The Black Shores in Wuthering Waves brought players an immense lore drop regarding the story, along with a new area for them to explore as well. After players complete the main quest and unlock all the teleportation points, they may come across a simple quest titled Boundary of Deduction in Tethys Deep.
The quest is pretty straightforward and requires players to restore two rooms to a similar state with the help of one of the KU Robots in Wuthering Waves. The quest, however, does not offer many hints, so it can be a little tricky trying to get it right the first time. Upon completion, players can receive 40 Astrites and 2 Advanced Supply Chests.

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Boundary of Deduction Quest Location
First, teleport to Error Cell in Tethys Deep using the underground Resonance Beacon and head to your right. Take the first set of stairs up on your right and keep heading down the corridor until you find KU-Repair next to a door. You’ll need to talk to it to trigger the quest.
Enter the room before you and then follow the quest navigation to inspect the tablet.
Boundary of Deduction Quest Walkthrough
Deactivate The Security Measures
As soon as you enter, the room will automatically detect a foreign presence and deploy countermeasures. You will need to deactivate them, so run to the other end of the room and investigate the glowing box. Doing so will switch off the security measures and you can then head to properly inspect the tablet.
How To Restore The Rooms
After inspecting the tablet, a portal will open on the other side and entering it will take you to the Mysterious Room. The Mysterious Room looks exactly like the one in Error Cell and the quest will require restoring both of them so that they are identical. You will need to do this by switching off four computer screens.
You need to copy what you saw in the Mysterious Room and switch off the correct screens in the original room. Head back to the original room and then turn the screens off as per listed
- Switch off the bottom left screen (the one closest to the entrance door)
- Switch off the top right screen (the one closest to the entrance door)
- Head across to the next table and switch off the bottom left screen again.
Wuthering Waves: Where To Find All 3 Treasure Locations (Unknown Masters Journal Hidden Quest)
Unknown Masters Journal is a hidden quest in Wuthering Waves where players can claim upto 3 treasure chests in the area using a set of photographs.

- Then, go around the table to the right and switch off the top right screen. This screen will require it to be switched off multiple times and spawn a Tacet Discord that you will need to defeat. After that, turn back to the screen to permanently switch it off and then you’re done.
You can also refer to the above image for more clarification on which screens to turn off.
Collect the two Advanced Supply Chests on your way out and use the portal to head to the backup Analysis Room. There you’ll meet Lester, who you only need to speak to before completing the quest. You’ll receive your 40 Astrites and a Trophy afterward.
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