All Working God Mode Glitches

All Working God Mode Glitches
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Everyone loves Call of Duty Zombies, but if there’s something players love to do more than get high rounds and kill zombies, it’s to find some god mode glitches in Black Ops 6 that will easily help them farm Nebula camos, Prestige Levels, and Dark Ops Challenges so that they can brag to friends of high rounds without the pain of 100 Manglers mowing them down.

Black Ops 6 Zombies: Terminus Main Quest Guide

Players must fight the undead horrors and experiments that are stopping their escape from Terminus Island in this Black Ops 6 Zombies main quest!

Black Ops 6 Zombies has quite a few god mode glitches, and listed below is an explanation of how to do each one. Each god mode glitch in Black Ops 6 is fairly simple to achieve, and Treyarch has yet to patch the ones listed, so jump in with a favorite loadout and get ready to reach high rounds.

How to Get God Mode in Liberty Falls

Aether Shroud Groundskeeper Shed Glitch

  • Acquire Aether Shroud with Burst Dash Augment
  • Enter Liberty Falls
  • Head to the Groundskeeper’s Yard
  • Put your back against the door of the shed
  • Pull back on the left stick to walk into the door while activating Aether Shroud

God mode can be achieved in Liberty Falls by first acquiring Aether Shroud as part of your loadout. Aether Shroud must be equipped, and it can be unlocked at Level 47. Now, players are going to need the Burst Dash Minor Augment, which is the fourth Augment players can research in Aether Shroud.

aether shroud augments

With this achieved, load into a game of Liberty Falls and gather the equipment you want, as this is a god mode glitch where players will be able to grab Power-Ups, but they will not be able to leave without saving and quitting in solo or using the Anywhere but Here GobbleGum in co-op.

Once players are ready to try out the god mode glitch in Liberty Falls, head to the Groundskeeper’s Yard at the top right of the map and then face the Groundskeeper’s shed. Players must make sure that the shed is unopened, so just avoid killing the Groundskeeper and using his key from the Graveyard.

the groundskeeper's shed

Players need to have their back against the Groundskeeper’s shed door, and then while holding back on the left stick (S on PC), activate the Aether Shroud Field Upgrade. This movement, paired with the Burst Dash Minor Augment, will have players teleport into the Groundskeeper’s shed, but zombies are unable to enter through the closed door, so they pile up outside.

The reason it’s great to be set up with Perks and upgraded Pack-a-Punched weapons is because there is no way to leave this glitch spot. Once players are inside, they may be safe from zombies, but they can only leave by saving and quitting the game, to which they will respawn outside the Groundskeeper’s Yard. Alternatively, players can leave with the Anywhere But Here GobbleGum. It’s also worth noting that Abominations can cause a bit of trouble due to the fact that their large size might push other zombies into the shed.

How to Get God Mode on Terminus Island

Bio Lab Tactical Rafts Glitch

A god mode glitch that has been around for quite some time in Terminus is one that uses Tactical Rafts in the Bio Lab’s bottom area near the Ammo Box and Melee Macchiato. Standing by the stairs closest to the Mining Tunnels, players should find a Tactical Raft as well as a machine that allows them to spawn another Tactical Raft.

Enter the first Tactical Raft and keep it somewhere safe. Now, purchase a new Tactical Raft for 500 Essence and destroy it away from the first one. With the first Tactical Raft, aim it at the center of the dock and drive up it, steering left to right to wiggle it up the platform. Now, jump out of the Tactical Raft and either melee the back of it or slide into it to push it towards the stairs leading to the Mining Tunnels. Players want to align the boat so that it’s cutting off the path to the stairs. Once done, destroy the Tactical Raft so it cannot be moved.

driving the boat into the terminus glitch

Now, head out underneath the Sea Tower to reach the Docks. Underneath the Docks where players can summon a Tactical Raft, there should already be one spawned in. Drive this Tactical Raft somewhere safe and then spawn another one at the Docks, destroying the newest Tactical Raft before jumping into the one that was kept somewhere safe. Within this Tactical Raft, drive it through to the Bio Lab and then like before, wiggle it up the ramp. Once it’s on land, melee or slide into it to the left, opposite the first Tactical Raft spot. The Tactical Raft should be between the pillar and the test tubes to block off another zombie spawn, and now destroy it so that it cannot be moved.

Players should now have a destroyed Tactical Raft on either side of them, and zombies will enter a pile-up glitch where they are unable to push past the boats. However, zombies and Amalgams can sometimes glitch through the boats, so try to be careful and watch both sides. Players can also add new boats to the glitch to create further barricades.

To stop the Tacitcal Rafts from despawning, the boat within the glitch must be the first boat spawned in. This means that players must spawn in Boat 1, then wait for the cooldown to spawn Boat 2, and then destroy Boat 2 and use Boat 1.

How to Activate God Mode in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Co-Op Aether Shroud / Frenzied Guard Glitch

  • Enter into co-op
  • Have Player 1 activate Frenzied Guard with Phalanx Augment
  • Have Player 1 immediately die and quit the game
  • Players 2, 3, and 4 will all have god mode

This god mode glitch only works in co-op games and on any map, so try to bring a friend for the ride. It involves one or more players receiving god mode, and it can only be activated by a player who is running Frenzied Guard and doesn’t mind leaving the game to make it work.

To start, the person who is going to leave the game needs to have Frenzied Guard, which unlocks at Level 9. With Frenzied Guard equipped, players must have the Phalanx Major Augment, along with the Extension Minor Augment.

For the players who are being given god mode, players need the Retribution Major Augment and Repiar Boost Minor Augment on their own Frenzied Guard. These players will also want the Turtle Shell Major Augment for Jugger-Nog and preferably the Durable Plates Minor Augment. With these equipped, players can join their allies and load into either Terminus or Liberty Falls.

All players need to do is have the player who is going to leave the game to acquire their Field Upgrade. Once this player can activate their Field Upgrade, do so and immediately activate a Frag Grenade or any other method to die while Frenzied Guard is active. As soon as this player goes down and needs reviving, they need to click start and leave the match. This will leave all remaining players in an infinite Frenzied Guard god mode that carries over their Augments to essentially allow them to only take shield damage and not HP damage, and also recover shield for every kill.

The Liberty Falls water valve glitch has been patched.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Tag Page Cover Art

October 25, 2024

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