Call Of Duty Black Ops 6: Tips For Hardcore Mode

Call Of Duty Black Ops 6: Tips For Hardcore Mode

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In keeping with the series prior, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 offers players a strong handful of games modes to dive into with the multiplayer mode. Most of these carry the same elements from previous titles: mini-map to show player locations, ammo count, what weapon a person has at the moment. Sometimes, however, people want a more stripped down experience where quick reflexes mean much more and there is more of a threat to survival at any given moment. That’s where the Hardcore mode comes into play, offering the players something a little more intense than usual.

In this mode, the HUD is vastly reduced. The mini-map is gone unless a team has a UAV active, and everyone’s health is significantly reduced. This makes the time to kill much shorter. There is even friendly fire activity, so accuracy plays a more important role. It’s a much more intense way of playing the game, where a wrong shot can lead to a loss very quickly. Because of that, there are some tips that players need to carry with them as they start playing in these mods.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 provides Zombies players with a wide range of camo challenges to earn the coveted Mastery Camos.

Use Smaller Score Streaks

Black Ops 6 - RCXD

Kills are going to be a little tougher to come across in Hardcore mode, especially when you are just starting out. Because of this, players should look to use the lower score streaks from the list; i.e. the ones that cost less to unlock.

Without the mini-map being present at all times, it’s important to have a UAV as much as possible. This will greatly help a team as they try to win in these modes. It makes more sense to use what people are most likely going to use more.

Take It Slower

Black Ops 6 Season 1 Goliath

The usual style of play in these games is to run as fast as possible, pulling off quick-scope shots that down an enemy before they can react. But when it comes to the Hardcore game modes, things need to go a little differently — and slowly.

Taking time is more prudent than being as fast as possible. Of course, reactions still need to be razor sharp, but when a person can be killed much more quickly than usual, not running around corners means not being gunned down by an enemy, or even a teammate.

Think Before Shooting


In keeping with the previous tip, players shouldn’t have as happy of a trigger finger as usual. This is because of the friendly fire that exists in Hardcore modes. Taking a second to register what person is coming around the corner means not shooting a teammate.

Black Ops 6: All Multiplayer Modes, Explained

Black Ops 6 has an abundance of Multiplayer modes for players to enjoy and compete in, from competitive, casual, and party modes.

Being a little more loose with the trigger finger works in the normal modes because there is no friendly fire, so accidentally firing at a teammate won’t kill them. That changes in Hardcore, and can be a problem for players if they’re not careful.

Use More Weapons

Black Ops 6 - Weapons

There is always a meta in Call of Duty, with certain guns being more popular among the playerbase. This is usually because of damage output or accuracy, which makes certain weapons better than others.

However, in Hardcore mode, players’ health is reduced, which means players can use guns that might not be the most popular option. This leads to more experimentation and fun. Instead of feeling like you have to go with a certain group of weapons, you can branch out and have more fun.

Always Check Your Corners

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With more at stake in Hardcore mode, other players are going to be doing whatever they can to claim victory. This means they may be using some unsavory strategies that not many people are going to be happy about, like camping.

Hardcore mode, unfortunately, is full of campers. Checking corners before going into a room is going to make a big difference between life and death. It’s just the truth of the matter, and something that people need to keep in mind when playing this mode.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Tag Page Cover Art

October 25, 2024

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