There are seemingly endless items in the world of Stardew Valley. There are different seeds, weapons, gifts and treasures to be discovered. Some are exclusive to Ginger Island, and others you can only get through fishing. Regardless, Concerned Ape has made sure to make this game feel incredibly replayable.

Stardew Valley: 28 Most Expensive Items You Can Sell
If you’re looking to make big money in Stardew Valley, these are some of the most expensive items you can sell.
There are, of course, items that are way rarer than others. You have to jump through hoops in order to obtain them, and for some it’s almost impossible to get them without knowing a trade secret. Keep reading to find out how to obtain the rarest items in Stardew Valley.
Tea Set
Feast Of The Winter Star
The Tea Set is only obtainable as a gift during the Feast of the Winter Star. You can get it from almost anybody, but the chances are incredibly low. There are many players who have multiple saves and have never gotten the Tea Set.
If you stick to one save, there’s a five percent chance that you can buy the tea set for 1,000,000 from the Traveling Cart. You’re also able to sell or gift the item, though there’s not really a reason to. It only sells for 200g, and most players dislike it.
Mines And Joja
The Auto-petter is a tool that you can place in a coop or barn. It pets your animals for you so that you don’t have to take the time to pet them each day. It prevents animals from losing friendships, and you can stack manual pets with auto ones.
If you’re playing the Joja route, these are pretty obtainable. You can buy them for 50,000g from JojaMart. But if you opt for the community center, you just have to find one in a Skull Cavern treasure chest, which makes it completely random.
Rare Weapon
Meowmere is the rarest weapon in the game. You have to throw an ancient doll in the lava mines, which gives you the Far Away Stone. From there, you can place the stone on the plant pedestal in the basement of the Wizard’s Tower.

Stardew Valley: The Most Expensive Fish In The Game
Angling for the Angler profession in Stardew Valley? Here are the best fish to sell to make some quick cash.
This is especially hard to get because you need to find an ancient doll and unlock the wizard’s basement to succeed. But, of course, it’s worth the time it takes because the sword is so unique.
Weird Statues
Lucky Three
There are hidden statues that you can find by doing odd tasks. ??Foroguemon?? is found by placing a strange bun in Vincent’s toy chest, ??HMTGF?? is found by putting a super cucumber in a box near the Blacksmith’s shop, and ??Pinky Lemon?? is only discovered by putting void mayonnaise in a purple box at the Stardrop Saloon.
There is only one of these in each game, which makes them rare, plus they’re found in very odd ways. Unless you know the secrets of these strange statues, you might never find them.
Ostrich Egg
Animal Product
You can get an Ostrich Egg by following journal scrap #10 on Ginger Island. This journal scrap can only be found in rare chests in the Volcano Dungeons. Once you get this egg, you want to put it into an Ostrich Incubator.
If, by some chance, you accidentally make the egg into mayonnaise, it’s very hard to get another egg. There is a very rare chance you’ll get it in the drops on the Volcano Dungeons, but it’s incredibly unlikely, so make sure to cherish your first egg.
Rare Treasure
A Pearl is an item that you have a lot of opportunities to get, but there is a very low chance of actually finding one. The only guaranteed pearl is at the Mermaid Boat during the Night Market. After that, you can try to get another through Golden Treasure Chests, Mystery Boxes, or Fish Ponds.

Stardew Valley: Guide To The Night Market
The night market offers you the chance to buy rare items, see a show, go fishing and even grab a free coffee. What more could you want?
Pearls are very helpful. They can be sold for 2,500g, put in fish tanks, given as a gift (which all villagers love), or turned into a bridal veil, which is its most popular use.
Living Hat
Rare Clothing
Many people believe that the living hat is the rarest drop in the game. You can get this hat by cutting weeds (0.001% chance) or fighting Wilderness Golems (0.01%) or Iridium Golems (0.02%).
This weird leafy plant absorbs moisture from your head, which keeps it alive. It’s hard to find, and many players have gone through multiple saves with no luck finding it.
Arcade Systems
Prairie King And Junimo Kart
If you beat Prairie King or Junimo Kart, you’ll get your very own arcade machines. You can place the games anywhere you want, indoors or outdoors, and they are playable.
The Junimo Kart Arcade System can only be beaten in progress mode, which means you beat different levels. Therefore, endless mode is useless for this particular item.
Iridium Krobus
Endless Friend
Iridium Krobus is an item that not everybody knows exists. There is only one in the game, and you can get it by fishing in the Ocean near the Cindersap Forest. You have to go as far down as possible to cast your line properly to catch this statue.

Stardew Valley: A Guide To Becoming Roommates With Krobus
Not interested in the typical marriage candidates of Stardew Valley? Consider an alternate option: becoming roomies with Krobus.
One of the reasons this is so rare is that you have to level 15 Fishing to get it. You can reach this level by grinding until you’re level 10 and then eating foods that increase your fishing levels.
You can use Qi Seasoning to boost your food
Movie Posters
Individually Rare
To get movie posters, you have to beat the Community Center and then unlock the Movie Theater. From there, you have to buy a ticket when the game is playing and use the crane machine until you get the poster.
In total, there are eight different posters. Posters are usually only available during specific seasons, so collecting them all is a fairly difficult task.
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