Sengoku Dynasty starts players on a beach with nothing to their name and nothing but their bare hands and the clothes on their backs to work with. As such, one of the earliest issues you’re likely to run into while playing is a lack of food. Farming requires a lot of setup and foraging can only barely help you scrape by, so you’ll need to find more ways of supplementing your food supply early on if you want to get your village running smoothly.
One great method for gathering more food in Sengoku Dynasty is by hunting. Hunting will initially only offer meat, though as you upgrade a perk in the Way of the Warrior you’ll also be able to gather other valuable resources from the creatures you track down. This guide will cover the basics of hunting so you can keep your villages well fed and grab the resources you need to survive and progress.

Sengoku Dynasty: Dynasty System, Explained
Becoming a powerful figure in Sengoku Dynasty is no easy task through its Dynasty System. Here is how it works.
How to Hunt in Sengoku Dynasty
Hunting is easy to start in Sengoku Dynasty, all you need is a knife and a spear. Chop down a few trees to get some logs and you can fashion them into a Wooden Yari using the Handcraft Menu. It’s best to make a few of these so you can throw another if you miss your first shot or, much worse, if the first attack doesn’t take the animal down and it starts charging you. You’ll also need a knife to skin the animal after you beat it, but if you’re far enough into the game to chop down a tree, it shouldn’t be too hard to build a knife.
Later in the game, you’ll be able to craft better spears or make use of bows to hunt more effectively. This will be especially useful when taking on dangerous animals that are likely to attack if you miss a shot.
The next thing you’ll need to do is actually find some animals. If you head north from the burned village near where you started, you should be able to find a spot with some deer. There’s also a nice fox hunting spot a little northwest of where the deer are. See the map above for the specific locations.
When you see the animals on the horizon, hit C to crouch and approach carefully. Your goal is to get within throwing distance without startling them into running or attacking. Once in range, hold the right mouse button to aim, line up with their head, and hit the left mouse button to hurl the spear. Assuming your aim is true, the animal will go down and you can approach the body. Swap over to your knife and interact with the body to skin it, retrieving meat and, if you have the right perk unlocked, other useful materials.
You can cook the meat at a campfire or fire pit, which will reset the amount of time it takes to rot while also improving its effectiveness at filling your hunger bar. Going on a little hunting trip every now and then is an excellent way of sustaining your village early on, while also getting hold of fur, antlers, and other materials once you have the requisite perks.
Hunting Perks in Sengoku Dynasty
There are two perks that are of particular use when hunting and one of them is accessible from the start of the game. “Animal Trophy Hunter” is available in the first column of the Way of the Warrior section of the Legend tab. Unlocking levels of this perk will allow you to gather more materials from the animals you hunt, initially unlocking fur before unlocking antlers, fangs, and claws as you gain more levels of it. These will be used in crafting for more advanced items later in the game, so it’s worth unlocking this early to save yourself some time.
The other hunting perk is much further into the skill tree, specifically in the fourth column. This perk, “Master Skinner”, will increase the number of items received when skinning animals. This allows you to get more out of a shorter hunt, so it’s well worth the investment.
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