How To Complete Sleepless Zone In Slitterhead

How To Complete Sleepless Zone In Slitterhead

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Slitterhead is here, and if you’re making your way through the first new Keiichiro Toyama horror title since 2008’s Siren: Blood Curse, you are in for a treat. While it can be a bit obtuse and rough around the edges in some spots, it delivers on the bizarreness only Toyama-san can bring to the genre.


Silent Hill 2: Mary Boss Guide

We are almost there, people. Just one more fight to go and we’ll get our happy ending. Silent Hill 2 has a happy ending, right?

This bizarreness and unsettling feeling is present from beginning to end, making the game’s second mission check all the boxes you want from a game like this, setting the stage for what’s to come in the rest of your unnerving adventure as you uncover the disturbing truth in Slitterhead.

Starting Sleepless Zone In Slitterhead

Julee making her way down the narrow stairway toward to Golden Qilin in Slitterhead.

Sleepless Zone is the second available mission in Slitterhead, having Julee take the lead yet again, as you won’t have access to any additional Rarities at this point in the story. After completing Lurking Parasite and pinpointing the Slitterhead operation from a Brothel, you put the Golden Qilin in your crosshairs for your next target.

Infiltrate The Golden Qilin

Your first objective will be to get inside the Golden Qilin, which won’t be as simple as strolling in through the front door. In fact, if you attempt to do this, you will be shooed away by a Mafia Man standing guard at the establishment’s entrance. Fortunately, there is another way inside.

Make your way to the right of the front entrance to find a staircase leading up to an apartment and walk to the top of it. Once here, turn and face the Golden Qilin to find an opened window with an employee standing near it. Use your ability to possess them and jump to their body, taking control of them. Congrats, you’re now inside the Golden Qilin. Simple!

Gather Information On Anita

Now that you’re inside the Golden Qilin, make your way through the halls and up the stairs to eventually reach a dimly lit room filled with Mafia Men and Sex Workers. First, you will be tasked with gathering information on the establishment’s Boss, so make your way over to the table on the right-hand side and speak with the Sex Worker there.

You will learn about a person named Anita from her, which will then task you with learning more information about her. There will be a booth separated by dividers that has two Sex Workers in it, one in a black dress and the other in a green one. Speak to the woman in the green dress to obtain more information about Anita.

Search For The Manager

With the information gathered on Anita, you will now be searching for the establishment’s Manager, who can be found on the upper floor terrace of the Golden Qilin. So, make your way up the stairs onto a floor washed in a dim red light, make a left, and follow the hallway through until you find another staircase.

Move up the stairs and onto the rooftop, where you will see a woman in a stylish white dress with a large rose on it. Speak with her to learn that she is the Manager of the Golden Qilin, who will more or less tell you to leave as you cannot enter the Waiting Area.

Infiltrate The Waiting Area

Attempt to open the locked door into the Waiting Room to get warned by the Manager that you cannot go in there, then make your way over to the couple talking by a stack of boxes to learn about someone that broke into the Waiting Room, not all that long ago, which will trigger a shirtless man to walk out onto his balcony from the nearby apartment complex.

Possess this shirtless man and follow the pathway through the apartment complex onto another balcony, where you can see into the Waiting Room. Use your possession skills once more to possess a Sex Worker, giving you access inside the Waiting Room, allowing you to continue your investigation.

Resuming Your Investigation

Once you’re inside the Waiting Room of the Golden Qilin, make your way out of the room and head down the hallway to find a Sex Worker smoking a cigarette. Speak with her to gain a bit more information on Anita, learning that she stays on the bottom floor of the building.

Head downstairs to find a pair of Sex Workers standing by a window, one in a zebra-striped dress and another in a red one. Speak to the woman in the zebra-striped dress to trigger a cutscene, having Anita walk by and toward the exit of the Golden Qilin, forcing you to follow suit.

Chase After Anita

Follow Anita outside to have her vanish down the stairs in the blink of an eye, forcing you to continue to pursue her. However, as you approach the stairs, you will be ambushed by a Slitterhead that comes running out of the Golden Qilin, temporarily halting your progress.

Despite not having access to Julee for this encounter, it’s still a relatively easy fight, as there are many civilians in the area that you can possess if things get too hairy. Use your Blood Popper ability often and Blood Ripper to deal substantial damage.

Switching to a random civilian, using War Cry to attract the Slitterhead’s attention, and switching to someone else to land several free hits on them is a solid strategy that will have them defeated in no time, allowing you to examine their corpse for more information.

Attempt To Reach The Boss

After examining the corpse of the Slitterhead, you will learn where the Boss is located, which is at the top of the Golden Qilin. So, with that knowledge obtained, head to where Anita went to discover a locked red door blocking your progress. At least in the traditional way.

Look up and to the right of the red door to find a guy standing on his balcony. Possess him and look across the way to find another guy standing on his balcony. Possess them as well to gain access inside the large apartment complex. Once inside the building, follow the hallway to the elevator and take it up to the next floor.

Navigate through the hallways again until you reach a lounge room of sorts with several people playing games at a table. Enter the room to trigger a brief cutscene where one of the residents turns into a Slitterhead, kicking off another encounter. This will be handled exactly like the previous one!

Head To The Boss’ Location

Upon defeating another Slitterhead, make your way through the backroom and onto the balcony outside that’s attached to a massive scaffolding. Climb onto the scaffolding and follow it across to the building opposite the apartment complex, jumping a sizeable gap to reach its entrance.

Run through the door and follow the pathway to reach the lobby, where another Slitterhead emerges from a bystander, forcing you to take it down before moving any further. Fortunately, this one will be handled the exact same way as the previous two encounters, so there’s nothing to sweat here.

Charge up the stairs and make your way over to the large double doors that lead to the Boss’ room. Interact with it to begin the final encounter of this mission!

Defeat The Giant Leaf Insect Slitterhead

Opening the door will trigger a cutscene that will have the Boss sic their subordinates on you, having you deal with them first. While you can technically attack the Boss here, too, you shouldn’t do that under any circumstance, as they will transform into the Giant Leaf Insect Slitterhead instantly, forcing you to fight the two subordinates simultaneously.

Just be patient here, focus on the two subordinates first, and keep an eye out for Julee to load in, as she will finally make an appearance in combat during this mission. Once she gets involved, the subordinates can be taken care of easily by using her Sonic Claws Skill.

Defeating the two subordinates will have the Boss transform into the Giant Leaf Insect Slitterhead, which is where the real battle begins. Fortunately, there are lodes of civilians in the room with you, allowing you to switch to them if things start going south, allowing you to use War Cry to distract the Slitterhead.

Whenever it’s distracted, switch back to Julee and use her Revive All Skill to replenish her health, or press R1/RB to absorb the blood from the ground to replenish it. Use her parry often and unleash Sonic Claws whenever it’s available for substantial damage, and it will be taken down swiftly!

Sleepless Zone Rewards

Obtaining 7 Skill Tokens for clearing Sleepless Zone for the first time in Slitterhead.

Clearing Sleepless Zone for the first time will net you Seven Skill Tokens, allowing you to further level Julee up, making her even more of a powerhouse. We urge you to spend them wisely, maybe on her Active Skills, but pretty much anything will be fine here.

Please note you will also have more ‘Talk’ conversations unlocked upon clearing this mission; ensure you exhaust all of them before doing anything else, as they are crucial to unlocking more missions and even more Rarities!


Silent Hill 2: New Game Plus, Explained

Everyone loves a good New Game Plus, but Silent Hill 2 handles it a bit differently than others.

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