The Best Perks To Unlock First In Sengoku Dynasty

The Best Perks To Unlock First In Sengoku Dynasty

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Sengoku Dynasty has four skill trees that represent the legend that has grown around your new kingdom in the Nata Valley. You can level them up by performing deeds from within each tree’s purview, gaining Perks that will enhance both your character and your Dynasty as a whole.


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While all of the skills available to you are certainly useful, some of the Perk trees – particularly Way Of The Warrior – have a lot of options to choose from. If you aren’t sure how best to spend your points, these tried-and-true picks will serve you well.


Skillful Constructor / Skillful Lumberjack

a player uses a wooden hammer to build a workshop in sengoku dynasty.

Way Of The Craftsman, Tier 1

You’re going to spend a lot of time early on chopping wood and building structures. As such, taking as many points as possible in both Skillful Constructor and Skillful Lumberjack is one of the best things you can do at the very beginning of your journey.

These skills reduce your Stamina consumption when using Hammers and Axes, respectively, letting you work more efficiently. They’re also required to unlock higher tiers in Way Of The Craftsman, which is where you’re likely to see the bulk of your Perk Points during the first few hours.

Skillful Miner is useful too, but not nearly as critical at the start of the game.


Hard Worker

Way Of The Craftsman, Tier 2

Once you unlock the second tier of Way Of The Craftsman, it pays to start spending points on Hard Worker. This all-purpose skill increases your maximum Stamina, which not only lets you gather and craft longer, but also fight and sprint.

Stamina is one of the biggest limiters to your effectiveness, so the higher you can get it, the better your character will be overall.


Ebisu’s Boon

the player loots an enemy stash in the sosogi region looter camp in sengoku dynasty.

Way Of The Leader, Tier 1

Leader XP is harder to come by while your first village is getting underway, so it’s understandable if you’re cautious about where to spend it. It might be tempting to take Effective Meals Distribution to lower your Food needs, but your villagers should be able to produce much more than they consume until the population really starts to grow.

Instead, consider taking Ebisu’s Boon. This blessing from the kami gives you better loot chances from chests and enemies. It won’t be long before you strike out to start battling the bandits that threaten your village, so you may as well enhance the rewards you get for risking your neck!

If you don’t need fallen foes’ trinkets, you can always sell them to Chiyone or another trader to get more coins, which you can use to unlock more building blueprints.


Warrior Apprentice

a looter attempts to parry the player's attack in sengoku dynasty.

Way Of The Monk, Tier 1

Combat skills dramatically increase your chances of survival while exploring and fighting, so it’s important to level up Way Of The Warrior as quickly as you can. You can use the Monk XP that you get from completing early-game quests to invest in Warrior Apprentice, which increases the rate at which you gain Warrior XP.


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Once you have Warrior Apprentice, getting Warrior XP is simply a matter of hunting and fighting. Even shooting deer and hares with your bow will help you gain levels in Way Of The Warrior – though battling human opponents will yield much more.


Quick Attacker

Way Of The Warrior, Tier 1

Fights in Sengoku Dynasty can be a matter of attrition, whether it’s Stamina, Health, or both. Building up Quick Attacker to its maximum level will increase the damage that you deal with light attacks (i.e., normal strikes) by a significant amount, helping you end fights faster.

A rapid combo of light attacks can be one of the most effective strategies for dealing damage, so long as your opponent isn’t in a position to counter.


Animal Trophy Hunter

the player lines up a shot at a far-off deer in sengoku dynasty.

Way Of The Warrior, Tier 1

Until you have this Perk, hunting animals will only yield meat. That’s certainly a good enough reason to hunt when you’re hungry, but the sooner you unlock Animal Trophy Hunter, the sooner you’ll be able to start stockpiling pelts, fat, and other crafting materials.

Try to have Animal Trophy Hunter unlocked before undertaking Kengyo’s quest, as it requires you to do some hunter. You may as well get the full value of your effort, after all.


Ranged Attacker

Way Of The Warrior, Tier 2

The safest way to eliminate a foe is to do so before they are close enough to counterattack. Ranged Attacker increases the damage you deal with bows, thrown yari, and other ranged weapons, making it more likely that you can pick off an enemy before they close to melee range.

This has the added benefit of saving arrows. It also makes it easier to bring down animals like deer in one shot; otherwise, there’s a chance that your wounded prey could escape while you line up the second shot.


Trained Toughness

the player approaches a large gang of looters in sengoku dynasty.

Way Of The Warrior, Tier 2

When all else fails, you can rely on having enough Health to survive enemy attacks and unexpected falls. It may not be an elegant solution, but simply having more HP can and will keep you from having to respawn at least once throughout your journey.

The more points you put into Trained Toughness, the more bonus Health you’ll get. If you find yourself losing fights, a few extra points could make all the difference.

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