How To Earn The Clutterbug Achievement/Trophy In Life Is Strange: Double Exposure

How To Earn The Clutterbug Achievement/Trophy In Life Is Strange: Double Exposure
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As Caledon University’s artist-in-residence, Max Caulfield has a pretty swanky place. Early on in Life is Strange: Double Exposure you find yourself at Max’s house, which is historic enough to have a name: Hellerton. Max is kinda living the dream for a millennial artist.


Life Is Strange: Double Exposure – Achievement/Trophy Guide

Getting every achievement and trophy in Life is Strange: Double Exposure can be tricky.

Over the course of Chapter 1, you’ll find five objects that Max can use to decorate her house. You don’t need to do anything with these once you find them in-world (except for one, which we’ll get into below). Just find them, and they’ll show up as decorations in Hellerton.

Where To Find The Hellerton Decorations

Max looks at the Mini Mascot Toys in the bowling alley in Life is Strange Double Exposure

In the abandoned bowling alley, approach the big statue shaped like a bowling ball with two pins for ears. At the base of the statue, you will see Mini Mascot Toys. Take one, and it will appear in Max’s living room later in the chapter.

Max looks at Arcadia Bay photos next to her couch in Life is Strange Double Exposure

After Safi’s death, Max is at her house when Amanda texts that she’s coming over. As Max rushes to tidy up, she will move a souvenir box next to her couch. Underneath the box, she’ll find Arcadia Bay photos, another Hellerton decoration. Put them up on the cork board in Max’s room.

Max looks at Reggie and the Abraxas Puzzle Box in Life is Strange Double Exposure

Shortly after this, you’ll return to campus to meet Yasmin. Before that, walk forward from where you part ways with Amanda in the North Quad, and you’ll see Reggie attempting to solve the first layer of the Abraxas Puzzle Box on the left. Solve the first layer following this guide, and you’ll receive the token inside the box. Reggie will also give you the box itself.

Max stands by the bench with the Origami Flower in Life is Strange Double Exposure.

From Reggie, walk toward the Caledon statue by the entrance to the Admin Building. On the bench between the statue and the pond, find an Origami Flower.

Unfold the paper twice to find a haiku.

Max stands by a box of roses. The logo reads Subtle Blooms.-1

Finally, after meeting with Yasmin, head to the Fine Arts Building, where you’ll find a rose in a box between two Abraxas kids. If you’ve collected everything, congrats! You’ve earned the ‘Clutterbug’ achievement/trophy.


How Long Does It Take To Beat Life Is Strange: Double Exposure?

Here’s how long it takes to beat Life Is Strange: Double Exposure!

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