If players want to become a real choom when it comes to learning the ropes of Night City in Cyberpunk 2077, then they might want to check out some pro tips to harness the true powers that cybernetics can provide when it comes to embracing the identity of a legend that everyone will drink to in The Afterlife.

7 Reasons Why Cyberpunk 2077 is Replayable
Cyberpunk 2077 can offer players a variety of reasons as to why they should replay the game, and its stellar combat and narrative are among them.
Cyberpunk 2077 has so many different ways to play thanks to its RPG-heavy mechanics, and these tips might aid players in discovering the V that they want to be, and also provide them with the tips that will make them rival Adam Smasher and Morgan Blackhand as Night City’s up-and-coming merc.
6 Experiment with Air Dashing
The Air Dash Perk Allows Players to Enhance Movement in Combat
There are many perks in Cyberpunk 2077 that will aid how players experience fast-paced combat, but Air Dash is perhaps one of the most important ones of them all. Not only will the speed of dashes be increased, but the cost of stamina will also decrease, and the ability to mid-air dash unlocks further potential for fighting.
Air Dash is a perk that everyone should strive towards, and while it may take 15 Attribute Points in Reflexes, it’s more than worth it, especially since it opens more movement options and versatility to evade difficult fights and stay always on the move.
5 Become a Cyberpsycho
Enhance Cyberware with Technical Ability Perks
Technical Ability is a vital component to many builds due to its dependent synergy with cyberware from Ripperdocs. By investing in this Attribute, players can unlock the furthest potential for cyberware that can turn them into the ultimate cyberpsycho by amassing an army of chrome in their body.
Experimenting with Ripperdocs to provide players with the best cyberware for every slot is a great idea for crafting the ultimate V. This is how players can truly maximize what V they want, as they can invest heavily into Quickhacks and RAM, or strengthening armor and critical hit bonuses, all through the power of cyberware.
4 Try Out the Life of a Netrunner
Invest in Intelligence to Disable and Instantly Kill Enemies
While most players might elect to do some serious damage with a gun, those who invest in the Intelligence Attribute will know that the mind is equally as capable of destroying foes. A Netrunner build is extremely powerful to those who invest heavily into its potential and for a few reasons.

Cyberpunk 2077: 6 Characters Who Should Be in the Sequel
Project Orion, the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, should feature these returning characters to better bridge the previous entry into Night City.
Netrunners have access to a plethora of Quickhacks that can see enemies forced to kill themselves or have their weapons disabled completely to make them easy prey. Netrunning isn’t for everyone, but it’s a great way to show how a pro can run Night City.
3 Use Breach Protocols for Stacks of Eddies
Hack Networks for Shards and Eurodollars
While players should always experience the stories of Night City for Street Cred, XP, and Eurodollars, an infinitely reliable source of income is through data terminals and networks that can be interacted with to begin a breach protocol minigame that will see Eurodollars upon completion.
Most players might ignore these breach protocols due to their complex nature, but once players look into them, they really are quite simple, and it’s all about matching the numbers together to ensure a tier 3 success that will provide players with the riches they need.
2 Motorcycle Combat Makes for Quick Entrances and Fast Escapes
The Fastest Vehicles in the Game Aid in Evasion and Damage Potential
One of the most impressive aspects of Update 2.0 was the introduction of vehicle combat, and how players can now take to their cars and bikes and deal some serious damage. Motorcycles are definitely the way to go, not only for vehicle combat but for movement in general due to their fast speeds and quick turns.

Cyberpunk 2077: 7 Characters That Deserved Better
Night City isn’t a nice place, and some of the most memorable Cyberpunk 2077 characters deserved better fates than this city gave to them.
Motorcycles are the superior vehicles of Cyberpunk 2077, and the fact that players can utilize their weapons so efficiently on them further proves that point. Those who want to fight while on the move should definitely give a motorcycle a rev.
1 Know the Power of Iconic Weapon Types
Different Weapons Benefit From Different Perks
Gunplay in Cyberpunk 2077 is a lot of fun, and it’s aided by the potential of Iconic Weapons that all have unique modifiers and stats that can help the way that players experience each pull of the trigger. Whether it’s extended damage, better recoil, or even health siphon, make sure to read up on each of the Iconic Weapons to understand what advantages they have.
Not only are Iconic Weapons important, but the weapon types themselves. Players will need to understand that investing in Smart Weapons requires Intelligence perks, and Revolvers needs the Cool Attribute, so don’t invest heavily in a set that doesn’t have interesting weapons for your builds.

- Released
- December 10, 2020
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