In the previous chapter of Chicken Police: Into The Hive, Sonny and Marty performed an autopsy on Frank and discovered the king’s ring inside him. They then realized how all these events were connected. Lady Kayla was behind it all! Before they could leave the M.E.A.T. Factory, however, Mongrel Mick intercepted them, putting them in a dangerous position.

Chicken Police: Into The Hive! Review – A Clucking Solid Sequel
Rejoin “hard-boiled detective” Sonny Featherland as he sets out to unscramble yet another mystery.
Mick, who had killed Frank, fired at Sonny with the intent to kill him as well, but Marty threw himself in front of the bullet, saving Sonny. Although Sonny wishes it was just a dream, the events are all too real, and now you must face the aftermath in this chapter.
Chapter Four – This Cock Never Sleeps Walkthrough
You start this chapter in front of the Clawville Police Dept. Sonny feels guilty about Marty being shot and heads inside. After speaking with Monica, a new location will unlock on your map: the Clawville Central Railway Station.
This indicates that Sonny has decided to leave everything behind and depart from the city. If you talk to Monica, Moses, or Bloodboyle at the department, they’ll offer you comfort, but the only place you can go is the station.
When you arrive at Clawville Central Railway Station, there isn’t much to do. Click on the upper platform on the right side. First, click on the building’s roof on the left, labeled ‘Leaving Clawville’, then click on the train on the right. Monica will approach Sonny, informing him that with Filmar’s help, they’ve tracked a suspicious shipment, and she’ll ask you to investigate.
If you click on the suspicious cargo at the front of the train three times, you’ll discover that it contains insect meat headed to Stowania and is connected to the New Unity Church. You’ll also learn that the King’s wedding with Lady Kayla is set for tonight. Afterward, you and Monica will arrive in front of Zipp’s Cafe.
When you reach Zipp’s Cafe with Monica, if you’ve learned all of her backstory, the task ‘What’s Up With Monica?’ will complete, granting you the ‘A True Friend’ achievement.
If you have started Bloodboyle’s Birthday mission, Zipp and Mullen will not be in the cafe until you complete it, and you will be unable to progress in the game. Therefore, you must give Bloodboyle the Golden Fang in advance at the Clawville Police Dept to finish this mission.
Once inside, after your dialogue with Zipp and Uncle Mullen, they’ll agree to join the big plan to stop everything happening. After speaking with Zipp, the task ‘The Big Plan!’ will update, and you’ll need to go meet the Queen.
Additionally, if you give Zipp’s Tail, which you obtained from the M.E.A.T. Factory in the previous chapter, to Zipp from your inventory, the task ‘A Strange Souvenir’ will complete.
After going to The Distant Light, head inside, where Brutus and Castor will try to stop you, but they’ll step aside since they know Monica by her nickname, Velvet Queen. Go through the Metal Door to reach the Queen. When you get there, you’ll see Calla is also present, talk to her. After speaking with the Queen, she’ll agree to join the big plan since her interests align with yours.
To complete the big plan, you’ll need to include Moses & Plato as well. So, head to Clawville Police Dept. When you get there, first talk to Filmar, who will express his support. After entering, speak with Moses & Plato, and you’ll have included everyone necessary for the plan.
The last step is to go to Sonny’s Flat. After talking to Monica there, the task ‘The Big Plan’ will complete. While in your apartment, if you click on the globe labeled ‘The Wilderness’ on the desk, you’ll obtain the Avirya codex entry.
Exhaust all dialogues with Monica, then click on the framed photo on the left side of Sonny’s desk, which includes Marty. After finishing all dialogues with Lewis, ask him about ‘The Great Plan.’ The only task left to complete this chapter will be arranging the event timeline:
Sentence |
Photo |
The news about M.E.A.T… |
…spreading through the city. |
Second & Seventh photo (Uncle Mullen & Pip) |
Stopping the shipment… |
…before it leaves the country. |
Third & Fifth photo (Moses & Plato) |
The King’s warning… |
… about the final plan |
First & Ninth photo (Calla &Lewis) |
A strange message… |
…with an insect cipher on it? |
Seventh photo (Filmar) |
Face-to-face with Lady Kayla… |
…in the cathedral. Fourth and sixth photo |
Fourth & Sixth photo (Sonny & Monica) |
After arranging the timeline and speaking with Lewis, the chapter will conclude.
Additionally, if you’ve collected all the art gallery pictures, you’ll earn the ‘Art Collector’ achievement.

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