One of the main villain groups in Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the Antaam, Qunari who went rogue and invaded the continent. The Crows and the Lords of Fortune are working together to stop them, but this coordination has run into some difficulties.
Once you recruit Taash into your main party, you can start the Dragon Age: The Veilguard quest “For Gold and Glory” at any point. Simply talk to Taash in the central chamber of the Lighthouse to start it. “For Gold and Glory” mostly retreads the ground you walked to recruit Taash, but it throws a few curveballs along the way.

How Dragon Age: The Veilguard Makes Its Side Quests Worthwhile
Dragon Age: The Veilguard may feature a few typical side quests here and there, but many of them help to flesh out lore and the world of Thedas.
How to Beat the Reaver
The Rivaini Coast eluvian drops you off at the same spot where you began Taash’s recruitment quest, so follow your old footsteps to get started on this quest. You can also explore side areas and find collectibles while you’re here, but this guide will focus exclusively on quest encounters.
The first encounter takes place in the arena at the base of the old Gray Warden fortress. The Antaam you meet here (and for the rest of this quest) are vulnerable to necrotic damage but resistant to electricity. The encounter with them starts normally, but eventually one of the Antaam will transform into a Reaver.
You may have met a Reaver before if you completed
the sidequest “A Slow Poison” back in Treviso
. The poison-maker boss was a Reaver, and now there’s a chance to encounter them during normal Antaam fights. Reavers are very straightforward but very aggressive, and they often use attacks you can’t guard against.
Your best strategy here is to bring a warrior who can taunt the Reaver into focusing on them and to pick off the ranged Antaam warriors until you can focus all your attention on the Reaver.
After the fight, check the southeast corner of the arena. You’ll find a pile of Crow bodies and a note. Read it to get your next quest marker.
Where To Go After The Reaver Fight
From there, keep retracing your steps through the Warden fortress. You should encounter another group of Antaam fighting deepstalkers in the dragon baiting area. Focus on the Antaam, because they’re far more dangerous than the deepstalkers.
You’ll then need to take a short detour into a new area. Climb up the waterfall area and cross the fallen log again, but this time turn left instead of going up the stairs. The quest marker should point you to the base of another waterfall to the northwest, where you’ll find a note that mentions the local Antaam leader. You can now continue back into the Warden fortress, or you can solve the brazier puzzle while you’re here.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How To Get Gold Fast
Like any RPG on the market, gold is an essential resource for Dragon Age: The Veilguard players, so it’ll benefit you to know how to earn it fast.
How to Get Around the Gate
Once you get past the area with the statue puzzle, you’ll find yourself staring at a gate that blocks your progress. This wasn’t here before, and there’s no lever to pull to open it. Thankfully, there’s a way around it.
Head two rooms west of the gate, and look for a glowing barrel. Now that Taash is in your party, you can use her Ignite ability to explode this barrel and destroy the wall behind it. Head south to the stairs, then climb up the wood pile to get to the next floor. Head to the far end to open a door, and go through to reach a balcony above the gate.
Don’t forget to activate the ladder so you can get back up here later.
One enemy is visible straight ahead, and as soon as you engage him, several more will run up the stairs to your right to try and attack you from behind. Deal with them, then continue into the fortress.
How to Beat Penshanek the Blood Eater
In the final open area of the fortress, you’ll find Penshanek the Blood Eater, the local Antaam boss. He’s a melee Antaam, but with him are two flamethrower units and one gunner. Penshanek has no unique attacks, and simply has more health and deals more damage than normal.
As such, you’re best off focusing on the support units first. The flamethrowers, in particular, can punish you for standing still or turning your back to them, and while their main attack shows a straight line when they’re about to fire, they can follow you around if you try to dodge away. On the bright side, they don’t have much health.
Completing The For Gold And Glory Quest
Once you defeat all the enemies, one of your companions will spot a surviving Crow in the southeast corner of the arena. Free her to end “For Gold and Glory.” Your rewards include a weapon, +50 to the Crows, and +100 to the Lords of Fortune.

- Franchise
- Dragon Age
- Publisher(s)
- Electronic Arts
- Engine
- Frostbite
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