How to Get Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker

How to Get Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker

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Back in the early days of World of Warcraft, the quality of gear meant more. Epic quality gear was significantly more difficult and time-consuming to get to the point that not everyone had a full set of epic gear even months after reaching Level 60. Even fewer players managed to get one of the few legendaries that were in the game like Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.

Aside from being the source of many memes and troll posts in World of Warcraft’s trade chat, Thunderfury is famous for being the first legendary available in the game. Despite all the changes that World of Warcraft has gone through over the years, Thunderfury is still available to this very day. While it is not viable in endgame anymore, it is still a fantastic weapon to acquire for transmog. If you want to obtain this weapon for yourself, here is how you can get it.

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How to Get Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker in World of Warcraft

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While some legendaries are random drops, others require you to complete a quest to obtain them. The latter is the case for Thunderfury, but actually obtaining the quest is reliant on two random drops from Molten Core, an old 40-man raid from back in vanilla World of Warcraft. To enter Molten Core, go to Blackrock Mountain between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes. Inside the mountain, you’ll find a large buuilding suspended by chains over a lake of lava. Go down to the bottom and speak to Lothos Riftwalker to enter Molten Core.

At Level 50+, Molten Core can easily be soloed as you will be one shotting basically everything. If your character is still using Chromie Time, make sure to turn it off first as you are unable to enter old raids while using that feature.

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In Molten Core, there are two bosses that have a chance to drop what you need to start your journey to obtain Thunderfury. The first is named Garr that drops the right half of the Bindings of the Windseeker, a legendary quality item. The second boss is Baron Geddon, and he drops the left half of the Bindings of the Windseeker. While you only need to get one to get the quest for Thunderfury, you will eventually need to get both.

Both bindings have a very low drop rate, so it may take time to get Thunderfury.

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When you manage to get one binding (or both, ideally), head over to Silithus. Near the entrance to the zone from Un’Goro Crater, there will be an NPC called Zidormi. You will need to talk to her and travel to the past prior to Sargeras plunging his sword into Azeroth as the NPC you need to talk to isn’t in the destroyed version of Silithus.

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Next, head to the northwest corner of Silithus known as the Crystal Vale. At a destroyed campsite, you will come across an NPC called Highlord Demetrian. If you have at least one of the bindings, you will be able to talk to him and get an item that starts a quest. Examine the Vessel of Rebirth and then talk to Highlord Demetrian again to get the next quest, Thunderann the Windseeker.

For this quest, you will need to obtain the following:

  • Both Bindings of the Windseeker
  • Essence of the Firelord (Drops from the final boss of Molten Core, Ragnaros)
  • 10 Enchanted Elementium Bars

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Enchanted Elementium Bars can be made by a Miner provided they have obtained the recipe from Master Elemental Shaper Krixix in Blackwing Lair. In order to make an Enchanted Elementium Bar, you must gather one Elementium Ingot, 10 Arcanite Bars, one Fiery Core, and three Elemental Flux.

Elementium Ingots drop from Blackwing Lair, Fiery Cores drop from mobs in Molten Core, and Elemental Flux is sold by Blacksmith Supply vendors. Arcanite can either be bought from the Auction House or created by an Alchemist with one Thorium Bar and one Arcane Crystal per bar.

If you want to save time, you can also just purchase the Enchanted Elementium Bars from the Auction House. Prices will vary, but you can expect to spend anywhere from 1,300 to 2,500 gold per bar.

When you collect all of that, go back to Silithus and speak to Highlord Demetrian again to complete the quest. Be ready though, as once you turn in the quest he will summon Thunderann. If you can solo Molten Core and Blackwing Lair, Thunderann will not give you any trouble. Kill him and then interact with the blade to get the quest Rise, Thunderfury!. All you have to do at that point is talk to Highlord Demetrian one last time and Thuderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker will be yours.

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