How To Quickly Beat A Thunderjaw

How To Quickly Beat A Thunderjaw
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Thunderjaw is one of the most dangerous machines in Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered, and it has a huge arsenal of weapons that it can use against players. Its body is shaped like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, which allows it to use a range of plasma guns and killer drones to track down Aloy, even from a huge distance. Its long-range capabilities, paired with being an agile mech that can close distance in the blink of an eye, makes the Thunderjaw a formidable machine to go up against. Knowing its weaknesses is critical to bringing one down.

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How To Quickly Beat Thunderjaws In Horizon Zero Dawn

Players can find Thunderjaws while completing one of the Cauldrons or fast-traveling to one of the ‘Thunderjaws Sites’ in Horizon Zero Dawn. They’re usually walking around normally but can sense Aloy from a great distance, so be on your guard if you want to slip past one. However, if you’re thinking of taking a Thunderjaw down, here’s how you can do just that quickly.

Best Weapons To Use Against Thunderjaws In Horizon Zero Dawn

Best Weapons to Use Against Thunderjaw in Horizon Zero Dawn

The best weapons to use against the Thunderjaw in Horizon Zero Dawn are the Shadow Sharpshot Bow and the Lodge Ropecaster.

  • Shadow Sharpshot Bow is great due to it having a Tear-inducing Arrow to dislodge Thunderjaw’s parts and Precision Arrows to deal high damage to its weak points.
  • Lodge Ropecaster will aid in pinning Thunderjaw to the ground and let you strike its weak points more easily.

Use Focus To Detect Weak Points On The Thunderjaw

Using Focus to Detect Thunderjaw's Weak Points in Horizon Zero Dawn

The focus is your best tool to analyze a machine’s weak points — as well as knowing what exactly it is weak against. You’ll do the same as you creep near a Thunderjaw and analyze its weak points from a safe distance. You won’t get a chance to do this safely once the Thunderjaw is engaged, so best to use your focus while you can.

The biggest thing you’ll notice is two Disc Launchers on each side of Thunderjaw, which you’ll be targeting next, followed by the radar on top of its head.

Dislodge Thunderjaw’s Disc Launchers & Use Them Against It

  1. As you approach to fight the Thunderjaw, make sure to equip Tear arrows in your Sharpshot bow and target the two Disc Launchers on each of its sides.
  2. Once the two Disc Launchers come off, they’ll fall to the ground and will become usable for Aloy.
  3. Pick up the Disc Launchers and aim at the body of the Thunderjaw to inflict high damage.
  4. After the first Disc Launcher runs out of ammo, pick up the second one and repeat the same process.

While Aloy is wielding the Disc Launchers, she won’t be able to run or dodge without dropping the weapon. So, make sure to wait for the best opportunity to pick it up and shoot at the Thunderjaw.

If everything goes according to plan, you’ll have reduced Thunderjaw’s health to 10-20% at the beginning of the fight. However, it’ll only make the Thunderjaw more aggressive, so be ready to dodge when it starts charging or whipping its tail around.

Keep Targeting Weak Points Until It’s Down

Target Thunderjaw's Weak Points in Horizon Zero Dawn

After damaging the Thunderjaw significantly with its own Disc Launchers, now it’s time to finally beat it by attacking its weak points. Here are the best weak points that you should target to inflict maximum damage on the Thunderjaw.

  • The glowing red weak spot on top of its head.
  • After using Tear arrows on the right side of Thunderjaw’s head to reveal a circular red spot. Shooting that spot will deal huge damage to the Thunderjaw.
  • Target the radar array on its back until it breaks off to stop drones from targeting Aloy.

Thunderjaws are very jittery during the final phase of the fight. Players should
use slow-down skills
liberally to make aiming easier or the Ropecaster to
pin it to the ground
so it’s easier to hit all the weak spots.

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Rewards For Taking Down A Thunderjaw In Horizon Zero Dawn

Rewards for Taking Down Thunderjaw in Horizon Zero Dawn

After taking down a Thunderjaw, players will be able to get epic weapon mods and resources from it. Even though the rewards change depending on the player’s RNG, here’s a general list of rewards players can expect to get in Horizon Zero Dawn.

  • Metal Shards
  • three Epic or Rare Coils (Mods)
  • Machine Core – Large
  • Thunderjaw’s Heart
  • Machine Scavenger Box
  • Crystal Braiding
  • Common Components (Blaze, Wire, Chillwater, etc.)

Video Walkthrough Of How To Defeat A Thunderjaw

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