of fire damage and unarmed attacks 1d6 of necrotic damage.

3 Cerebral Citadel Gloves

Found During The “Visit The Emperor’s Old Hideout” Quest

Elfsong Room Barkeep in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Rare
  • +1 Strength
  • Grants Illithid Euphoria

These gloves are simple clothing as opposed to light or medium armor, so any class can wear them, which is one of the many advantages they have. It’s a drawback that they’re not available until Act 3, though. Players can find them while exploring the cellar of the Elfsong Tavern as part of the “Visit the Emperor’s Old Hideout” quest.

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The best thing about the Cerebral Citadel Gloves, other than the Strength buff, is Illithid Euphoria. Illithid Euphoria allows the wearer to Charm Personor Frighten a target, and these conditions give the target a 1d4 penalty on their attack rolls and saving throws.

2 Luminous Gloves

Found Inside The Potter’s Chest In The Ruined Battlefield

Luminous Gloves in-game item description

  • Uncommon
  • +1 to Strength saving throws
  • Passive feature: Radiating Orb Gloves

The Ruined Battlefield is the dark, semi-wooded area that surrounds the ruins of Reithwin Town in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. The Potter’s Shed is fairly close to the eastern shoreline. The Luminous Gloves are more than decent for any fighting class with their +1 to Strength, but the addition of Radiant damage makes these ideal for Clerics and perfect for Paladins.

There are various ways to deal Radiant damage, but Paladins and Clerics are the ones that commonly possess spells connected to the holy light, although this can also depend on the choice of subclass. With these gloves, any time the wearer deals Radiant damage, whether it be through a spell or special ability, the target is afflicted by the condition Radiating Orb for two turns. This condition sheds light on and near them, making it difficult to use any Stealth abilities, and they have a -1 on their attack rolls.

1 Gloves Of Dexterity

Obtained From The Quartermaster Of The Gith Creche

Gloves of Dexterity in-game item menu description in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Very Rare
  • +1 to Attack rolls
  • Sets the wearer’s Dexterity to 18

The Gloves of Dexterityare extremely useful for multiple scenarios, as they give 18 Dexterity to anyone who wears them, regardless of race or class. In case the player decides to use Dexterity as their dump stat and then uses the gloves, all the other stats can be that much stronger, so if they run a Barbarian Berserker, they easily get a “free” armor class.

There are quite a lot of options that someone can play with here, from Rogues to Ranger builds. These gloves can be found on the Quartermaster in the creche while doing Lae’zel’s quest, or they can be bought later in the campaign.


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