How To Build A Mewtwo EX Deck In Pokemon Pocket

How To Build A Mewtwo EX Deck In Pokemon Pocket

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Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket continues to demand our attention, despite being released alongside other blockbuster titles like Dragon Age: The Veilguard. This simplified version of the Pokemon TCG’s battle system makes it easier than ever to pick up the Pokemon TCG in a simplified format.


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However, with a modified ruleset and reworks of the energy mechanic, Pokemon Pocket will require you to focus closely on deck building, as you’re limited to a maximum of 20 total cards. Luckily, the restrictions imposed make the game much simpler to pick up and learn, especially when you start with a Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir deck.

What Cards Do You Need For A Mewtwo Ex & Gardevoir Deck?

A Mewtwo EX from Genetic Apex In Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

As you might expect, the Mewtwo pack in Genetic Apex is the first pack you should focus on to build a Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir deck in Pokemon Pocket.

Mewtwo and the Gardevoir line are your main targets from the Mewtwo pack, along with Giovanni, if you decide to keep him in the deck.

You can use any version of Mewtwo ex for this deck, as each one offers the same battle stats, with the only differences lying in their appearances and rarity.

Sabrina can be found in the Charizard pack, but the rest of the item cards are available for purchase from the shop exchange on the bottom.

Mewtwo ex & Gardevoir Deck

The Mewtwo EX from Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The Gardevoir from Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Kirlia from Genetic Apex In Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The Ralts from Genetic Apex In The Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Mewtwo ex x2

Gardevoir x2

Kirlia x2

Ralts x2

The Potion from Genetic Apex in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The X Speed from Genetic Apex in the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The Poke Ball from Genetic Apex in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Red Card from Genetic Apex in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Potion x2

X Speed x2

Poke Ball x2

Red Card x1

Professor's Research from Genetic Apex in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Sabrina from Genetic Apex in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Giovanni from Genetic Apex in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Professor’s Research x 2

Sabrina x2

Giovanni x1

Building this exact deck may take time, and you might need to substitute cards, depending on what you do and don’t have access to.

Some possible replacement choices include Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar ex if you’d like to reduce the reliance on certain trainer items, like Red Card. However, there are no other outstanding cards that currently fit this deck.

How To Play A Mewtwo Ex & Gardevoir Deck

The Sabrina Full Art from Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir deck focuses on capitalizing on the excellent partnership between Gardevoir and Mewtwo ex.

Mewtwo’s biggest downfall is its high energy cost for its best attack, Psydrive, which does 150 damage but costs four energy to use and also forces you to discard two Psychic energies after your attack.

However, Gardevoir is a superb Psychic energy battery, as the Psy Shadow ability allows Gardevoir to take one Psychic energy from your Energy Zone and place it on the Pokemon in the Active slot.

With this ability, Mewtwo will gain two energy every turn – one from Gardevoir, and another as usual from the energy pool.

Once Mewtwo hits four energy, it will be able to attack with Psydrive every turn, as long as you dedicate both energies to it.

You can play Ralts or Kirlia in the Active slot first if you want to annoy your opponent with damage while you wait to evolve into Gardevoir.

Once you get Mewtwo in the active slot and Gardevoir set up to support, it’s almost impossible to lose unless you make an error, or you’re attacked by something strong enough to deplete Mewtwo’s substantial 150 HP.

Use Giovanni to improve your damage with weaker attacks while you set up, allowing you to stack chip damage on your opponent.

Lastly, Sabrina is your ace-in-the-hole, who will allow you to derail your opponent by sending their perfectly set-up card to their bench in exchange for another Pokemon.

This deck takes practice to master how and when to deploy your Pokemon, so give it some time to learn and you’ll be winning battles with ease.


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