The Best Pokemon ex In Pokemon TCG Pocket

The Best Pokemon ex In Pokemon TCG Pocket
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Ex Pokemon are some of the most powerful cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket. They usually have the strongest attacks, and most useful abilities that can flip the game state the moment they hit the field. However, not all ex cards are created equally, and some command more respect than others.


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Every ex Pokemon has something different to offer to the player using them with some being more reliable for gathering points while others can act as support for the real heavy hitters of your deck. So let’s rank them all from worst to best and see which one truly is the Alpha of Pokemon TCG Pocket.


Arcanine ex

Powerful But Vulnerable

Arcanine ex seems like a powerful Pokemon but that 20 recoil damage can be a dealbreaker for some. It can be great for one-shooting many Pokemon, but if it needs to use the Move more than once, it comes increasingly in danger of getting taken down by your opponent.

If gaining 20 damage can tilt the scales in your favor, then losing 20 each time it attacks will do the same for your opponent.


Machamp ex

Muscles And Brute Strength

Machamp ex is all muscle and no tactics. While other ex Pokemon do their best to give you a lighter Retreat Cost and multiple Moves to strike at your opponent with, Machamp ex gives you high HP and one devastating Punch.


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So, while not the most incredible Pokemon ex, it will get the job done while being able to withstand even the harshest blows from your opponent.


Wigglytuff ex

Will Knock You Out With A Song

Wigglytuff ex is good for some janky strategies but not a top contender. Sleepy Song does 80 damage and puts your opponent’s Pokemon to sleep.

Combined with other sleep-inducing Pokemon, you could potentially keep your opponent at bay for the rest of the game. This is also a guaranteed status effect as opposed to a coin flip one, which immediately gives it more usability.


Zapdos ex

Can Lightning Strike More Than Once?

The only reason Zapdos Ex is less favorable than Articuno ex, is because it cannot take advantage of Misty for Energy acceleration. However, this is still a formidable Pokemon for single-bird decks.


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Thundering Hurricane has the chance to hit four times in a row, dealing 50 damage each time. This can blow your opponent away even though it relies on luck. This card also has the least expensive Retreat Cost of the three legendary birds.


Moltres ex

An Excellent Support Card

Moltres Ex is not a Pokemon you want attacking for damage. Heat Blast does 70 damage for three Energy which is costly for such little output. Unlike the other birds, this one cannot lead the charge by itself.

It does, however, prove its worth by being a fantastic Energy accelerator for some of the best Fire-type Pokemon in the game. So credit is given where credit is due.


Exeggutor ex

Easy To Set Up But Lacks A Consistent Bite

Exeggutor may not be the most amazing Pokemon ex, but it has high HP and a Move that only costs one Energy. As opposed to other Pokemon ex that might give you nothing in return for your coin flips, Exeggutor ex hits with a base 40 damage.


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If you do get the coin toss right though, you can do 80 damage, which is respectable for a Stage One Pokemon.


Blastoise ex

High Powered Water Cannons

Blastoise ex has the potential to do 160 damage each turn if you invest five Energy into it. This can be made easier with the help of Misty.


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With 180 HP and no Moves that require you to discard Energy when you use them, this card feels like a sleeping giant. However, with Pikachu on the loose, it might get tricky getting Squirtle to Stage Two.


Gengar ex

A Floodgate To Scare Opponents

Gengar ex is an underrated choice, but only because by the time you get it on the field your opponent has already used their Professor Oaks and Mistys. However, it can stop your opponent from using Sabrina or Giovanni in the late game.

While this card has potential, the fact that many of the best cards are Items and not Supporters limits what it can do. Regardless, the card art makes you want to play it.


Marowak ex

A Rogue Competitor

If you’re looking for a budget-friendly Pokemon ex, then Marowak ex is the way to go. Players already start with Cubone and Marowak ex is one a few stone skips away.


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While not in the highest tiers of the meta, Marowak ex can knock out the most unevolved Basic Pokemon with one coin flip. If you’re lucky and get two, it can also knock out many of the powerful Pokemon ex.


Articuno ex

So Good It Is The Only Pokemon In Your Deck

Articuno ex is the best legendary bird to create an 18-item deck around. It has two solid attacks which allow it to strike at only two Energy. Meanwhile, Blizzard not only hits your opponent’s Active Pokemon but slaps the Bench for ten damage each.

It has good health, it’s compatible with Misty, and being a Basic Pokemon means you don’t have to worry about setting up pre-evolutions.


Venusaur ex

A Titan Than Just Keeps Healing

Healing 20 HP with Potion can help you stall out for an extra turn. This is why Venusaur ex is one of the best Grass-type Pokemon in Pokemon Pocket. By using Giant Bloom, not only deals damage but heals 30 HP each turn.


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While the Move is costly, Venusaur ex already has the most HP in the game, making it a nightmare for your opponent to remove from the field.


Charizard ex

The Strongest Attack In The Game

Pokemon never fumbles a Charizard and the card once again finds itself as a top-tier chase item in Pokemon TCG Pocket. With 180 HP and two different Moves, this Pokemon has plenty of options for striking down Basic Pokemon and other top-tier Pokemon ex.

This is the only card that can blow away every single Pokemon in the game in only one hit. With Venusaur having a max of 190HP and Crimson Storm doing 200 damage.


Mewtwo ex

The Ultimate Psychic Pokemon

With 150 HP and a maximum damage output of 150, Mewtwo ex can sweep the field each turn with the help of Gardevoir. Mewtwo ex is also weak to Darkness Pokemon. Luckily, there aren’t that many in Genetic Apex so the chances of a bad matchup are reduced.


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This card also has Psychic Sphere as a backup in case you want to save your use of Psydrive for the bigger threats you come across.


Starmie ex

Swift And Agile

Starmie Ex is one of the best Water-type Pokemon ex due to how fast and evasive it can be. With decent HP, a solid 90 attack for only two Energy, and a free retreat cost, this card has everything going for it.

This is why Starmie is often the first pick for a Water-type deck and with Misty’s Energy acceleration, it quickly climbs the tier list of ex Pokemon.


Pikachu ex

Can Outplay The Best Cards

Pikachu ex is the best Pokemon ex in the game. While it only has 120 HP, it is fast enough that it can stop your opponent before they get an attack.

With up to 90 damage with a full Bench at the cost of two Energy, Pikachu ex can cook Charizard and Mewtwo before they can complete their setups. It is also super effective against Starmie. This card is just way too fast and, because of that, it deserves the crown.


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