How To Beat Cliff (October 2024)

How To Beat Cliff (October 2024)

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Pokemon GO Cliff’s Shadow Pokemon lineup has changed for the month of November 2024. Cliff has multiple Shadow monsters, each with amazing battle abilities and prowess. You must have proper meta-knowledge and counter-selection to defeat the Team GO Rocket leader.

Pokemon GO Team GO Rocket’s leaders are among the most powerful antagonists in the game. Regarding Cliff’s battle roster, it comprises 7 Shadow Pokemon. Each of Cliff’s Shadow Pokemon is extremely powerful and requires proper counters, but you must first find the leader to battle him. Win against several Team GO Rocket Grunts and collect 6 Mysterious Components to build a Rocket Radar, which can navigate you to Cliff. This guide details the Team GO Rocket leader Cliff’s Shadow Pokemon for November 2024 and the best counters against them.

Pokemon GO: Mythical, Legendary, And Mega Raid Schedule (November 2024)

This guide details all the Mythical, Legendary, and Mega Raids in Pokemon GO November 2024 along with their dates, time, and Shiny availability.

How to Beat Cliff in Pokemon GO

Beat Cliff in Pokemon GO

Cliff has a total of 7 Shadow Pokemon, and each of them is a capable fighter in Pokemon GO. The battle with Cliff has 3 rounds; the 1st round always starts with a single Pokemon. The 2nd and 3rd rounds are unpredictable; the leader has 3 potential picks for each of these rounds. One requires extreme meta-knowledge and proper counters to win the battle.



First Phase

Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon

Second Phase

  • Shadow Venusaur
  • Shadow Marowak
  • Shadow Aerodactyl

Third Phase

  • Shadow Tyranitar
  • Shadow Obstagoon
  • Shadow Crobat

Cliff’s First Phase Counters

Cliff always begins with Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon for the battle’s first phase. It is a Dark and Normal-type Pokemon with boosted offensive prowess as a Shadow monster.

Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon Counters

  • Type: Dark and Normal
  • Weakness: Fighting, Bug, and Fairy-type moves
  • Resistance: Dark, Psychic, and Ghost-type moves

Best Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon Counters

Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon Counter

Fast Attack

Charged Attack


Double Kick (Fighting-type)

Sacred Sword (Fighting-type) (Legacy)


Force Palm (Fighting-type) (Legacy)

Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)


Counter (Fighting-type)

Close Combat (Fighting-type)

Keldeo (Ordinary Forme)

Low Kick (Fighting-type)

Sacred Sword (Fighting-type)


Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)

Best Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon Shadow And Mega Counters

Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon Counter

Fast Attack

Charged Attack

Mega Lucario

Force Palm (Fighting-type) (Legacy)

Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)

Mega Heracross

Counter (Fighting-type)

Close Combat (Fighting-type)

Mega Blaziken

Counter (Fighting-type)

Focus Blast (Fighting-type)

Shadow Conkeldurr

Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)

Mega Alakazam

Counter (Fighting-type)

Focus Blast (Fighting-type)

Cliff’s Second Phase Counters

Cliff’s Second Phase Counters in Pokemon GO

The battle’s second phase comes up with significant uncertainty. Cliff’s Pokemon choice is not constant like in the first phase, so Pokemon GO trainers must prepare to battle against the likes of Shadow Venusaur, Shadow Marowak, and Shadow Aerodactyl. One must analyze the game’s meta to counter these opponents effectively.

Shadow Venusaur Counters

  • Type: Grass and Poison
  • Weakness: Fire, Flying, Ice,and Psychic-type moves
  • Resistance: Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Water, and Grass-type moves

Best Shadow Venusaur Counters

Shadow Venusaur Counter

Fast Attack

Charged Attack


Air Slash (Flying-type)

Dragon Ascent (Flying-type)


Fire Fang (Fire-type)

Fusion Flare (Fire-type) (Legacy)


Fire Fang (Fire-type)

Fly (Flying-type)


Fire Spin (Fire-type)

Magma Storm (Fire-type) (Legacy)


Psycho Cut (Psychic-type)

Psystrike (Psychic-type) (Legacy)

Best Shadow Venusaur Shadow And Mega Counters

Shadow Venusaur Counter

Fast Attack

Charged Attack

Mega Rayquaza

Air Slash (Flying-type)

Dragon Ascent (Flying-type)

Mega Y Charizard

Fire Spin (Fire-type)

Blast Burn (Fire-type) (Legacy)

Mega Salamence

Fire Fang (Fire-type)

Fly (Flying-type)

Shadow Salamence

Fire Fang (Fire-type)

Fly (Flying-type)

Shadow Heatran

Fire Spin (Fire-type)

Magma Storm (Fire-type) (Legacy)

Shadow Marowak Counters

  • Type: Ground
  • Weaknesses: Grass, Ice, and Water-type moves
  • Resistances: Poison, Rock, and Electric-type moves

Best Shadow Marowak Counters

Shadow Marowak Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack


Waterfall (Water-type)

Origin Pulse (Water-type) (Legacy)


Vine Whip (Grass-type)

Power Whip (Grass-type)

Dawn Wings Necrozma

Shadow Claw (Grass-type)

Moongeist Beam (Grass-type)


Leafage (Grass-type)

Frenzy Plant (Grass-type) (Legacy)


Leafage (Grass-type)

Grass Knot (Grass-type)

Best Shadow Marowak Shadow And Mega Counters

Shadow Marowak Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack

Shadow Kyogre

Waterfall (Water-type)

Origin Pulse (Water-type) (Legacy)

Mega Sceptile

Bullet Seed (Grass-type)

Frenzy Plant (Grass-type) (Legacy)

Mega Rayquaza

Air Slash (Flying-type)

Dragon Ascent (Flying-type)

Mega Swampert

Mud Shot (Ground-type)

Hydro Cannon (Water-type) (Legacy)

Mega Abomasnow

Leafage (Grass-type)

Weather Ball (Ice-type)

Shadow Aerodactyl Counters

  • Type: Rock and Flying
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Ice, Rock, Steel, and Water-type moves
  • Resistances: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ground, Normal, and Poison-type moves

Best Shadow Aerodactyl Counters

Shadow Aerodactyl Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack


Shock (Electric-type)

Discharge (Electric-type)


Bullet Punch (Steel-type)

Meteor Mash (Steel-type)


Charge Beam (Electric-type)

Wild Charge (Electric-type)


Waterfall (Water-type)

Origin Pulse (Water-type)


Thunder Shock (Electric-type)

Double Iron Bash (Steel-type)

Best Shadow Aerodactyl Shadow And Mega Counters

Shadow Aerodactyl Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack

Primal Kyogre

Waterfall (Water-type)

Origin Pulse (Water-type)

Shadow Metagross

Bullet Punch (Steel-type)

Meteor Mash (Steel-type)

Mega Swampert

Water Gun (Water-type)

Hydro Cannon (Water-type)

Shadow Rampardos

Smack Down (Rock-type)

Rock Slide (Rock-type)

Shadow Kyogre

Waterfall (Water-type)

Origin Pulse (Water-type)

Pokemon GO – All Ditto Disguises (November 2024)

You can find and catch a Pokemon GO Ditto and Shiny Ditto in November 2024 by following this detailed guide.

Cliff’s Third Phase Counters

Cliff’s Third Phase Counters in Pokemon GO

The third phase also proves to be a battle of prediction. Cliff has three choices he can pick for the final phase: Shadow Tyranitar, Shadow Obstagoon, or Shadow Crobat. Pokemon GO trainers must carefully select counters that can go toe-to-toe with the Team GO Rocket leader’s roster.

Shadow Tyranitar Counters

  • Type: Rock and Dark
  • Weaknesses: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Ground, Water, Steel, and Grass-type moves
  • Resistances: Psychic, Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Normal, and Poison-type

Best Shadow Tyranitar Counters

Shadow Tyranitar Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack


Double Kick (Fighting-type)

Sacred Sword (Fighting-type)


Low Kick (Fighting-type)

Sacred Sword (Fighting-type)


Counter (Fighting-type)

Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)


Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)


Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)

Best Shadow Tyranitar Shadow And Mega Counters

Shadow Tyranitar Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack

Mega Blaziken

Counter (Fighting-type)

Focus Blast (Fighting-type)

Mega Heracross

Counter (Fighting-type)

Close Combat (Fighting-type)

Shadow Machamp

Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)

Shadow Hariyama

Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)

Shadow Toxicroak

Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)

Shadow Obstagoon Counters

  • Type: Dark and Normal
  • Weakness: Fighting, Bug, and Fairy-type moves
  • Resistance: Dark, Psychic, and Ghost-type moves

Best Shadow Obstagoon Counters

Shadow Obstagoon Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack


Double Kick (Fighting-type)

Sacred Sword (Fighting-type) (Legacy)


Force Palm (Fighting-type) (Legacy)

Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)

Keldeo (Ordinary Forme)

Low Kick (Fighting-type)

Sacred Sword (Fighting-type)


Counter (Fighting-type)

Close Combat (Fighting-type)


Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)

Best Shadow Obstagoon Shadow And Mega Counters

Shadow Obstagoon Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack

Mega Lucario

Force Palm (Fighting-type) (Legacy)

Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)

Mega Heracross

Counter (Fighting-type)

Close Combat (Fighting-type)

Mega Blaziken

Counter (Fighting-type)

Focus Blast (Fighting-type)

Shadow Conkeldurr

Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)

Shadow Machamp

Counter (Fighting-type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)

Shadow Crobat Counters

  • Type: Poison and Flying
  • Weakness: Electric, Ice, Psychic, and Rock-type moves
  • Resistance: Fairy, Ground, Poison, Bug, Fighting, and Grass-type moves

Best Shadow Crobat Counters

Shadow Crobat Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack


Psycho Cut (Psychic-type)

Psystrike (Psychic-type) (Legacy)

Hoopa Unbound

Confusion (Psychic-type)

Psychic (Psychic-type)

Dusk Mane Necrozma

Psycho Cut (Psychic-type)

Sunsteel Strike (Steel-type)


Charge Beam (Electric-type)

Fusion Bolt (Electric-type) (Legacy)


Thunder Shock (Electric-type)

Discharge (Electric-type)

Best Shadow Crobat Shadow And Mega Counters

Shadow Crobat Counters

Fast Attack

Charged Attack

Shadow Mewtwo

Psycho Cut (Psychic-type)

Psystrike (Psychic-type) (Legacy)

Shadow Rhyperior

Smack Down (Rock-type)

Rock Wrecker (Rock-type) (Legacy)

Mega Alakazam

Confusion (Psychic-type)

Psychic (Psychic-type) (Legacy)

Mega Tyranitar

Smack Down (Rock-type) (Legacy)

Stone Edge (Rock-type)

Mega Latios

Zen Headbutt (Psychic-type)

Psychic (Psychic-type)

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